So, how about that Syrian chemical attack thing?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
It must be quite a relief to know he is as dumb as the rest of the US presidents going back to Johnson. Perhaps this is Trump's Bay of Tonkin. As I recall the Vietnam war didn't end up being such a win for the US Military.
So when you going to Israel to pay your respects to them rather than going to gay Paree to get drunk?
Poor MHz. You just hate it when war crimes are punished.

Have a juice box. With your pills.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
The gulf of tonkin incident never did happen as per FOI, and the US did get their a$$ handed to them there and had to run...and vietnam is pretty darn small.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
well, at least the US and Isus have the same goals in public now
Just why was it that nobody could figure out that every attack against Assad resulted in ISIS being able to gobble-up some new territory? Being stupid doesn't come with that much built in denial. (for a few days until they lost it to Russia)

I see we still think we are in the old west where the hanging takes place in the morning before the bar opens and the trial is still in the afternoon after the bar has been open for a few hours. Even the Indians will be shaking their heads at the blatant show of stupidity.

Canada Backs U.S. Strikes in Syria
Canada "fully supports" the U.S. firing of cruise missiles at a Syrian airbase in response to a suspected chemical weapons attack, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Friday.
"Canada fully supports the United States' limited and focused action to degrade the Assad regime's ability to launch chemical weapons attacks against innocent civilians, including many children," he said in a statement.
"President Assad's use of chemical weapons and the crimes the Syrian regime has committed against its own people cannot be ignored," he added. "These gruesome attacks cannot be permitted to continue operating with impunity."

I wonder how the West is missing headlines like this when it is well known that ISIS doesn't have it's own pilots.

Nearly 300 died in Mosul airstrike, making it one of the deadliest attacks on civilians in recent memory - LA Times
Iraqi officials said Wednesday that they had removed nearly 300 bodies from the site of an apparent airstrike in west Mosul, the largest civilian death toll since the battle against Islamic State began more than two years ago and among the deadliest incidents in decades of modern warfare.
More bodies were being removed Wednesday as the U.S.-led coalition investigated whether it was responsible, Iraqi officials blamed Islamic State, and the injured continued to suffer.

Mosul's civilian deaths: How the US destroyed Iraq | | Al Jazeera
A partial answer was delivered on March 17, 2017, when a coalition air strike levelled a residential area in western Mosul, killing as many as 200 civilians in the process. US forces said that they have opened an investigation, while Iraqi commanders responded bluntly that they had called in the strike to eliminate snipers who had taken positions on rooftops.
The US' sanctimonious self-image does not fit well with its own sordid history of involvement in Iraq. The US has become so involved in Iraq's modern history that its footprint can be found everywhere.

Iraqi and American commanders have suggested that the incident was the result of a carefully laid trap. According to that narrative, ISIL had deliberately been concentrating civilians together in particular buildings in the hope that they would be attacked by coalition aircraft. The immediate effect would be a pause in the bombing campaign. The long-term effect, however, was to cause for the conspiracy wheel to continue spinning.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
The trouble is...Rambo was a movie made by an ex porn actor apparently
but in this day of video games, some can't tell

"ISIS uses terrified civilians as massive human shield in Syrian city
By Associated Press March 29, 2017 | 11:51am | Updated

BEIRUT — Residents of the northern Syrian city of Raqqa live in terror, trapped as a massive human shield in the Islamic State’s de facto capital ahead of the final battle with US-backed opposition forces for the militant group’s last major urban stronghold.

A belt of land mines and militant checkpoints circles the city. Inside, all the men have been ordered to wear the jihadis’ garb of baggy pants and long shirts — making it difficult to distinguish Islamic State militants from civilians.

Hundreds if not thousands of Syrians who fled from other parts of the country now live in tents in Raqqa’s streets, vulnerable to both warplanes and ground fighting. Enormous tarps have been stretched for blocks in the city center to hide the militants’ movements from spy planes and satellites.

The estimated 300,000 people trapped inside live in terrifying uncertainty over how to find safety. Airstrikes by the US-led coalition shake the city almost daily, mainly hitting northern neighborhoods, amid reports of civilians killed by strikes in the nearby countryside.

