Gun Control is Completely Useless.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Gun deaths should be zero. If the efforts of people like you to arm the populace leads to more deaths, you are a sort of murderer.
. . . and if the deaths go down? How about the medical establishment that allows lung infections to be 2 of the top 10 killers in Canada (and probably in the US as well) Considering pneumonia has a cheap cure that is withheld are they guilty of being mass murderers? (or worse)

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
. . . and if the deaths go down? How about the medical establishment that allows lung infections to be 2 of the top 10 killers in Canada (and probably in the US as well) Considering pneumonia has a cheap cure that is withheld are they guilty of being mass murderers? (or worse)



House Member
Mar 3, 2012
Gun deaths should be zero. If the efforts of people like you to arm the populace leads to more deaths, you are a sort of murderer.

so now you are calling me an arms dealer and a murderer because I like venison instead of Mcdonalds. You really are a piece of shit.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Or a target shooter

Before you become an Ideologue like that dumb canadian....the first thing you have to do is loose all common sense.....

I used to compete in target rifles, way back when. Decades later, I've come to realize that most people are incapable of the sort of self-control that is needed to guarantee that they won't use firearms on another under the right circumstances. Professionals only, okay ... varmint guns for farmers, else needs a firearm.

so now you are calling me an arms dealer and a murderer because I like venison instead of Mcdonalds. You really are a piece of shit.

You really are a big baby. I'm sure glad that I'm not standing in front of you, right now ... you with a loaded something-or-other in hand (Are you the dingbat who carries a pistol in case of a bear encounter?)


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
I used to compete also with pistol against other members of the club, which included OPP's and RCMP's

Just because you can't trust yourself with a firearm doesn't mean that applies to everyone...
The only reason I would shoot at another human being or even an animal is to prevent serious harm to myself or another person!


House Member
Mar 3, 2012
there is one thing you can say about least they are consistent.

But consider me and cc, if my hunting rifle and choice to eat venison makes me complicit to murder, then his mcburgers makes him the guy that can't stomach his own dirty work so he hires a hitman.

I used to compete in target rifles, way back when. Decades later, I've come to realize that most people are incapable of the sort of self-control that is needed to guarantee that they won't use firearms on another under the right circumstances. Professionals only, okay ... varmint guns for farmers, else needs a firearm.

Your data set is limited and you don't have a degree in human nature so I would suggest that the only thing that you were capable of recognizing would be your own murderous tendancies.

I suggest you sell all your firearms.

Me? I was never a murderer, never will be. please seek help.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
there is one thing you can say about least they are consistent.

But consider me and cc, if my hunting rifle and choice to eat venison makes me complicit to murder, then his mcburgers makes him the guy that can't stomach his own dirty work so he hires a hitman.

You data set is limited and you don't have a degree in human nature so I would suggest that the only thing that you were capable of recognizing would be your own murderous tendancies.

I suggest you sell all your firearms.

Me? I was never a murderer, never will be. please seek help.

When I used to carry when prospecting I had to have the OPP sign off every permit renewal time..
This one year, the OPP at the front desk was an Officer that was so young, that I was probably shooting handguns before he was born..
So he takes his service pistol out, removes the magazine, racks the slide, goes to that box that they have to make sure a pistol is empty and dry fires it...
Then he hands it to me, and asks, "How would you check to make sure It's safe"?
I take his automatic, lock the slide open, grab a pencil on his desk, drop it in the barrel and show him the open breech with the other end of the pencil quite visible.....


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
You are a real piece of shit to imply that gun deaths are done thing "natural" and "normal" like cancer deaths and heart attacks. What an offensive idea.

Yes- LIE-berals really do expect us to simply adjust to shootings on the street and Muslim terror all some sort of natural phenomena like fires and floods and tornadoes!

LIE-berals want to legalize all sorts of hallucinogenic drugs fro the simple reason that you would have to be in a permanently altered mental state to live happily in LIE-beral land!

Its amusing how hostile some LIE-berals are to reports from the Toronto Sun newspaper so perhaps they will like this one from the National Post better?

