What about the ice free North pole since 2013?
That should be enough to move any skeptic
I check weather conditions across the country quite regularly and I often notice temperatures of minus 30 and colder at Alert and even in summer Alert only has about six frost free weeks, so it's a mystery to me how the Pole can be ice free. Who perpetuates this shit?
Science does not deal with subjective experience... Well that is too bad because that is all any of us ever have. - Terence McKenna
Science does not deal with subjective experience... Well that is too bad because that is all any of us ever have. - Terence McKenna
Capitalism is the greatest scam in human history.
Global Warming Driving Record Snowfalls
Not really ....if snow only forms when there is enough water vapor and the excess water vapor is forming because of melting permafrost....the snow will not last long enough to form permafrost never mind glaciers. Remember it needs a warm enough surface to allow such water vapourNew glaciers in the making.
Ah so you finally get it!! The snow has been not only melting but is melting the permafrost is also.. Take a look at how many lakes have melted away in the past 30 years and beaches appearing in our Canadian polar region.If more snow falls in winter than melts in summer, what happens?
If more snow falls in winter than melts in summer, what happens?