Leaflets dropped by coalition warplanes give confusing directions — one suggests areas closer to the Euphrates River are safer, but then another warns that boats crossing the river will be struck."
ISIS uses terrified civilians as massive human shield in Syrian city | New York Post

"The city of human shields: 300,000 civilians trapped in ISIS 'capital' Raqqa forced to dress as militants and dig trenches so enemies cannot pick them apart from terrorists
Landmines and checkpoints around the northern Syrian city prevent escape
US-backed forces are bearing down on Raqqa, the capital of ISIS's caliphate
Spies are living among the population, and two people have been executed for alleged collusion with outsiders
Civilians are made to dress as ISIS militants so they cannot be distinguished "

ISIS are using 300,000 civilians as human shields in Raqqa | Daily Mail Online
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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
The gulf of tonkin incident never did happen as per FOI, and the US did get their a$$ handed to them there and had to run...and vietnam is pretty darn small.
They lost the war because the university students at home were smart enough to see through the lies and they were brave enough to call them out. That was also the last war when footage from the front was ever allowed to be broadcast to the public. Today the 1% that benefit from a university education want to become rich through supporting the liars that are in power and the other 99% are wondering how in the hell they will pay off a $100,000 student loan when they get paid minimal wages.
The US lost Iran when the university students saw that big oil was plundering the country and were the ones behind the violent secret police that were trained at the School of Americas in the US. That is a CIA program and it comes hot on the heels of operation paperclip which saw the worst of the Nazi Gestapo get lifetime memberships as the ceo's of said CIA. These 'out of control' situations are as planned as it comes. Not to be forgotten is Mossad is the ringleader of all the various secret police groups so don't let that fact escape examination and what that means about the past, the real past.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
'They Just Took Us.' Mosul Civilians on Being Used as Human Shields by ISIS

In late February, as Iraqi troops advanced on the western half of the city of Mosul, ISIS gunmen barged through Median Hikmat al-Galou’s house, commandeering it for the battle that now raged around them. One of the militants set fire to a car sitting in the front driveway. He spoke in broken Arabic, leading Galou to believe he was Russian. “Islam needs smoke,” he said as the car went up in flames, creating a black plume that would help the gunmen conceal their position from the U.S. and allied warplanes that targeted them from above. The gunmen moved into the house, and later took Galou’s entire family hostage, using them as human shields in their own home and in a nearby house.

This type of horror has become familiar to residents of western Mosul as Islamic State militants have put civilians in the line of fire as Iraqi troops and U.S.-led coalition warplanes intensify their assault on the city. As many as 500,000 civilians are trapped in the section of Mosul still controlled by ISIS with shrinking supplies of food, fuel, and drinkable water. Reports of civilian deaths in the battle surged to an all-time high in March, with an alleged U.S. strike reportedly killing as many as 200 people.
ISIS Using Mosul Civilians as Human Shields Amid Offensive |


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
The trouble is...Rambo was a movie made by an ex porn actor apparently
but in this day of video games, some can't tell
In this case it is the Pentegram claiming they were acting on trump's orders. The reply was planned before so the brass just had to present something that would not kill any civilians and Russians were at the top of the list as to who did not get hit.
Let's see if he catches onto the truth within 1 week. That would means he can catch onto what is real and what is a lie. Putin has his back covered by his Military, Trump's Military would stab him in the back at the first opportunity so how do you put the Military under quarantine or Military arrest. The same as the revolts in the past only this time it is the enlisted against the brass and the enlisted will will because they are willing to die for their cause and the brass are there for the material things they get. Putting their lives on the line was never part of the agreement. Ask any banker if you need verification.

This move cost Trump a lot of respect in the world rather than it gaining him any. Maybe it is too late for America. That doesn't mean Jerusalem isn't destined to become the center of the power for the planet,it means America will go further down is social values compared to it being the -50's again only with the poor included this time.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Rand Paul: Trump’s strikes on Syria ‘Unconstitutional’
Fox Business
Foreign Relations Committee member Sen. Rand Paul (R-Texas) reacts to President Trump’s military action against Syria.

