CIA Concludes Russia Influenced Election to Help Trump Win: Source


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
This is the US (serious) version.

This is the actual version.
US Comedienne Samantha Bee Does 'Fake News' in Moscow, Get's Owned by Hoaxers (Video)
Bee works for TBS, owned and run by a bunch or neocon Russia-haters over at Time, Inc. Who knows who paid her way over, but at any rate, she was skillfully owned by a couple of Russians who made her the real laughing stock.
Bee's visit included hoodwinking kindly old Russian elder statesman Vladimir Zhirinovsky, trying her best making fun of him. We wrote that up last week: Top Russian Pol Goes Full Alt-Right For Samantha Bee . That also didn't work out the way Bee wanted, Zhirinovsky's words were a hit with the burgeoning Alt-Right crowd back home.
Here is RT's take on what happened with the Russian trolls.

RT tracked down the alleged Kremlin trolls, who appeared on Samantha Bee’s show claiming they were paid to meddle with US election – just to find out they were hoaxers who tricked the American TV crew into paying them for appearing on Full Frontal.
The Clinton camp was never able to back its claims of Russia meddling in the US election with any actual proof. But the host of the US comedy show “Full Frontal”, Samantha Bee, apparently tried to help Hillary and organized an interview, with people that she described as paid Kremlin trolls.

(vid at link)

Please indicate that you understand all of the above.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Perhaps Pizzagate will be the Rosetta stone that allow the vast majority the ability to read and understand the codes that have been in use by the 3% of the global elite for the last 500 years. If the same elite are in charge 100 years from now the history books will record it as the 2nd Roman empire only this time when the surrounding as in Luke:21:24 (70AD dismantling of the Temple) the armies will be defeated by Jerusalem alone. and that would make Jerusalem the seat of power for eternity no matter how badly they run the world.
When 3% matter and 97% don' matter that is considered to be a failing grade.

Might I suggest the line be drawn based on 'other factors' instead. Eliminate people being on the wrong side of the stupid line is a worthy goal.

And then read this.

US Comedienne Samantha Bee Does 'Fake News' in Moscow, Get's Owned by Hoaxers (Video)
This is pretty funny, Samantha Bee traveled to Russia the week before the US elections to come up with something particularly damning against Trump which she planned to run on election day to do her part for, your know, 'the cause'.
Bee works for TBS, owned and run by a bunch or neocon Russia-haters over at Time, Inc. Who knows who paid her way over, but at any rate, she was skillfully owned by a couple of Russians who made her the real laughing stock.
Bee's visit included hoodwinking kindly old Russian elder statesman Vladimir Zhirinovsky, trying her best making fun of him. We wrote that up last week: Top Russian Pol Goes Full Alt-Right For Samantha Bee . That also didn't work out the way Bee wanted, Zhirinovsky's words were a hit with the burgeoning Alt-Right crowd back home.
Here is RT's take on what happened with the Russian trolls.

This is pretty funny, Samantha Bee traveled to Russia the week before the US elections to come up with something particularly damning against Trump which she planned to run on election day to do her part for, your know, 'the cause'.
Bee works for TBS, owned and run by a bunch or neocon Russia-haters over at Time, Inc. Who knows who paid her way over, but at any rate, she was skillfully owned by a couple of Russians who made her the real laughing stock.
Bee's visit included hoodwinking kindly old Russian elder statesman Vladimir Zhirinovsky, trying her best making fun of him. We wrote that up last week: Top Russian Pol Goes Full Alt-Right For Samantha Bee . That also didn't work out the way Bee wanted, Zhirinovsky's words were a hit with the burgeoning Alt-Right crowd back home.
Here is RT's take on what happened with the Russian trolls.
RT tracked down the alleged Kremlin trolls, who appeared on Samantha Bee’s show claiming they were paid to meddle with US election – just to find out they were hoaxers who tricked the American TV crew into paying them for appearing on Full Frontal.
The Clinton camp was never able to back its claims of Russia meddling in the US election with any actual proof. But the host of the US comedy show “Full Frontal”, Samantha Bee, apparently tried to help Hillary and organized an interview, with people that she described as paid Kremlin trolls.

Why do you care loon? why not enjoy life and quit crying about things you cannot change sap.


Council Member
Jan 30, 2016
Well it is clear that the hacks were one-sided. The IRS was hacked in 2015 stealing thousand in personal data, so if hackers really wanted Trumps tax returns, they probably could get them. The Russian wouldn't have had any need for them, but I'm surprised somebody else hasn't stolen them already.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
The CIA officially determined that Russia intervened in our election,

They did nothing of the sort. They simply released a statement. The election iis over the results are clear. You are an enemy of the electorate. Step away from the microphone or be beaten into the podium. Bosun, clear awaay the dead fish with the high presure hose if you plkease,

There it is..

Ex-CIA operative calls for new election

The CIA are election bound? You're stupid.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
They did nothing of the sort. They simply released a statement. The election iis over the results are clear. You are an enemy of the electorate. Step away from the microphone or be beaten into the podium. Bosun, clear awaay the dead fish with the high presure hose if you plkease,
Perhaps they need to drag this dead horse around until a certain date and then the new 'shiny item' will be presented that takes eyes and minds off the 'important things' going on globally. Perhaps all the UN Human Rights things were not meant to be followed until a certain date and the the 'unknown' group' would 'decree' they be followed 'or else'. That would be like Iran in 1953 and that was not supposed to be a 'gift' from the Rothschild bankers in return for blind support of the Jews in Jerusalem taking over the planing of the global system.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
I've noticed people on this forum are kinda tired of the same trollish nonsense from Locutus and his underlings.

I like this new backbone we've developed.

Speaking of someone who should be an expert on people posting the same old trolish nonsense ...

Even if this speculation is true, it seems an indictment on the current administrations national security rather than anything Trump did or did not do.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Russia doing that doesn't mean Trump conspired to make it happen. Having said that, why is Trump so defensive about Russia?


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Perhaps they need to drag this dead horse around until a certain date and then the new 'shiny item' will be presented that takes eyes and minds off the 'important things' going on globally. Perhaps all the UN Human Rights things were not meant to be followed until a certain date and the the 'unknown' group' would 'decree' they be followed 'or else'. That would be like Iran in 1953 and that was not supposed to be a 'gift' from the Rothschild bankers in return for blind support of the Jews in Jerusalem taking over the planing of the global system.

Damned if I kinow. Where was Jerusalem? History isn't very clear or reliable. History is mostly lies. It works best when you invent it.

Most of this planet have a different history of this planet than the west does. Don't blame the Greeks.

Russia doing that doesn't mean Trump conspired to make it happen. Having said that, why is Trump so defensive about Russia?

Cuz he knows one false move and he gets vapourized.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Even if the story is accurate why would the dumpster be impeached? He may have benefited from actions by Russia, but I doubt that he instigated them. Personally I would like to see more evidence of this before passing judgment.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Even if the story is accurate why would the dumpster be impeached? He may have benefited from actions by Russia, but I doubt that he instigated them. Personally I would like to see more evidence of this before passing judgment.

You can't impeach someone who isn't President, yet.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Here's a thought, maybe the CIA could have used one of these

Could have used in outside the US and stayed on the right side of the law an everything

Ah yes. When cell phones first came out only drug dealers and other shady people were using them. Now that they can be traced, only drug dealers and other shady people are using pay phones.....

After the CIA got caught lying about Iraq I don't believe anything they say.....

Tenet, Cheney, and the neocons used the president to lie America into war with Iraq, and Tenet warned Tony Blair ahead of time that the frame-up and pending invasion were a fait accompli.