CIA Concludes Russia Influenced Election to Help Trump Win: Source

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
36's not a conspiracy if it's true. The interesting thing is that the FBI is also convinced of the Russian action and are currently trying to determine in any American assistance was given. If Trump had nothing to hide, it would be better to publicly support the CIA and the FBI. It sure looks like he's got something to hide

If hacking of any results is apparent, time to recount ballots all over the country.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
If hacking of any results is apparent, time to recount ballots all over the country.
Yes, that should happen however, if Americans were involved and Trump was aware....he could easily find himself "licking the jelly out of thunderdicks azzhole" for the rest of his life. That's far worse than than a recount or even losing the election.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Yes, that should happen however, if Americans were involved and Trump was aware....he could easily find himself "licking the jelly out of thunderdicks azzhole" for the rest of his life. That's far worse than than a recount or even losing the election.

He's avoided jail up 'til now ( wot, no rape charge?) He can buy his way out. ... like suddenly getting flat feet for two weeks when his draft lottery came up during Vietnam. Bit of dough and the doc signs anything. Weaseling out of this will cost a hell of a lot more, though.


Electoral Member
Mar 4, 2009
Kelowna BC
the art of the con is when then FOOLS still believe in you after you have manipulated them. Trumps whole political career is a lie starting with the birther con that got him started and the Russians that got him elected


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek

That is soooo cool


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
If hacking of any results is apparent, time to recount ballots all over the country.
Time for a Military coup and install Donald as the permanent Dictator. All this is showing is how badly the current system is broken.
The more I read and hear about American Politics the more I think Trump should wall in DC and let people out as soon as they have had a kangaroo court they can leave and return. If they skip that and just leave then they (or members of their immediate family) cannot ever return. It is close to the most important event in the world but no matter what goes on here (North America) the center of the world is Jerusalem and the Holy Land and we are just along for the (fun) ride. Israel and Russia will be the ones the area is divided between. Russia will have a base in Libya armed with the S-400 or similar defensive system and the air will be patrolled by Israeli fighters and landing would be in an emergency only but refueling craft would be at their disposal for their patrols over the EU until their situation is 'stable'. In this case disarm the EU to the extent they could not ever attack Jerusalem where they would have 'boots on the ground'. That would be promoted as being all the prophecy fulfilled and Jerusalem will become the only City State and the current ones will become servants rather than masters.

Perhaps Putin should say that his spy network had a confession to make and they do have agents walking around America and then produce some 1080 (and stable) vid showing spying on modern utilities with an towards the tests and design only for the ones that are the most user friendly and enviro impact on a truthful scale and that is studied to help with upgrading their own country so the citizens get the best deal possible rather than being used as live Lab Rats. Produce enough proof that they aren't capable of going deeper than the internet, with no restrictions and e-mail that Israel gives to Russia as part of their co-op and that would only leave the US Government of doing anything with data on the next level)

That is soooo cool
Great, the Gypsies hypnotized Mowich just like that. What hope do the rest of us peons have??


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
If they have information that concludes that Russia is guilty why the secrecy? Why aren't they telling the public how they know, what their concrete evidence is? If they are 100% correct they shouldn't be afraid to reveal their sources and their methods.
It is hard to believe that any group of losers can't just accept that they LOST after a whole month of whining and blaming.
It's over, Dems! Get over it! Deal with it! Stop crying and try to think about working toward bringing the country together, not dividing it even worse that it already is.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
you tards are so full of it
last time obama claimed some one did some hacking
"Yes, I think they made a mistake." President Obama on Sony Hack (C-SPAN)
Sony Hack - False Flag EXPOSED - North Korea Framed

geeez and you libturds are falling for the same play again?

too funny in the head


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
If they have information that concludes that Russia is guilty why the secrecy? Why aren't they telling the public how they know, what their concrete evidence is? If they are 100% correct they shouldn't be...

