One day, a long time ago, it came to me in a flash of inspiration, that the second coming was a process, not an event. Jesus is a metaphor, an archetype of a consciousness that has been around for thousands of years, even before JC was supposed to have materialized 2000 years ago. The ancients were aware about many things but they couched them in symbolism, with each culture using symbols that made sense to them. The Jesus story is as old as the hills and twice as dusty but using different names.
Over many millennium, humans have evolved and we are fast approaching a state of consciousness that will allow us to understand what the metaphor was all about: we are no different than Jesus. We are all children of god/universe/great spirit/whatever. Jesus even said that when we finally wake up to who we really are we will be able to do far more than he was able to do. He never put himself above others and never claimed to be greater than anyone else. It was Paul and Constantine who made him a god. They missed the point of his teachings.
We are all spirit infused in matter. We have the divine spark in us. Once we wake up to our true potential as human beings we will come into our full power. Religion is the biggest drawback to us fully developing our full potential by telling us that we are lesser beings, sinful beings, hiding our divinity from us.
"We are stardust, we are golden and we've got to get ourselves back to the garden." - Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young.