I still get a kick outta this.... It shouldn't be too long before Climate Barbie tweets some more inane comments
You heard about her tweet on the old and emaciated polar bear I take it. Yep, she opened her mouth and proceeded to jam her foot in it.
Part of the Sunny Ways team
Yet here in Canada we are trying to grow our economy and population through immigration all the while lowering our carbon emissions. Go figure .Not a surprise... Really, what do you expect from an agreement that has no penalty for not complying?
Not a surprise... Really, what do you expect from an agreement that has no penalty for not complying?
But on another note. I doubt you will find many states that have fully embraced Climate Change than Massachusetts. Yet when there is a major storm, the waters rush in (like they have for thousands of years of course) and not one thing is done. No major sea walls along the Boston waterfront, communities like Scituate, Marshfield, etc. get destroyed. Yet the state and towns does not want to ruin the quaintness of their waterfront by putting up "view impeding" walls. So called Climate Change really isn't that important to them, rhetoric is.
Climate change is really important right up to the point that it becomes inconvenient.
What about California? I thought they were eco-freaks.
Didn't they build their former governor - Arnold Schwarzenegger - out of recycled metal?