CIA Concludes Russia Influenced Election to Help Trump Win: Source


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Maybe, because it would be illegal?

Maybe, because the CIA is not supposed to operate in the United States but on overseas threats ( like the Russians) ?

The Trumpites only care about illegal activity if it's Hillary. Since (to them) the ends justify the means, any illegal activity even suspected by Trump is unimportant.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Woah, I never knew teen vogue has such good writers!

Donald Trump Is Gaslighting America

The CIA officially determined that Russia intervened in our election, and President-elect Donald Trump dismissed the story as if it were a piece of fake news. "These are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction," his transition team wrote in a statement. "The election ended a long time ago in one of the biggest Electoral College victories in history. It’s now time to move on and ‘Make America Great Again'."

It wasn't one of the biggest Electoral College victories in history, so presumably that's another red-herring lie to distract from Trump treating the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States like it is some rogue blogger to be cast to the trolls. A foreign government's interference in our election is a threat to our freedom, and the President-elect's attempt to undermine the American people's access to that information undermines the very foundation upon which this country was built. It's also nothing new.

Trump won the Presidency by gas light. His rise to power has awakened a force of bigotry by condoning and encouraging hatred, but also by normalizing deception. Civil rights are now on trial, though before we can fight to reassert the march toward equality, we must regain control of the truth. If that seems melodramatic, I would encourage you to dump a bucket of ice over your head while listening to “Duel of the Fates." Donald Trump is our President now; it’s time to wake up.

"Gas lighting" is a buzzy name for a terrifying strategy currently being used to weaken and blind the American electorate. We are collectively being treated like Bella Manningham in the 1938 Victorian thriller from which the term "gas light" takes its name. In the play, Jack terrorizes his wife Bella into questioning her reality by blaming her for mischievously misplacing household items which he systematically hides. Doubting whether her perspective can be trusted, Bella clings to a single shred of evidence: the dimming of the gas lights that accompanies the late night execution of Jack’s trickery. The wavering flame is the one thing that holds her conviction in place as she wriggles free of her captor’s control.

To gas light is to psychologically manipulate a person to the point where they question their own sanity, and that’s precisely what Trump is doing to this country. He gained traction in the election by swearing off the lies of politicians, while constantly contradicting himself, often without bothering to conceal the conflicts within his own sound bites. He lied to us over and over again, then took all accusations of his falsehoods and spun them into evidence of bias.

At the hands of Trump, facts have become interchangeable with opinions, blinding us into arguing amongst ourselves, as our very reality is called into question.

There is a long list of receipts when it comes to Trump's lies. With the help of PolitiFact, clear-cut examples of deception include Trump saying that he watched thousands of people cheering on 9/11 in Jersey City (police say there's no evidence of this), that the Mexican government forces immigrants into the U.S. (no evidence), that there are "30 or 34 million" immigrants in this country (there are 10 or 11 million), that he never supported the Iraq War (he told Howard Stern he did), that the unemployment rate is as high as "42 percent" (the highest reported rate is 16.4 percent), that the U.S. is the highest taxed country in the world (not true based on any metric of consideration), that crime is on the rise (it's falling, and has been for decades), and too many other things to list here because the whole tactic is to clog the drain with an indecipherable mass of toxic waste. The gas lighting part comes in when the fictions are disputed by the media, and Trump doubles down on his lies, before painting himself as a victim of unfair coverage, sometimes even threatening to revoke access.

Trump has repeatedly attempted to undermine the press, including such well-respected publications as the New York Times. He has disseminated a wealth of unsubstantiated attacks on the media, though this baseless tweet from April pretty much sums it all up, "How bad is the New York Times -- the most inaccurate coverage constantly. Always trying to belittle. Paper has lost its way!"

As a candidate, Trump's gas lighting was manipulative, as President-elect it is a deliberate attempt to destabilize journalism as a check on the power of government.

To be clear, the "us" here is everyone living under Trump. It's radical progressives, hardline Republicans, and Jill Stein's weird cousin. The President of the United States cannot be lying to the American electorate with zero accountability. The threat of deception is not a partisan issue. Trump took advantage of the things that divide this country, pitting us against one another, while lying his way to the Oval Office. Yes, everything is painfully clear in hindsight, but let’s make sure Trump’s win was the Lasik eye surgery we all so desperately needed.

The good news about this boiling frog scenario is that we’re not boiling yet. Trump is not going to stop playing with the burner until America realizes that the temperature is too high. It’s on every single one of us to stop pretending it’s always been so hot in here.

There are things you can and should be doing to turn your unrest into action, but first let's empower ourselves with information. Insist on fact-checking every Trump statement you read, every headline you share or even relay to a friend over coffee. If you find factual inaccuracies in an article, send an email to the editor, and explain how things should have been clearer. Inform yourself what outlets are trustworthy and which aren’t. If you need extra help, seek out a browser extension that flags misleading sites or print out a list of fake outlets, such as the one by communications professor Melissa Zimdars, and tape it to your laptop. Do a thorough search before believing the agenda Trump distributes on Twitter. Refuse to accept information simply because it is fed to you, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. That is now the base level of what is required of all Americans. If facts become a point of debate, the very definition of freedom will be called into question.

