Canadians prefer Trump over trudeau


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
There is far to many new Canadian MP's in parliament, nothing wrong with the diversity IMO, but they should be at least 2nd generation Canadians so that their mindset is more toward Canadian values rather than old world philosophy.
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Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
There is far to many new Canadian MP's in parliament, nothing wrong with the diversity IMO, but they should be at least 2nd generation Canadians so that their mindset is more toward Canadian values than old world philosophy.

I agree- people who immigrate here from other places SHOULD NOT be permitted to hold places in govt! I believe Canada is the ONLY country in the world that permits foreigners to hold high or sensitive political office!

One has only to think of Italian born Alphonse Galliano- the LIE-beral minister at the heart of the Human Resources adscam THEFT OF THREE BILLION DOLLARS of our tax money!

Or we can point to Iqra Khalid- the Muslim LIE-beral minster who was born in Punjab and who is leading the charge on Islamophobia bigotry with vigorous efforts to poison our free speech and SILENCE ANY CRITIC OF ANY LIE-BERAL POLICY!

Or we can talk of Immigration minister Ahmad Hussein- the Somali born LIE-beral in charge of collecting tens of thousands of illegals and giving them a nice warm welcome into Canada- IN SPITE OF THE EXPRESS WISHES OF MOST CDNS!

And how about Muslim Maryam Monseff- the Iranian born witch who had a very public melt down in the middle of our parliament because Conservative members of her committee publicly INSISTED we must have a national referendum BEFORE implementing the very poisoned LIE-beral electoral reform garbage!

LIE-berals are engaged in trying to RIG our elections by jamming up our democracy with many small one issue splinter groups- the idea being to splinter our parliament so that no single party can ever again get control enough to shut off the mad spending machine that LIE-berals and their greedy civil service Hog allies have created!

And is it not odd that so many these duplicitous little problems have come to roost in the LIE-beral party?


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
I agree-

And how about Muslim Maryam Monseff- the Iranian born witch who had a very public melt down in the middle of our parliament because Conservative members of her committee publicly INSISTED we must have a national referendum BEFORE implementing the very poisoned LIE-beral electoral reform garbage!

And being an illegal immigrant to boot so JT had to hide her from the public view SMH


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
There is far to many new Canadian MP's in parliament, nothing wrong with the diversity IMO, but they should be at least 2nd generation Canadians so that their mindset is more toward Canadian values rather than old world philosophy.

I would much rather, no matter their ethnicity, that they be qualified for the position they hold, TM. As has been seen, few of them are and their lack of such is constantly on display.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
To fill a self imposed quota of gender, religion, race, etc. without qualification is just wrong on so many levels, doesn't matter if it's in business or Gov.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
It's very sad that J.T. is such a dummy, but what is really much sadder is about 55% of the electorate is worse. Did they learn nothing from the father?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I would much rather, no matter their ethnicity, that they be qualified for the position they hold, TM. As has been seen, few of them are and their lack of such is constantly on display.

There might be two or three exceptions, I don't think Ralph Goodale is too bad, or the woman from Northern AB or the woman doctor, her first name might be Jane. What is she? Minister of Health- the rest are pretty much run of the mill riff raff off the street!


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
There might be two or three exceptions, I don't think Ralph Goodale is too bad, or the woman from Northern AB or the woman doctor, her first name might be Jane. What is she? Minister of Health- the rest are pretty much run of the mill riff raff off the street!

Field Marshall Erwin Rommel was a very good general serving Adolf Hitler- and he was NEVER a member of the Nazi Party- so not active in politics at all- and it did NOT stop Brits from sending commandos to try and kill Rommel!

The point- which even a LIE-beral should be able to CLEARLY see- IS THIS: If you serve a bad master then that makes YOU bad by association!

Our idiot Boy Justin is the WORST PM we have ever had! He has wasted MORE MONEY than his vile father! Therefore he IS a bad master and those who serve him are ALSO BAD!

This article documents an ugly achievement- performed this spring 2017- by Our idiot Boy Justin, and there are some comments of my own in brackets):

PIERRE TRUDEAU had second highest govt per-person spending since 1870.

(Oh my- Our idiot Boy has now-as of Oct 2017- SURPASSED HIS vile father Pierre in stupid spending excess!)

POSTMEDIA NETWORK. First posted: Thursday, May 11, 2017 06:37 AM EDT | Updated: Thursday, May 11, 2017 06:46 AM EDT

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is leading one of the costliest governments since 1870, according to a study by the Fraser Institute released Thursday.

