Canada – Fast Becoming a Third-World Country


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Canada - Fast Becoming a Third-World Country

My family and I came to Canada in the late 1980’s to embrace a liberal democracy, freedom of religion and expression, honesty and accountability. At that time, all these values existed. Canada was a first-class country which the world looked up to, and we became proud Canadians. It was too good to be true.

However like in a horror movie, I kept looking behind my shoulder to see if the phantom I had left behind was lurking in the dark.

Thirty years later that feeling has materialized into reality.

We have an upcoming provincial election in Ontario. What do I vote for?

  • Corruption?
  • Hatefulness?
  • Idiocy?

These are the same choices I had in Pakistan. Politics in Canada has been infiltrated by money, meanderings and manipulations. Third-World politics are about tribalism and feudalism.

It’s not so different on the federal scene. We have a prime minister who “dances” to the tune of identity politics and is surrounded by a vested agenda. Today, Canada is the subject of late-night comedy.

When I first came to Canada, I wrote and spoke about the troubling situations many immigrants left behind in their lands of birth, and how they came here because they want change. My own land of birth was plagued with bomb blasts, corruption, kidnappings and a rise in fundamentalism.

I also mentioned that bringing foreign conflicts into Canada can only bode trouble and that we need to be cautious about letting Canada become a haven for extremists of all stripes. At the time I was called a fear-monger.

Fast forward to 2018.

This spring we saw the death of 15 people in Toronto when a van ploughed down pedestrians; yesterday there was a bomb blast in a neighbouring Mississauga family restaurant where my family and I have eaten; our prime minister wants to reward terrorists; Motion103 (against Islamophobia) has choked free speech.

What troubles me is the speed with which political correctness and a victimhood ideology has taken over Canadians. From now on the word “terrorism” has no place in our vocabulary. It can only be called “mental health issues” or incel (involuntary celibacy).

Europe is fast headed down a deep dark hole and the UK is lost. We can only save North America if we wake up and smell the coffee.



Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
What burns me is that Canada's infrastructure is worse than 3rd world. Mexico has socialized health care for everyone and better freeways than Canada.

Our TransCanada highway is a joke. From BC to the rest of Canada is just a skinny road and is shut down for weeks because of avalanches.

The rest of the TransCanada runs through small dinky towns.. and is in such disrepair.

Further, pipelines we can't even sends our resources to the coast, we are reliant on Saudi Oil.

That thong wearing, turd tapping PM we have in Canada tried to push for a pipeline to the BC coast, why not to the Eastern Coast through Quebec? Don't want to piss off your French voters??


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
That thong wearing, turd tapping PM we have in Canada tried to push for a pipeline to the BC coast, why not to the Eastern Coast through Quebec? Don't want to piss off your French voters??
From Kenora on thru it's all Liberal ridings.

You get what you pay for.

Hoof Hearted

House Member
Jul 23, 2016
Not sure why J.T. is showering Atlantic Canada with goodies. He's already won them over.

The only TV channel they get is the CBC...rife with Rick Mercer, the band Great Big Sea, fiddler Ashley Macisaac, and Rita McNeil reruns. All thanks to Canadian Content requirements.

In other words, they have terrible taste.

I heard 3 fiddle songs in a row once and wanted to walk into a McDonald's with a machine gun.


House Member
May 18, 2010
The Libs, headed by JT, are just a bunch of tax and spend lefties.
The country is going downhill big time.

See your Canadian retirement stocks and invest in the US where you will be able to get a decent return.


House Member
May 18, 2010


Someone put a lot of work into assembling a full list of Trudeau’s failings. People complain about the President of the USA, but he’s an amateur in terms of wrong-headed policies and flat out stupid actions compared to the Prime Minister.

Trudeau you're finished next election!!

People kind. Veterans asking for too much. The budget will balance itself. Ummm ummmm ummmm ummm. Canada has no core identity. Obsession with Indian wedding clothes.

Bollywood dancing. Can’t get a trade deal done...with anyone. Can’t get a pipeline any direction. Creepy sock fetish. More selfies than a class of teenage girls.

Replaces Canada’s old F-18s with Australia’s old F-18s. Waves to an empty tarmac when boarding the government plane. Thinks we should thank muslim refugees for moving to Canada. His love of all things Castro and all things Red China. Imposes tough regulations and taxes on oil from Alberta, Saskatchewan and Newfoundland but not oil from Saudi Arabia.

