Canada - Fast Becoming a Third-World Country
My family and I came to Canada in the late 1980’s to embrace a liberal democracy, freedom of religion and expression, honesty and accountability. At that time, all these values existed. Canada was a first-class country which the world looked up to, and we became proud Canadians. It was too good to be true.
However like in a horror movie, I kept looking behind my shoulder to see if the phantom I had left behind was lurking in the dark.
Thirty years later that feeling has materialized into reality.
We have an upcoming provincial election in Ontario. What do I vote for?
These are the same choices I had in Pakistan. Politics in Canada has been infiltrated by money, meanderings and manipulations. Third-World politics are about tribalism and feudalism.
It’s not so different on the federal scene. We have a prime minister who “dances” to the tune of identity politics and is surrounded by a vested agenda. Today, Canada is the subject of late-night comedy.
When I first came to Canada, I wrote and spoke about the troubling situations many immigrants left behind in their lands of birth, and how they came here because they want change. My own land of birth was plagued with bomb blasts, corruption, kidnappings and a rise in fundamentalism.
I also mentioned that bringing foreign conflicts into Canada can only bode trouble and that we need to be cautious about letting Canada become a haven for extremists of all stripes. At the time I was called a fear-monger.
Fast forward to 2018.
This spring we saw the death of 15 people in Toronto when a van ploughed down pedestrians; yesterday there was a bomb blast in a neighbouring Mississauga family restaurant where my family and I have eaten; our prime minister wants to reward terrorists; Motion103 (against Islamophobia) has choked free speech.
What troubles me is the speed with which political correctness and a victimhood ideology has taken over Canadians. From now on the word “terrorism” has no place in our vocabulary. It can only be called “mental health issues” or incel (involuntary celibacy).
Europe is fast headed down a deep dark hole and the UK is lost. We can only save North America if we wake up and smell the coffee.
My family and I came to Canada in the late 1980’s to embrace a liberal democracy, freedom of religion and expression, honesty and accountability. At that time, all these values existed. Canada was a first-class country which the world looked up to, and we became proud Canadians. It was too good to be true.
However like in a horror movie, I kept looking behind my shoulder to see if the phantom I had left behind was lurking in the dark.
Thirty years later that feeling has materialized into reality.
We have an upcoming provincial election in Ontario. What do I vote for?
- Corruption?
- Hatefulness?
- Idiocy?
These are the same choices I had in Pakistan. Politics in Canada has been infiltrated by money, meanderings and manipulations. Third-World politics are about tribalism and feudalism.
It’s not so different on the federal scene. We have a prime minister who “dances” to the tune of identity politics and is surrounded by a vested agenda. Today, Canada is the subject of late-night comedy.
When I first came to Canada, I wrote and spoke about the troubling situations many immigrants left behind in their lands of birth, and how they came here because they want change. My own land of birth was plagued with bomb blasts, corruption, kidnappings and a rise in fundamentalism.
I also mentioned that bringing foreign conflicts into Canada can only bode trouble and that we need to be cautious about letting Canada become a haven for extremists of all stripes. At the time I was called a fear-monger.
Fast forward to 2018.
This spring we saw the death of 15 people in Toronto when a van ploughed down pedestrians; yesterday there was a bomb blast in a neighbouring Mississauga family restaurant where my family and I have eaten; our prime minister wants to reward terrorists; Motion103 (against Islamophobia) has choked free speech.
What troubles me is the speed with which political correctness and a victimhood ideology has taken over Canadians. From now on the word “terrorism” has no place in our vocabulary. It can only be called “mental health issues” or incel (involuntary celibacy).
Europe is fast headed down a deep dark hole and the UK is lost. We can only save North America if we wake up and smell the coffee.