The study looks at per-person spending by all of the prime ministers, year over year, adjusted for 2017 dollars. According to its data, the Liberal prime minister's budget for 2017 amounts to the second highest year for spending, with a projected $8,337 per-person spending, putting it just $38 shy of Stephen Harper's 2009 Conservative government, which was dealing with a recession.

(And yet HYPOCRITE LIE-berals whine that Harper did not do enough to aid Cdns suffering from that recession! And LIE-berals do not want to discuss the HUGE pressure put on Harper by civil service Hogs to spend even more! The Hogs were outraged that Harper would seek to rein in govt spending at their expense by freezing their wages- but Hog greed and LIE-beral lust for power are not founded on logic!)

Since taking office in 2015, Trudeau has also increased per-person spending at an average of 5.2% a year, which is far higher than Harper's, whose spending, from 2006 to 2015, increased at an average of 1.3% per year. This even eclipses that of his late father, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, the Liberal prime minister from 1968-1978 and 1980-1984, whose average spending increase was 4.2% per year.

(In other words Our idiot Boy has accepted the challenge and is spending hard and fast to eclipse all others to become the most wasteful and extravagant prime minister in Cdn history!)

Here is some other data from the study:

John A. MacDonald's 1870 Liberal Conservative Party government had the lowest per-person spending at $100.50, while Harper's had the highest in 2009 at $8,375

Conservative/Unionist PM Sir Robert Borden (1911-1920) had the largest average annual increase in spending at 12.8%, which was largely influenced by the First World War

Conservative Party PM Arthur Meighen (1920-1921, 1926) had the largest average annual decrease in spending at 23.1%. (after WW 1 ended!)

(LIE-beral govts led Canada for a total of 70 years in 20th century so with Conservatives holding the record for being most frugal during those years when there was no war, it becomes clear that virtually all of our debt from that time period comes from free spending LIE-berals throwing gravy at their pals!)

Since the Second World War, Liberal PM Louis St. Laurent (1948-1957) had the largest average annual increase at 7%, partially due to spending on the Korean War, and the Progressive Conservatives' Joe Clark (1979) had the largest decrease at 4.8%

More recently, the PC's Brian Mulroney (1985-1993) and Liberal's Jean Chretien (1994-2003) each saw annual decreases of 0.3%, while per-person spending by Liberal PM Paul Martin (2004-2005) increased by 2.6%

(WE see a consistent pattern here of LIE-berals spending madly for years- until Cdns grow angry and dump them out in favour of Conservatives who must struggle to restore fiscal order. Whoever becomes the next premier of Ontari-owe in 2018 will inherit a massive collection of LIE-beral fiscal messes!)

(Firstly there is the LIE-beral fake balanced budget that relies mainly on the sale of Ontari-owe Hydro to balance the books for this one year- plus LIE-berals raiding and emptying all provincial emergency funds so in 2019 the budget will START with a 5 billion dollar hole that must be filled- and not including the series of raises in Hog pay provided by contracts recently signed by LIE-berals!)

(There will also be the tax hit from LIE-beral carbon crap and trade which apparently involves sending several billion dollars to Quebec to purchase carbon credits for Ontari-owe-thanks to Quebec having so much water powered electrical generation- and don’t ask how this carbon credit aides the environment- not even a LIE-beral can properly explain it without descending into incoherent nonsense! With the added bonus that California-which is partnered with Ontari-owe on this carbon crap- is planning regular and major increases in the cost of Carbon credits- with Ontari-owe and Quebec required to play and pay along or see the whole carbon credit scam disintegrate and expose the LIE-beral environmental sham!)

(There is also the matter of enormous sums of money promised by LIE-berals for civil service Hog pension plans! Its money LIE-berals promised in years past in exchange for critical Hog votes. Its money we did not have when the promises were made and its money we don’t have now either. Any attempt to produce such money will break our economy!)

(If Conservatives win the next election then look for HUGE labour unrest in Ontari-owe as spoiled Hogs demand that gravy be magically created for their pension plans which are rapidly approaching bankrupt status due to govt not being able to shovel in the cash fast enough to satisfy Hogs. Hogs will launch crippling strikes at every opportunity and at every excuse with the goal of preventing Conservatives from governing! With Hogs utterly indifferent to cost and consequences of their spiteful behaviour-even if it ruins us. On the other hand, if LIE-berals cling to power in the next election then look for all manner of fees and taxes to soar in cost as LIE-berals gut our economy in order to pay for their gross promises! With the added bonus that we will have to go through a similar economic war 2 years later when Our idiot Boy Justin leads his free spending, Muslim loving hordes into the next federal election!)


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Cliffy is very salty because to this very day....

Canadians prefer President Donald Trump of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.