Every new project has to undergo strict environmental assessments...except cement plants in Quebec. Thinks old stock Canadians should be replaced. Chases foreign companies (and their investment capital) out of the country like they have the plague. Chases our WW1 soldiers out of our national anthem... lest we forget. Brings in 10s of thousands of unemployable “refugees”. Tweets out a welcome to 10s of thousands more fake refugees from the US (even gets the RCMP to be their bellhops). All his fake refugees get better healthcare than Canadians do, while they put a strain on all our public services and contribute little. Pays each refugee family $50,000 per year for doing nothing. Pays $10.5 million to a convicted terrorist who murdered an unarmed army medic. Forgot Alberta was a province.

Called small business owners “tax cheats” while he sucks at the teat of a family trust fund. Taxes cow farts. Screws up our trade relations with our most important trade partner because he failed to stop Chinese steel from flowing through to the states and he won’t give up supply management which hurts Canadian consumers. $8 million for a skating rink. $4.5 billion for a 65 year old pipeline (and KM uses that money to build a pipeline in Texas). Billions added to the national debt. Kokanee groper. Illegal migrants are just “irregular border crossers”.

Gets India to invest $250 million in Canada but we have to invest $750 million in India first. Compared returning ISIS terrorists to Italian immigrants and says they will be an extraordinary powerful voice for Canada. Terrorists deserve to keep their Canadian citizenship. Thinks Canada is 100 years old instead of 150. Generally making life less affordable for the average Canadian. Gave Canadian taxpayer’s money to the Clinton Foundation. Gave Canadian taxpayer’s money to Hamas. Increasing the number of personal pronouns to 50.

The only PM convicted of ethics violations. Outrage over fake racist attacks, says nothing about real terrorist attacks. Takes a personal day for every pair of socks he owns.

Stupid and incompetent. Remember the facts when voting next election people. Anyway you look at it this man is an idiot!!


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
800mer you got it partially right but it was the fascist Harper Conservatives that put Canada into the cesspool we live in today. Instead of scapegoating he supported publically a group and secretly started to dismantle the rights and freedoms of new Canadians and visible minorities and made sure that the power of male white privalage ruled the day. Luckaly the voters saw the writing on the wall and voted out the the Conservatives and voted in the Liberal party that tried to fix the injustices of a corrupt government under the Harper government. and it's going to take more than one term to do it right. If you remember it took Paul Martin under the Cretian Liberal government three term to fix Brian Mulrony's lavish spending. The next federal election is simple let the Liberals .fix the problems of vote in the Conservatives and lose your freedoms


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Not sure why J.T. is showering Atlantic Canada with goodies. He's already won them over.
The only TV channel they get is the CBC...rife with Rick Mercer, the band Great Big Sea, fiddler Ashley Macisaac, and Rita McNeil reruns. All thanks to Canadian Content requirements.
In other words, they have terrible taste.
I heard 3 fiddle songs in a row once and wanted to walk into a McDonald's with a machine gun.
Ever hear of satalite radio?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
800mer you got it partially right but it was the fascist Harper Conservatives that put Canada into the cesspool we live in today. Instead of scapegoating he supported publically a group and secretly started to dismantle the rights and freedoms of new Canadians and visible minorities and made sure that the power of male white privalage ruled the day. Luckaly the voters saw the writing on the wall and voted out the the Conservatives and voted in the Liberal party that tried to fix the injustices of a corrupt government under the Harper government. and it's going to take more than one term to do it right. If you remember it took Paul Martin under the Cretian Liberal government three term to fix Brian Mulrony's lavish spending. The next federal election is simple let the Liberals .fix the problems of vote in the Conservatives and lose your freedoms
SOmeone with no brains pay you for that garbage? Fact is Harper made things much better for the average Canadian and fixed many the disasters cretin and Martin foisted on us and now you want to help trudOWE destroy the country again.


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
SOmeone with no brains pay you for that garbage? Fact is Harper made things much better for the average Canadian and fixed many the disasters cretin and Martin foisted on us and now you want to help trudOWE destroy the country again.

Harper tried to destroy this country because he felt Canada would be better as a territory of USA and Andrew Scheer wants the same.You sound like you don't want Canada to succeed