The National Post tells us that a Chief nurse in London health centre was fired for exposing safety maladies at Ontario hospitals, Nurses association says.
National Post picked up this story from London Free Press and I have posted it along with some comments of my own in brackets).

The boss of London’s largest hospital has sacked his chief nurse to stop her from speaking out against changes that put patients across Ontario in harm’s way, the head of a powerful nursing association claims.

Murray Glendining, chief executive of London Health Sciences Centre, tried to buy the silence of his chief nursing officer, Vanessa Burkoski, offering her cash if she would resign quietly, but she refused and was fired, Doris Grinspun, chief executive of the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO), said Friday.

“It’s the most disgraceful thing I’ve seen in my 20 years at RNAO,” Grinspun told The Free Press.

Glendining fired Burkoski not for her work at the London hospital, where she received stellar reviews, served as a vice president and looked after safety and quality of care, but because she was serving as president of the RNAO when in May it produced a report that exposed how Ontario hospitals had harmed patients by replacing registered nurses with cheaper and less educated health care workers, Grinspun said. London Ontario nurse: Postmedia NetworkVanessa Burkoski

Glendining isn’t the first Ontario hospital boss to try to muzzle hospitals’ top nurses, Grinspun said. “Patients suffer the consequences because chief nurses are the safety valves,” she said. “We are outraged about this level of intimidation of nurses by CEOs who treat their hospitals like private organizations.”

But the London hospital boss went further by firing a nurse whose leadership in Ontario was almost unrivaled — before coming to London in 2011, Burkoski was the longest-serving provincial chief nursing officer, advising three Ontario health ministers.

(I say all this reminds me of how LIE-berals treat their auditor general Bonnie Lysyk! LIE-berals hired her away from Manitoba Hydro and then, when she pointed out errors and price gouging in OPG, LIE-berals denounced her as incompetent!) To be good at your job in LIE-beral land means PARROTING whatever CRAP govt desires of you-for the good of the PARTY!)

“(Burkoski) is a person of stellar integrity, judgment and experience,” Grinspun said. “(Her firing) is just unconscionable.”

Asked by The Free Press about Grinspun’s concerns, Glendining sent a brief email: “We can confirm that Vanessa Burkoski is no longer an employee at London Health Sciences Centre. LHSC does not comment on any personnel matters.”

But Burkoski spoke to The Free Press about what she says happened — she says she was called into Glendining’s office June 8 to discuss the report produced by RNAO, called Mind the Safety Gap.

When she arrived, she said, she was met by Glendining and his vice-president for human resources, Stephen Coulahan and offered a cash settlement if she would resign. When Burkoski refused, she said the two men asked her to reconsider, then meet with them again Monday.

Two more times, Burkoski said, she refused to resign with a cash settlement. “After three requests for my gracious exit, they asked me if I understood what a termination meant in terms of (my) reputation,” she said.

Glendining fired her, and then on Tuesday, sent to senior hospital leaders a vague email to announce that Burkoski was gone.

“Vanessa Burkoski, Chief Nursing Executive, and Vice President, Professional Scholarly Practice is no longer with London Health Sciences Centre. We thank her for her contributions and wish her the best,” the hospital boss wrote in an email obtained by The Free Press.

The sudden departure and terse note left some wondering if Burkoski had done something untoward or even illegal, Grinspun said.

(That`s a LIE-beral for you-they `lead` us like the Pigs in Animal Farm! Some of us are more equal than others!)

Under Grinspun’s leadership, the RNAO, which is not a union, has played a growing role — she led the successful push to get the province to scrap costly home care bureaucracies, called community care access centres.

(Sounds like LIE-beral sour grapes at a nurse trying to do a good job while embarrassing LIE-berals!)

The Free Press tried to reach Ontario Health Minister Eric Hoskins, but a spokesperson said he was unavailable Friday.