It will be far easier to take on Trump’s words when there is no question of what he’s said or whether he means it. Regardless of your beliefs, we all must insist on that level of transparency. Trump is no longer some reality TV clown who used to fire people on The Apprentice. He is the President of the United States.

The road ahead is a treacherous one. There are unprecedented amounts of ugliness to untangle, from deciding whether our President can be an admitted sexual predator to figuring out how to stop him from threatening the sovereignty of an entire religion. It’s incredible that any of those things could seem like a distraction from a greater peril, or be only the cherry-picked issues in a seemingly unending list of gaffes, but the gaslights are flickering. When defending each of the identities in danger of being further marginalized, we must remember the thing that binds this pig-headed hydra together. As we spin our newfound rage into action, it is imperative to remember, across identities and across the aisle, as a country and as individuals, we have nothing without the truth.

Donald Trump Is Gaslighting America | Teen Vogue


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Kinda makes you wonder why the CIA didn't take steps prior to the vote to combat this villainous treachery
they were rushin and they overlooked stuff:
like the establishment the clintons and the bushes shill for are the CIA

"The Trump transition team fired back at the CIA in a short statement issued on 9 December:
These are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction"

"Breaking: Obama’s DHS Busted Hacking Election...

...As Obama and Hillary warned us of the threat of Russian hacking our election it seems behind the scenes Obama was up to no good.

Barack Obama’s Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said repeatedly that DHS has found no evidence of a cyber attack on Election Day.

He should have said we found no evidence of a foreign cyber attack on election day. Because the state of Georgia just released proof Obama’s DHS tried to hack into their election system."

mental as anything strikes again

CIA Big Lie Claims Russia
Intervened To Get Trump Elected

By Stephen Lendman
Utter rubbish! A same day article and earlier ones explained Russia didn’t hack DNC emails or interfere in any way with America’s election process.

Not a shred of evidence suggests otherwise. Yet anti-Russia, anti-Trump bashing continues endlessly, likely with no letup once in office unless he pursues dirty business as usual like his predecessors, abandoning his positive geopolitical pledges. - See more at: CIA Big Lie Claims Russia Intervened to Get Trump Elected

The Trumpites only care about illegal activity if it's Hillary. Since (to them) the ends justify the means, any illegal activity even suspected by Trump is unimportant.
hey good to see you!
when did you stop sodomizing your male dog?
Incest Embraced by Liberals as "Sexual Diversity" - "Nothing Wrong With It” Say SJWs
Last edited:

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Maybe, because it would be illegal?

Maybe, because the CIA is not supposed to operate in the United States but on overseas threats ( like the Russians) ?

Here's a thought, maybe the CIA could have used one of these

Could have used in outside the US and stayed on the right side of the law an everything

Just more Salty Tears from the alt-left.


I'm lovin' every minute of it.

No more smarmy, uppity libtards thumping their chests anymore

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Here's a thought, maybe the CIA could have used one of these

Could have used in outside the US and stayed on the right side of the law an everything

Your looney tunes hero just posted some seriuosly off shyte in response to the CIA report. He probably ain't gonna make it to inaugeration. He's madder than a march hare and when enough Americans figure that out, he'll be fired.

Dumb fukcs like the Cap'n can grab their guns and head for the hills. You can be the new American Contras.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Getting pretty desperate when they pull out the CIA knows . . . card. lol

On Friday, the Washington Post published a tantalizing article citing a 'secret CIA assessment' meant to conclusively show that Russia was behind the hack and release of thousands of DNC emails this summer. The only problem, says journalist Glenn Greenwald, is that the story consists of nothing but unverified claims by unnamed sources.

The Washington Post piece, boldly titled 'Secret CIA Assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House', claimed that the Russian hack was meant not just to "undermine confidence in the US electoral system," but to explicitly "help Donald Trump win the presidency." The article goes on to say that "intelligence agencies have identified individuals with connections to the Russian government who provided WikiLeaks with thousands of hacked emails" from the DNC and Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. The entire 1,600-word piece consists of attributions to unnamed "officials briefed on the matter" to back up its claims, citing these "officials" half-a-dozen times before asking for commentary from more anonymous "senior US officials" briefed on an intelligence presentation for US senators.

Read more:

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Your looney tunes hero just posted some seriuosly off shyte in response to the CIA report. He probably ain't gonna make it to inaugeration. He's madder than a march hare and when enough Americans figure that out, he'll be fired.

You'll be needing a couple of tubes of this every week for the next 4 years.... Better think about buying in bulk

Dumb fukcs like the Cap'n can grab their guns and head for the hills. You can be the new American Contras.

It's cruel for you to drag you cat down into your dementia

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
America is done like dinner.

Trump is uber alles and any further criticism will get you terminated.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
That's pretty much true. The whole world is against Trump (except for Putin).'s not a conspiracy if it's true. The interesting thing is that the FBI is also convinced of the Russian action and are currently trying to determine in any American assistance was given. If Trump had nothing to hide, it would be better to publicly support the CIA and the FBI. It sure looks like he's got something to hide