"...the only way the president is allowed to act unilaterally is to prevent..or respond to an imminent attack"

...and we know the US left hates the constitution..and really the US too.
and the alCIAduh and Isus are apparently tweeting they Love the US for this attack

Syria bombing: Russia PM calls Trump's airstrike 'good news for terrorists' – live
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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
So you approve of the airstrike and hate Trump. OK.
I'm quite sure 'the Donald' didn't come up with the plan. That he rubber stamped a Pentegram plan only means the buck stops at him, as it should. He has yet to learn the Pentegram is not is friend. Perhaps he should just let Assad and Putin solve the Syrian conflict, at least they know who is doing what there. Trump can solve Iraq to show he should be calling some shots. As it is the civilians in Mosul are getting targeted in far greater numbers than in all of Syria. Mind you the Pentegarm doesn't want Mosul 'solved' so that would be trump's first battle.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Putin tells the world - 'Attacking Syria again? You'll need to get through me': Russian battleship is positioned between US warships and runway hit by Trump's air strike as Vladimir makes his move

The US military fired more than 50 tomahawk missiles at al-Shayrat military airfield at 8.45pm EDT Thursday

Moves comes just hours after Trump said 'something should happen' following Tuesday's gas-attack atrocity

Trump took action after more than 80 were killed and many more were injured in the Sarin poison gas attack
'Even beautiful babies were cruelly murdered in this very barbaric attack,' he said after launching the strike

Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued a furious response calling airstrike an 'illegal act of aggression'
US called 'a partner of ISIS' by al-Assad's spokesman who said missile strikes are 'reckless and irresponsible'

Trump says airfield used to store toxic weapons and was the base for the aircraft involved in the Sarin attack
Claims that nine were killed, and more were injured, in the strike which has severely damaged the airbase
US told Moscow it was launching an airstrike about 30 minutes in advance - but did not ask for permission

Syria airstrike: Russia retaliates after US airstrikes | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

NOW would be a good time to do the forensic investigation to find out the TRUTH about the original attack...unless you like hanging people you don't actually know are certainly guilty

that would be horrendous if they are not


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
No, it's more about the manufactured faux outrage over killing Muslims with gas instead of bombs and bullets.

You're right, a nuke would be quicker.

Now, before you get your panties all tied up in a bunch, read what you wrote then really think about it.

Okay, have you thought it over?

That is why people get pissed off over chemical weapons.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
You want me to start eating cardboard?? That idea come to you while drinking a box of wine??

Some people like being on the losing side of a vietnam and then found to have been lying about the cause in the first place
its called S and M

hey Megs remember the babies on the ground business from iraq/kuwait, and all the dimwits that bought that story, and then it turns out it was public relations job and the woman who was the daughter of the guy who owned the american PR firm had never even been to kuwait?

remember those knownaughts?

The first two poison gas attacks turned out to be Is US, not ASSAD, but this one without an investigation, it's so simple it must be true...
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Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC

Totally amazing that most people keep on getting conned by the same ole crap. When are people going to wake up?
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on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
I'm extremely skeptical that this was a Syrian chemical attack. There are absolutely NO benefits to using chemical weapons on civilians for the Syrian regime, since they know it would elicit a military response from the West, and would provide virtually NO tactical advantage. They only groups who benefit would be the militias that oppose Assad. Follow the money and see who would profit from this.

I'm very disappointed with a number of things that have gone on in the Trump Whitehouse in the last few days and weeks. Steve Bannon has been removed from the National Security Council, presumably under pressure from the new National Security Advisor, Lt. Gen. McMaster.

Bannon is as far as i can tell the one reliable voice for economic nationalism, populism and social conservatism in the Trump administration after Michael Flynn was fired in a Democrat orchestrated putsch.. and Bannon is now being systematically sidelined, replaced with very conventional American military and financial imperialists.

Trump's son in law Jared Kushner seems to be taking an increasingly prominent role as advisor, at the expense and in conflict with Bannon. Have no doubts, Kushner is a globalist, a neoliberal free marketeer and cultural post structuralist, without even the pretense of neoconservative spin. Like all neolibs/neocons he is a global imperialist and committed to economic liberalism and cultural libertarianism.