(This story was picked up by City Tv and they tried to get a nurse who worked with Burkowski to speak on camera but her boss canned that on grounds of privacy issues-bureaucrat privacy apparently trumps public health concerns?) Its our money that pays these people and WE are their customers but according to LIE-berals we have NO NEED to know HOW our money is spent , nor on whom! Not only is LIE-beral Big Brother watching, HE is issuing propaganda to cover HIS ass!)


House Member
Mar 3, 2012
When I used to carry when prospecting I had to have the OPP sign off every permit renewal time..
This one year, the OPP at the front desk was an Officer that was so young, that I was probably shooting handguns before he was born..
So he takes his service pistol out, removes the magazine, racks the slide, goes to that box that they have to make sure a pistol is empty and dry fires it...
Then he hands it to me, and asks, "How would you check to make sure It's safe"?
I take his automatic, lock the slide open, grab a pencil on his desk, drop it in the barrel and show him the open breech with the other end of the pencil quite visible.....

please choose your words more carefully, idiots like CC might think you are referring to an automatically firing handgun rather than an auto loading firearm. This is bound to make blood vessels pop out of his forehead.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Here is an article that grossly slants public opinion- or maybe it just illustrates how many Cdns have a guilty conscience about something or other? With some comments of my own in brackets): Poll only a snapshot of how Torontonians feel about policing: TPA By Joe Warmington, Toronto Sun. First posted: Thursday, October 12, 2017 01:33 PM EDT | Updated: Thursday, October 12, 2017 01:37 PM EDT First, it was eliminating street checks, then banning them from the Pride parade. Next, was the transformation policing and soon after, resource officers were kicked out of schools. What’s next? Well, a headline on a Newstalk 1010 poll by DART Insight and Communications indicates the degrading of policing by activists and some politicians continues. “Six in 10 are scared of the police” was the headline followed by the research, saying, “Today, six in 10 (61%) Torontonians indicate they’d be scared if they were pulled over by a police officer for no apparent reason.” (One HAS TO ASK WHY? Why are people scared of cops? Are there that many people STILL texting while driving? Are there that many people with BAD driving habits who justly FEAR seeing a cop in the rear view mirror? Are there that many Torontonians who are doing something or other that they SHOULD NOT? We KNOW that Yankees who get shot by cops are usually armed and dangerous- having outstanding warrants and a habit of fighting back to avoid arrest WILL get you shot! But is this standard behaviour for Torontonians? Or is this poll RIGGED?) It’s easy for media — social or corporate — to run with such a story and many did. What they may not have told you is this determination comes of a sampling of 814 people — through an “online panel.” (OH? An ONLINE panel made up of people probably carefully SELECTED for their views! That explains a great deal!) There are 2.8-million Torontonians who did not take part. Still, the headline is out there and working it’s way through the news cycle, regardless. (Yes- LIE-beral loving news media dearly LOVES a sensational story and is not shy about making up FAKE NEWS!) “It’s all about the police budgeting numbers,” said Toronto Police Association president Mike McCormack. “Make no mistake that is what this is all about.” Needless to say, he’s not buying that stat of six out of 10 Torontonians being afraid of the cops. “We don’t hear that and we don’t see that,” McCormack said. (Oh but you COULD hear that- just ask the guy waiting for the cop to discuss the stop sign he rolled through, or the guy with the busted headlight that has not been fixed in 16 months, or the guy with the LARGE bag of weed- under his seat- the one that is NOT simply for medicinal purposes but is part of a DEAL, or the guy with the items for sale under the tarp in back of the truck- the items he does not actually own! All these people have reason to fear cops- but NOT because cops are bad or wrong somehow!) Of course, there are well-publicized incidents where policing goes wrong. Whether it’s a police shooting of Sammy Yatim or an officer losing his or her cool on a guy like Waseem Khan, who filmed police arresting a man that he would have his cell phone seized and he could get AIDS from the suspect’s spit. There was the time when cops were caught on their own dashboard camera mocking a Down Syndrome woman named Francie Munoz. There are real issues that come up each year. (It is LIE-beral time at the cop corral- nobody seems to recall the drug addict/transvestite/hooker cops arrested about 25 years ago- the one who BIT a cop hard enough to draw blood during the arrest and then gloated: “hahaha- now you have AIDS just like me”! And