The 'Official' Quit Picking On Trump Thread

Who Hates Trump the Most?

  • Dumbocrats

    Votes: 8 25.0%
  • Reptilicans

    Votes: 9 28.1%
  • Broads

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • Canadians

    Votes: 9 28.1%

  • Total voters


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Re: Trump appears with mobster felon at Elite New Years Party

Whereas Obama invites gang banging rap stars and trash like Al Sharpton who owes over $5 million in back taxes, to the White House as guests.

Nailed it again!

Everyone but Cannuck is stupid. With that in mind, Cannuck ought to find a smarter group of people to hang out with than us.

You're too entertaining.

Trump may not have political savvy but....

Bwahahahahahahahahahaha...Trump is a master. He's got crusty social conservatives doing backflips defending his liberal economic policies....And all he had to do is get them to believe he hates Mexicans.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Re: Trump appears with mobster felon at Elite New Years Party

There's a ton of racists out there.

Just look at this forum.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Re: Trump appears with mobster felon at Elite New Years Party

NDP are the most open and accepting platform out there.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Re: Trump appears with mobster felon at Elite New Years Party

NDP are the most open and accepting platform out there.

In Canada, possibly. Maybe a coin toss between the NDP and the Green Party. Just a shame that the NDP has so many policies I disagree with too.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Re: Trump appears with mobster felon at Elite New Years Party

Pierre Elliot Trudeau used to hang out with some very shady characters. And the lefties thought it was cool. What happened?

Are you butt hurt ��

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Re: Trump appears with mobster felon at Elite New Years Party

There are far worse things in this world that should keep you awake at night before racism ;).

Like child slavery. But you have no problem buying your shoes


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Re: Trump appears with mobster felon at Elite New Years Party

Pierre Elliot Trudeau used to hang out with some very shady characters. And the lefties thought it was cool. What happened?

Are you butt hurt ��

You're shadier.

There are far worse things in this world that should keep you awake at night before racism ;).

Like child slavery. But you have no problem buying your shoes

Blame the state that does that, not the one that does business with them.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Trump's trade agenda takes the GOP back a century

Trump's trade agenda takes the GOP back a century

A couple of years ago, free trade was seen as a key principle of the Republican Party. Then Donald Trump became the Republican nominee for president, and things got more complicated.

“The Trans-Pacific Partnership is another disaster done and pushed by special interests who want to rape our country,” Trump said in June. The 1994 NAFTA free trade deal with Mexico and Canada was “one of the worst things that ever happened to manufacturing industries,” Trump added during a September debate.

Since his election, Trump has made clear that this wasn’t just talk. The most recent sign that he’s serious about pursuing a protectionist agenda: This week he chose Robert Lighthizer to be the US trade representative. Lighthizer is a trade lawyer and veteran of the Reagan administration. And he has long been an outspoken defender of the view that protectionism, not free trade, is the true conservative position.

If you go back far enough, Lighthizer has history on his side. From the Civil War until the Great Depression, a high protective tariff was a standard Republican position. “Our only defense against the cheap production, low wages and low standard of living which exist abroad, and our only method of maintain our own standards, is through a protective tariff,” wrote Calvin Coolidge, the Republican president who presided over the booming economy of the mid-1920s.

But a lot has changed in the past 80 years. Today, most of Trump’s fellow Republicans — including House Speaker Paul Ryan, Vice President-elect Mike Pence, and even some of Trump’s Cabinet picks — are committed free traders.

Donald Trump hopes to change that. But it won’t be easy. One big obstacle: The business community overwhelmingly favors free trade, and it has a lot of influence inside the Republican Party. On the other hand, Trump has tapped into a significant faction of grassroots Republican voters who are not at all supportive of the modern GOP’s free trade agenda.

Republicans were protectionist until the 1930s

For most of the 19th century, America would export agricultural goods to Europe and receive manufactured goods in return. This had a huge impact on the politics of trade. American manufacturers — concentrated in the big cities of the North — favored high trade barriers to protect them from foreign competitors. The South, by contrast, had an export-oriented agricultural economy, so it tended to favor free trade.

The Republican Party adopted the standard position of Northern business interests and favored a protective tariff, while the Democrats supported the free trade views that predominated in its Southern stronghold.