The issue isn't just that the Russians did it. Just as important (and some would say more important) is whether Americans were involved. Simply put, the investigation is not complete and therefore going public probably isn't going to happen


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Man I am some happy Harper is gone.
It's now an irrefutable rumor that Vladimir Putin installed Trump in the White House by using internet blogs and neck beard hackers. But does this mean Russia gets the Olympic gold for best meddlers in foreign elections? Hardly.
The United States has a long, proud history of interfering in elections all over the world. Washington is allowed to do this because it is "the exceptional nation" which knows what's best for everybody, everywhere. Heck, in 2006, Hillary even wanted to rig the elections in Palestine. You know, Palestine — the open air prison? Yeah, can't even trust them with their own elections. They might elect a leader who doesn't want to live in a giant Israeli-controlled prison. Can't have that.
Anyway, at a recent Kremlin powwow Putin reminded his western partners that he is well aware of all their exceptional meddling, which, in Russia's case, is done by "pro-democracy NGOs" and other State Department/CIA fronts. Listen to Putin shaming the west:
I recently had a conversation with one of my colleagues. We touched upon our alleged influence on some political processes abroad. I told him: 'And what are you doing? You have been constantly interfering in our political life.' And he replied: 'It's not us, it's the NGOs'. I said: 'Oh? But you pay them and write instructions for them.' He said: 'What kind of instructions?' I said: 'I have been reading them.'

NGO's deserve a new title, . . . No Good ???



Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
I've noticed people on this forum are kinda tired of the same trollish nonsense from Locutus and his underlings.

I like this new backbone we've developed.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Perhaps Pizzagate will be the Rosetta stone that allow the vast majority the ability to read and understand the codes that have been in use by the 3% of the global elite for the last 500 years. If the same elite are in charge 100 years from now the history books will record it as the 2nd Roman empire only this time when the surrounding as in Luke:21:24 (70AD dismantling of the Temple) the armies will be defeated by Jerusalem alone. and that would make Jerusalem the seat of power for eternity no matter how badly they run the world.
When 3% matter and 97% don' matter that is considered to be a failing grade.

Might I suggest the line be drawn based on 'other factors' instead. Eliminate people being on the wrong side of the stupid line is a worthy goal.

And then read this.

US Comedienne Samantha Bee Does 'Fake News' in Moscow, Get's Owned by Hoaxers (Video)
This is pretty funny, Samantha Bee traveled to Russia the week before the US elections to come up with something particularly damning against Trump which she planned to run on election day to do her part for, your know, 'the cause'.
Bee works for TBS, owned and run by a bunch or neocon Russia-haters over at Time, Inc. Who knows who paid her way over, but at any rate, she was skillfully owned by a couple of Russians who made her the real laughing stock.
Bee's visit included hoodwinking kindly old Russian elder statesman Vladimir Zhirinovsky, trying her best making fun of him. We wrote that up last week: Top Russian Pol Goes Full Alt-Right For Samantha Bee . That also didn't work out the way Bee wanted, Zhirinovsky's words were a hit with the burgeoning Alt-Right crowd back home.
Here is RT's take on what happened with the Russian trolls.

This is pretty funny, Samantha Bee traveled to Russia the week before the US elections to come up with something particularly damning against Trump which she planned to run on election day to do her part for, your know, 'the cause'.
Bee works for TBS, owned and run by a bunch or neocon Russia-haters over at Time, Inc. Who knows who paid her way over, but at any rate, she was skillfully owned by a couple of Russians who made her the real laughing stock.
Bee's visit included hoodwinking kindly old Russian elder statesman Vladimir Zhirinovsky, trying her best making fun of him. We wrote that up last week: Top Russian Pol Goes Full Alt-Right For Samantha Bee . That also didn't work out the way Bee wanted, Zhirinovsky's words were a hit with the burgeoning Alt-Right crowd back home.
Here is RT's take on what happened with the Russian trolls.
RT tracked down the alleged Kremlin trolls, who appeared on Samantha Bee’s show claiming they were paid to meddle with US election – just to find out they were hoaxers who tricked the American TV crew into paying them for appearing on Full Frontal.
The Clinton camp was never able to back its claims of Russia meddling in the US election with any actual proof. But the host of the US comedy show “Full Frontal”, Samantha Bee, apparently tried to help Hillary and organized an interview, with people that she described as paid Kremlin trolls.