It's interesting that most of the cons on here prefer the azzhole.
I think some people confuse manners and proper ettiquette with wimpiness.
Not everyone is taught how to behave and for them courtesy is a foreign language
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It's interesting that most of the cons on here prefer the azzhole.
Yeah he did make an azz out of himself on that one.
Yup,,,,but isn't it nice Canadians on the whole understand about allowing people their choices and allow them their preferences as long as they keep those preferences civil.
It's interesting that most of the cons on here prefer the azzhole.
I doubt any conservatives on here or anywhere else for that matter prefer trudOWE.
That must be why leftards in Canada are holding protest rallies against Trump becoming Pres.
And still .... Canadians prefer Trump over Trudeau.
Just the sensible ones. When I get some time, I'm going to expound on this Phoenix payroll fiasco that is really hurting Federal employees who are suffering because our illustrious P.M. is moving Heaven and Hell to import refuges but hasn't got the gumption, moxie or sagacity to perhaps getting some bureaucraps handwriting cheques to these people so they can eat and pay their bills. THAT SHOULD be his primary concern at this time!
Phoenix fiasco was before this pm's watch. We can thank harper for it, ifn you want to blame the fed gov't
Your worst nightmare is actually happening....poor poor
Phoenix fiasco was before this pm's watch. We can thank harper for it, ifn you want to blame the fed gov't
Woulda, coulda, shoulda.
Don't mean anything now
When you have only a 2 horse race, ya just can't help bringing up the other horse.
i know that it pains you as a died in the wool Clinton supporter, but take some solace in the fact that you're not an American citizen so your opinion is entirely worthless.