This pattern continued well into the 20th century, as Lighthizer pointed out in a 2008 op-ed for the New York Times. Republican President Theodore Roosevelt wrote that “pernicious indulgence in the doctrine of free trade seems inevitably to produce fatty degeneration of the moral fiber.”

The Republican enthusiasm for protectionism culminated in the infamous Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930. Passed in the depths of the Great Depression and signed by Republican Herbert Hoover, it is sometimes blamed for sparking a trade war and prolonging the Great Depression.

After World War II, the Republican Party’s stance on trade began to shift. Dwight Eisenhower, the first Republican president of the postwar era, championed free trade agreements and helped lay the groundwork for the complex system of deals that govern the international trade system today. Meanwhile, in recent decades, Democrats have become more protectionist. Still, recent presidents from both parties — Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama — have all favored trade liberalization.

None have been orthodox free traders, however. Lighthizer points out that Reagan “arranged for voluntary restraint agreements to limit imports of automobiles and steel,” “limited imports of sugar and textiles,” and signed a deal that “made Japanese imports more expensive by raising the value of the yen.” George W. Bush enacted a controversial tariff on US steel in 2002.

Simon Lester, a trade expert at the Cato Institute, agrees with this. “There are no pure free traders” among recent presidents, he argues. “Presidents are all protectionist to some extent,” but all the recent presidents — Democrats and Republicans — have been broadly supportive of trade liberalization.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Re: Wikileaks is going to hack into Trump’s Tax Returns

Julian Assange to Bill Maher: WikiLeaks ‘Working On’ Hacking Trump’s Tax Returns

Julian Assange has some ‘splainin’ to do.

The head of WikiLeaks, still banished to the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, has come under fire by U.S. intelligence officials—and even NSA leaker Edward Snowden, who criticized the organization’s “hostility to even modest curation”—for not just his troubling anti-Semitic streak or lingering rape accusation, but also that they are probably doing the work of Russia in releasing thousands upon thousands of Democratic National Committee emails, thereby tilting the U.S. presidential election towards former reality star Donald Trump, whose campaign has very deep ties to Vladimir Putin.

On Friday night, Assange beamed into HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher to discuss the #DNCLeak, which revealed emails between operatives expressing bias against newly minted Democrat Bernie Sanders. You see, even though Sanders is essentially a Democratic Party interloper—his own website sells him as “the longest serving independent member of Congress in American history,” and he’s run against Democrats in the past—the emails revealed an overarching feeling of favoritism towards his opponent, Hillary Clinton.

When Maher alleged to Assange that, while there was plenty of chatter in the emails pointing to the Democratic primary being tilted in Hillary’s favor, there was no “smoking gun,” the Aussie hacker pushed back.

“I know that it’s true,” said Assange. “[DNC] Communications Director Luis Miranda, who has resigned just three days ago, instructed his staff—an instruction, not a discussion, an instruction—to pump out, in ‘an unattributable matter,’ statements in an article saying that Bernie Sanders supporters were engaged in acts of violence. So, this is the DNC demonizing in a covert manner, through its chain of command… a Democrat, saying that a Democrat was conducting violence when you have the same allegations against the Trump campaign, thereby watering down the critique against the Trump campaign.”

The political satirist then got tougher with Assange, claiming that the stolen info WikiLeaks published from the DNC “came from Russia,” and that, since he does not like Hillary Clinton and Putin doesn’t either, the Aussie “looks like you’re working with a bad actor—Russia—and putting your thumb on the scale to basically **** with the one person who stands in the way of us being ruled by Donald Trump.”

“Our materials, the materials that we release, are pristine,” answered Assange, avoiding the question of whether or not the organization is doing Vladimir Putin’s bidding. “We’re really good at this. We have a ten-year perfect record of never having got it wrong in relation to the integrity of what we release. There’s no allegation, even from Debbie Wasserman Schultz or any of these people, that any of the material is not completely valid and true. What there is, is a conflation between our publications—the DNC leaks—and an extensive variety of hacks of the DNC, and frankly other organizations over the last two years, possibly by state actors, that wasn’t at all surprising.”
Maher then posed a question: “Why don’t you hack into Donald Trump’s tax returns?” since the real estate heir has refused to release his taxes, thereby becoming the first U.S. presidential candidate in decades to do so.