Syria is a case in point. Trump came in promising to put a refocus on American domestic economic issues. Now he's getting himself involved in this clusterf*ck in Syria. The entire program of colonial regime change in the Mid East in the last 3 decades has been a catastrophic failure. It produces only failed states, grotesque islamic insurgencies and civil war.

Assuming that putting the Trump brand on the same policies will change anything is pure delusion. For all of the purported atrocities of the Assad regime, they have certainly been matched in kind by the tribal and Islamic clans that oppose him. But importantly Assad is a Baathist, the one secular and nationalist political force in the Mid East, and the only one with a prospect of stability.

Trump better get hold of his agenda, because it is being picked to pieces by the globalists, by the most devious of methods. It could destroy his Presidency.
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I'm extremely skeptical that this was a Syrian chemical attack. There are absolutely NO benefits to using chemical weapons on civilians for the Syrian regime, since they know it would elicit a military response from the West, and would provide virtually NO tactical advantage. They only groups who benefit would be the militias that oppose Assad. Follow the money and see who would profit from this.

I'm very disappointed with a number of things that have gone on in the Trump Whitehouse in the last few days and weeks. Steve Bannon has been removed from the NSC, presumably under pressure from the new National Security Advisor, Lt. Gen. McMaster.

Bannon is as far as i can tell the one reliable voice for economic nationalism, populism and social conservatism in the Trump administration after Michael Flynn was fired in a Democrat orchestrated putsch.. and Bannon is now being systematically sidelined, replaced with very conventional American military and financial imperialists.

Trump's son in law Jared Kushner seems to be taking an increasingly prominent role as advisor, at the expense and in conflict with Bannon. Have no doubts, Kushner is a globalist, a neoliberal free marketeer and cultural post structuralist, without even the pretense of neoconservative spin. Like all neolibs/neocons he is a global imperialist and committed to economic liberalism and cultural libertarianism.

Syria is a case in point. Trump came in promising to put a refocus on American domestic economic issues. Now he's getting himself involved in this clusterf*ck in Syria. The entire program of imperial regime change in the Mid East in the last 3 decades has been a catastrophic failure. It produces only failed states, grotesque islamic insurgencies and civil war. Assuming that putting the Trump brand on the same policies will change anything is pure delusion. For all of the purported atrocities of the Assad regime, they have certainly been matched in kind by the tribal and Islamic clans that oppose him. But importantly Assad is a Baathist, the one secular and nationalist political force in the Mid East, and the only one with a prospect of stability.

Trump better get hold of his agenda, because it is being picked to pieces by the globalists, by the most devious of methods. It could destroy his Presidency.
You really don't see that this was Putin testing Trump?

Meh, given how lost you are, I guess it's no big surprise.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
You really don't see that this was Putin testing Trump?

Meh, given how lost you are, I guess it's no big surprise.

Putin is a red herring. Trump, the Election, Syria has NOTHING to do with Putin. He's simply being used by the American Political Establishment of both parties to taint Trump and destroy economic nationalism and social conservatism. This is a solely and purely internal American political intrigue, which resembles McArthyism.
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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
The Russian Defense Ministry said that the US missile attack on a Syrian airbase had been prepared long ago.

On Thursday night, the United States launched 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at the Syrian military airfield in Ash Sha’irat, located about 40 kilometers (25 miles) from the city of Homs. US President Donald Trump said the attack was a response to the alleged chemical weapon use in Syria's Idlib on Tuesday, which Washington blames on the Syrian government.
Russia described the attack as an aggression against a sovereign state.
Following the US military action, Russia decided to suspend its memorandum of understanding on air safety over Syria with the United States, according to the Russian Foreign Ministry.
"It is evident that the US cruise missile strikes against a Syrian airbase have been prepared long before today’s events. A large system of measures of reconnaissance, planning, preparation of flight tasks and bringing the missiles to launch readiness needs to be carried out to prepare such an attack," ministry's spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said.

The last time Syria was attacked so blatantly a lot of Mossd and Cia people died in Syrian in their command bunker. Remember how nobody talked about that payback?