Younger Generation - Dumb or Stupid or Both- Yes or No


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
How is it that we are discussing the IQ of the younger generation when there is so much stupidity to go around for multiple generations? Lets look at the dorks who voted for Our brainless Boy Justin......WITHOUT noticing that his so called plan to save the middle class happens to be a larger, more costly,more damaging version of the NDP/Bob (BOOB!) Rae plan to spend Ontari-owe rich-from the late 1980`s?

How is it that some people believed that Our idiot Boy Justin was some sort of "environmentalist"? Instead of seeing him as the cynical vote stealing clod that he is? Our Boy has a nice environmental stance that let him steal votes from the Green Party flakes......WITHOUT requiring Our idiot Boy to actually PROVE his position?

If Our idiot Boy really was an environmentalist then why kill off the transit riders tax deduction for Cdn tax payers? Our idiot Boy has not come up with any real money to EXPAND GTA transit so maybe he ought to at least leave the transit tax refund in place as its better than nothing?

And why not refer to Green Party members as "flakes" since no Greenie apparently has noticed that their party policy is a rehash of most of the failed and rejected Pierre Trudeau era LIE-beral policy? Do Cdns REALLY WANT a re-hash of the Trudope "National Energy Policy" that produced those "Let the Eastern Bastards Freeze in the Dark" bumper stickers that were so popular out west for so many years?

Do Cdns really WANT ANOTHER govt owned Petro Canada money pit? Govt owned Petro Canada competed head to head with companies like Exon.....with Petro Canada given FREE access to Cdn oil fields that Exon had to PAY FOR.......and Exon made a profit while Petro Canada drowned us in DEBT! Do Cdns want to see a Green govt do to their nayural gas and electricity service the same sort of clever madness that prompted LIE-berals to create Petro Canada?

Cdns were horrified last spring when Ontari-owe LIE-berals mused about the value of forcing us to stop heating our homes with natural gas and forcing us to use electricity instead......and yet this is EXACTLY the type of loonie leftist govt interference we will get on a HUGE SCALE if Greens ever gain substantial political power! And WHICH GENERATION has not noticed any of this?

The kids are saddled with massive school debt incurred in a near hopeless attempt to BUY a decent job. Kids are being milked dry by insane LIE-beral taxes. The kids are being drafted into McJobs- the only work available-with no hope of ever owning a car much less a house-while our LIE-beral govt brings in people from all over the world and gives them a hand up and hand out.......and to make matters worse-too many of the newcomers are people who may decide to run us over or blow us up if we don't kiss their backsides.

Kids are being called rude names while being made to put up with crap that the previous generation would have run riot over!


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
The younger generation is light years ahead of lunkheads who hang around here.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
The younger generation is light years ahead of lunkheads who hang around here.

You and I have hung arround here for a bit Kreskin.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Younger generation are much more intelligent than us greasy old know it all bastards.

I 'd like to think that you were right Ludlow but I hesitate to agree because I have so many nieces nephews and offspring who are while resonably smart book wise have not grasped the value and utility of sweat equity yet, though I preach till exhausted. They live in the middle of the forest and cannot see thier future houses.
Most are in thier early thirtys and have not laid foundations yet. At that age I already had gotten a shovel and a cement mixer and a big hole in the ground and was well on the way to debt freedom.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Younger generation are much more intelligent than us greasy old know it all bastards.

In some ways.

I 'd like to think that you were right Ludlow but I hesitate to agree because I have so many nieces nephews and offspring who are while resonably smart book wise have not grasped the value and utility of sweat equity yet, though I preach till exhausted. They live in the middle of the forest and cannot see thier future houses.
Most are in thier early thirtys and have not laid foundations yet. At that age I already had gotten a shovel and a cement mixer and a big hole in the ground and was well on the way to debt freedom.

Yeah, you've summed it up well. How would today's generation fare, if one morning when they woke up they found it was Oct. 29, 1929?


Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
I thought it may only be here in Iraq or other Arab countries .. but it seems universal and everywhere.

E.g. the news broadcaster: he makes many grammar mistakes .. in the past, the news broadcaster was very efficient in the language grammar and usage .. he had to pass a hard exam and should have a good certificate of graduation; now they don't pay attention to such things ... (although it may not be such an important or serious thing in fact.)

Some blame the new generation for some moral or ethical points .. while it is the heart and mind is the important thing .. and the new generations may prove better than the older generation.

Of course, this does not mean that I approve the non-moral or non-ethical acts .. but in fact it is with all generations : the new and the old; the old generation also had many things to be blamed about.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
I thought it may only be here in Iraq or other Arab countries .. but it seems universal and everywhere.

E.g. the news broadcaster: he makes many grammar mistakes .. in the past, the news broadcaster was very efficient in the language grammar and usage .. he had to pass a hard exam and should have a good certificate of graduation; now they don't pay attention to such things ... (although it may not be such an important or serious thing in fact.)

Some blame the new generation for some moral or ethical points .. while it is the heart and mind is the important thing .. and the new generations may prove better than the older generation.

Of course, this does not mean that I approve the non-moral or non-ethical acts .. but in fact it is with all generations : the new and the old; the old generation also had many things to be blamed about.
You know nuthink Selfslop. Go preach to your camels.

Hoof Hearted

House Member
Jul 23, 2016
I was at a Tim Horton's a couple of months ago and gave the young girl behind the cash 8 quarters for my $2.00 coffee. She looked at the change I gave her and said, "Is this $2.00?"



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
In truth I DID smile a little at that "is it 2 dollars? deal.....but lets be honest here...the poor kid is a graduate of our "modern and progressive" school system where handing out gravy to greedy Hogs is far more important than making sure they can count! If the kids cannot count then they cannot figure out how LIE-berals are screwing them!