“Well, we’re working on it,” a smirking Assange replied.
Later on during their semi-heated exchange, Maher brought up Snowden’s recent criticism of WikiLeaks—and their “hostility to even modest curation.” Instead of brushing aside the question, Assange took aim at Snowden, minimizing his contribution to society and condemning him for “trying to get a pardon” from President Obama before he exists office.

“I have to make a little bit of a complaint here, although I shouldn’t really go there. You know, Edward Snowden hasn’t published anything in three years,” said Assange. “He did one thing—it was a very important thing. And it was in fact so important that I, and this organization, saved his *** by rescuing him from Hong Kong, getting him asylum, making 23 asylum applications, and setting up his defense fund of the Courage Foundation, which I am a trustee of today. So, OK, I know Edward is trying to get a pardon at the end of the Obama presidency so he’s playing that game. I understand. He’s in a very serious situation.”

Julian Assange to Bill Maher: WikiLeaks ‘Working On’ Hacking Trump’s Tax Returns - The Daily Beast

Well well well... look at this gem!


Time Out
Jan 4, 2017
Re: Wikileaks is going to hack into Trump’s Tax Returns

Well well well... look at this gem!

Assange is doing the right thing?

Funny thing is, I'm sure where people stand anymore.

Trump tells the Russians on live TV to hack Clinton emails....tell what would happen if Obama had done that?

Be honest.

Both sides....C'mon...or do you have the guts.

Mental...Eagle...hash it out.

Party politics....ugh!


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Re: Wikileaks is going to hack into Trump’s Tax Returns

MF is way beyond hashing anything out. He bombards the forum with troll threads and posts and fake news.

BTWs... the Dems were begging for Trump dirt from Assange. They gave it all they had and when they fell short they simply made up sh*t.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Re: Trump's trade agenda takes the GOP back a century


“The Trans-Pacific Partnership is another disaster done and pushed by special interests who want to rape our country,” Trump said in June.

Change "special interests" to "corporations" or "business elites" (which is who he's talking about) and Trump sounds an awful lot like a Dipper.

If Americans really cared about American manufacturing jobs they could just buy American products. The Trumpites are using one of Flossy's old arguments. Since the average Joe can't be trusted to do what's right for the country, we need the gubmint to step in. I know Flossy and the Trumpites would rather eat broken glass rather than admit they are on the same page on this. That's what makes it so damn funny.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Republicans voice disdain after Trump tweets support for Julian Assange

Republicans voice disdain after Trump tweets support for Julian Assange

Leading Republicans broke with Donald Trump on Wednesday after the president-elect appeared to put more faith in WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange than in US intelligence agencies.

The sharp differences on a highly charged national security issue are the latest sign that matters of intelligence and policy towards Russia reflect a deep fault line in Trump’s relationship with the Republican party establishment.

Julian Assange gives guarded praise of Trump and blasts Clinton in interview
Read more
The House speaker, Paul Ryan, called Assange “a sycophant for Russia” on a conservative radio show and GOP Senator Tom Cotton told MSNBC that he had “a lot more faith in our intelligence officers serving around the world … than I do in people like Julian Assange”.

The comments followed tweets from Trump on Wednesday morning in which he approvingly repeated Assange’s claim that the Russian state was not the source of the hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign chairman, John Podesta, published by WikiLeaks during the election.

“Julian Assange said ‘a 14 year old could have hacked Podesta’ – why was DNC so careless? Also said Russians did not give him the info!” one Trump tweet said. Another quoted Assange as describing US media coverage on the issue as “very dishonest”. Trump added: “More dishonest than anyone knows.”

The tweets referred to an interview with Assange conducted by Fox News commentator Sean Hannity, a vocal Trump supporter, in the Ecuadorean embassy in London, where the Australian computer expert and transparency advocate has been living for more than four years, since sexual assault allegations were made against him in Sweden. He denies the allegations and has not been charged with any crime.

Assange is also under US criminal investigation for the publication of large numbers of classified US documents by WikiLeaks, an act characterised for many years by Republican and many Democrat leaders as an act of aggression against the US.


Time Out
Jan 4, 2017
Re: Republicans voice disdain after Trump tweets support for Julian Assange

Wait....but didn't he say wikki leaks was disgracefull and he deserved the death penalty?

How times have changed eh.