LIE-beral hug a thug judge decreed that cops had NO RIGHT to snoop into his medical records to see IF he might just really have Aids? So the bitten cop spent 6 months taking an early version of the anti Aids drug cocktail and shunned his wife and kids as well- for fear of them getting too close and catching what he MIGHT already have!) But 99% of policing goes well and we just don’t hear about it. My interaction with the pubic tells me people are afraid of gangsters, drug dealers and their bullets. Not police. In fact, the Toronto police service of 2017 is not only ethnically diverse to reflect the community, but is also diverse with experience, too. So many officers today come from varied career backgrounds and have taken on policing as a second career and are good at their jobs. (Toronto Police Service even has Muslim dorks on the force- such as Imam Khan- the Muslim religious leader hired to minister to cops in the same way that priests and rabbis traditionally do. Too bad Imam Khan got into trouble for his blog explaining his version of female rights- or lack of them! Such as their right NOT to leave the house unless hubby allows it! It’s the usual Muslim anti female crap- but he IS an employee of the Toronto Police Force- or was till his crap was exposed! And in standard Muslim style, Khan says he was misquoted and taken out of context!) This is going to be needed when legal marijuana is soon introduced to society and prevalent everywhere. This same poll also says Chief Mark Saunders is the “lowest rated in 18 years” at 69%. Being chief of police is not a popularity contest. He or she is not a politician, but the chief constable leading officers and answering only to the police board of civilians and elected. His or her job description is not to be politically-correct, a revenue collector for governments, or famous and connected, but is to keep the community safe from crime and enforce the laws of the land. As Mayor John Tory rightfully said on Newstalk 1010: Saunders “is doing a good job.” That he doesn’t kiss the media’s ring or jump to attention for every special interest group’s demand is actually refreshing. But what I worry about next, after cutting the number of officers, not letting them street check or mentor in the schools is the move to replace many of them with cameras, like we see with the electronic checkouts at the grocery store. Imagine cameras handing the revenue generation through photo radar everywhere and governments installing Big Brother-style eyes in the sky in every corner of the city to monitor behaviour. Cameras won’t call in sick, lose their cool, say the wrong thing or be labelled as racist. But they will also have no human concern about the humans that police serve and protect. The technology that is there for society could go from police officers with discretion into one massive police state — thanks in part to 814 anonymous people polled. Be careful what you wish for, folks. jwarmington at postmedia (I say its probably already too late! There is a basic lack of civility in the city. One sees it in the amount of garbage dumped in parks and other such public places. One sees it in the abuse handed out to TTC workers and others. If you don’t own it or feel any sense of belonging then its easy to defile a place. This is the creeping poison that we can thank Black Lives matter and wretched LIE-berals with their crippling taxes and endless greed and rabid Islamophobia for! We are becoming aliens in our own city!)


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =========================================================================An ILLEGAL GUN FACTORY in Britain!!!!!!!!! Its a damned good thing Brit thieves do not have a copy of a WW2 Brit machine pistol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those things could be stamped out of sheet metal!!!!!!!!!!! Brit machine pistols were routinely stamped out in secret shops all over Nazi Occupied Europe by Resistance groups!!!!!!!! ================= So much for ANY gun control!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ==========================

Poor stupid LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ============================= =========================== They want gun control in a world full of guns!!!!!! ========================= ========================= It is not gun control we need- it is CRIMINAL CONTROL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ====================== ====================== But vote hungry LIE-berals will not give us criminal control for fear of offending their strongest and most racist supporters!!!!!!! ================ ================


House Member
Mar 3, 2012
I take it your logic is "if we can't prevent 100% of guns from being made or imported, we shouldn't prevent any guns from being made and imported?"

I like that. It's the same logic as "we can't prevent or punish all murders, so murder shouldn't be illegal."

Not at all. I tend to favor the Oakes test. It is based on the principle of proportionality.