And on a related theme-LOTS of poor foolish kids voted for Our Brainless Boy Justin because they THOUGHT he would help them economically-instead of just helping himself to more power!

I have foolish relatives who thought Our idiot Boy was an environmentalist.....and then crushed the deluded them by allowing pipe lines as soon as he got into power! And NONE of these "green" numbskulls seem to notice that truly saving the environment means dumping the dorks OFF the airplanes and making them rebuild their un-insulated and very drafty house-the one that is kept cheaply warm burning firewood-yes-the green idiots are burning down their beloved Muskoka one tree after another!

WE live in a schizophrenic society where revenue from the new Carbon tax that is pitched as being intended to "save" the environment, will actually be used to ensure that civil servants with some of the biggest carbon footprints in the world will be able to CONTINUE spewing their carbon!

It`s silly to knock thre kids for being dumb when so many parents have conspired with hypocrite LIE-berals to HIDE the truth! How do you expect the kid to figure out the value of 8 quarters when the ONLY math experience she has had is with CALCULATORS?

I was at a Tim Horton's a couple of months ago and gave the young girl behind the cash 8 quarters for my $2.00 coffee. She looked at the change I gave her and said, "Is this $2.00?"



the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
During what I call dynastic transition I ve been going through a hundred years of old photos of the family here for about a month and what I have observed is not one overweight individual that I can recall until about the mid to late sixtys. From then onward they begin to appear. I'm guessing that the proilferation of the idiot box {TV} has impacted to a very great degree on the health and intelligence of the modern human.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
During what I call dynastic transition I ve been going through a hundred years of old photos of the family here for about a month and what I have observed is not one overweight individual that I can recall until about the mid to late sixtys. From then onward they begin to appear. I'm guessing that the proilferation of the idiot box {TV} has impacted to a very great degree on the health and intelligence of the modern human.

And I'd think you'd be right. When I was a kid out in the sticks in the 40s and 50s we were all skinny- very few fat people. Of course there was nowhere near the junk food!


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
Television begat TV dinners and junk food. Remember when there were fewer commercials, and the ones that were on only lasted 30 seconds? They have whole networks dedicated to fattening you up. You become addicted to food. Then you need to pay for diet pills, Jenny Craig or medical treatments. Which, as you age, leads to more prescription drugs. This claws back money from your retirement investments or government pensions.

Then you die. And they start taxing again. It costs you or your relations money to dispose of your remains.

From cradle to grave, you feed the government. This explains it better.

Don’t Eat the Ice Cream, Comrade!
Copyright 2016 – murphy

Even after the Iron Curtain rusted away, it was still tough to live in Russia!

Please, PLEASE don't eat that stuff! You'll end up full of sludge! Your insides will be lined with all sorts of unhealthy things - albotoxins, neurobotanicals and liposcrubbings.

It's a conspiracy between big pharma, the dairy people and Jenny Craig! They want you to buy their ice cream and get fat, so you will have to diet! If not, you'll get sick - heart disease, diabetes, or lumbago.

Yeah, go ahead and laugh, but they want your money. They feed you bad food, you get sick and have to buy drugs. Then, you lose your hearing or have to wear orthopedic shoes. It isn't long before you're hooked on insulin, low dose aspirin, cholesterol pills and corrective footwear.

The sad part is, you probably complain about the dope smokers, but why? They have a bad habit that leads to other drugs, you say. Yeah? Well, so does ice cream! If it's not one damn thing, it's another!

But it gets worse. They feed you other food that makes you crampy and gives you a foul stomach. That leads to 'old person smell'. Another way that big pharma makes money. Antacid pills, diarrhea medicine, Depends and deodorant.

So you need more drugs and other stuff to make you less irritable, not so bloated and smell tolerable. But unless you've put away enough money, you have to live on less, but spend more on pharmaceuticals. So they suck more money out of you until you cannot afford any more drugs. You get sick and die!

It doesn't end there.

Someone has got to bury or burn you. The funeral businesses are also on the list of institutions that feed from your bank account.

Think you were smart buying death insurance? Don't want to be a burden? That's nice! The insurance companies milk you to the end too. And the headstone people. What's that? Think I'm joking?

Have you ever hollowed out a fat man from the inside? When the Cold War was still raging, there weren't too many fat folks on the wrong side of the Iron Curtain. If you had a glandular problem, or were smuggling food, they could spot you from a kilometer away. The state dispatched a special, unmarked ambulance to pick you up. We called it the 'fat wagon', and we knew that you were doomed!

They would take you to an interrogation centre and 'grill' you until you gave them what they wanted.

"Where did you get so fat, comrade?"

After they got what they wanted, you were removed to the state run abattoir, where you were killed, hollowed out and your fat recycled for the greater good. What the heck do you think cosmonauts ate when they were launched into space? The rest of you was ground up and fed to the pigs, which were themselves fattened up and fed to party members. So, by proxy, the government ate you!

Please reconsider eating ice cream. It will only bring you hardship!


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Younger Generation - Dumb or Stupid or Both- Yes or No

I see in my work a large number of 18 to 25 or year old persons

I see some in supervisory position with no interpersonal skills what so ever. And yes they send emails and cannot even be bothered to use the auto spell check.

I see employees that have the same talents as mentioned above

I see many who need help to even change their mind - the inability to think a simple problem through to a conclusion is unbelievable

I see this day after day.

I see a lack of ethics - both moral and work - They will blame someone else when something goes wrong instead of facing the music.

I see losers that will go through life complaining about everything that is wrong yet do nothing to change the situation

And yes men are the majority.

And no this is not all but a substantial number.

Then I see the others that will be highly successful in life.

Future Trump voters.
