Canadians overwhelmingly disagree with Trump victory


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
No, I'm not a homeopath, a naturopath, Hindu, Catholic or Pastafarian. Religion has no place in the medical industry.

You are too stupid even to know the difference between healing and religion. PS : BiG Pharma is not a god.Nor even really medicine. Just an industry that never really provides a cure only maintaining life. A cured customer is no longer a paying customer and it is all about profits.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
You are too stupid even to know the difference between healing and religion. PS : BiG Pharma is not a god.Nor even really medicine. Just an industry that never really provides a cure only maintaining life. A cured customer is no longer a paying customer and it is all about profits.

Amen. Praise Allah


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
You are too stupid even to know the difference between healing and religion. PS : BiG Pharma is not a god.Nor even really medicine. Just an industry that never really provides a cure only maintaining life. A cured customer is no longer a paying customer and it is all about profits.

Do they really worry about that? For every cured customer there's one or two more lining up behind them. How many of the drugs prescribed actually cure anything? I would guess mostly the antibiotics, while pretty much everything manages a potentially dangerous condition. I take 4 drugs to manage high blood pressure, heart rhythm, blood viscosity and cholesterol. I'll likely be using them as long as live and as long as I take them I'm healthy..............................THAT is the bottom line.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
There is a Precedent for Trump's Governmentwide Hiring Freeze
There is a Precedent for Trump's Governmentwide Hiring Freeze - Management -
so trump is for bigger government eh?

grease those gloves up good there cannuky
don't hurt youself

Do they really worry about that? For every cured customer there's one or two more lining up behind them. How many of the drugs prescribed actually cure anything? I would guess mostly the antibiotics, while pretty much everything manages a potentially dangerous condition. I take 4 drugs to manage high blood pressure, heart rhythm, blood viscosity and cholesterol. I'll likely be using them as long as live and as long as I take them I'm healthy..............................THAT is the bottom line.
...and i just treated my own almost fatal heart condition with a couple herbs and a couple supplements, and they couldn't find any heart damage ten days later
I do listen to my doctor, but as long as she says carry on with what works, I will.
They want to know everything I'm doing in detail for future reference


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
There is a Precedent for Trump's Governmentwide Hiring Freeze
There is a Precedent for Trump's Governmentwide Hiring Freeze - Management -
so trump is for bigger government eh?

grease those gloves up good there cannuky
don't hurt youself

...and i just treated my own almost fatal heart condition with a couple herbs and a couple supplements, and they couldn't find any heart damage ten days later

Herbs are what most drugs are comprised of. Don't use most of those supplements they sell in the drug store. That sh*t will likely kill you as fast as anything. There's maybe two exceptions ..............vitamin D and calcium. Calcium you can get from dairy products and broccoli.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
The herbs i am using are from the grocery store

One in particular cayenne, is very quietly known to repair heart damage in ways no pill known can. The doctors that studied this have hushed the studies up because they want to patent a patch that does the same thing... my life is at the mercy of their profits?
effe that

My Drs learned: don't mess with me

According to emerging scientific research, capsaicin – the ingredient that gives heat to cayenne peppers – may have the ability to minimize the damage caused by heart attacks and strokes. The promising study results have reinforced the longstanding conviction of some natural healers that cayenne pepper, scientifically known as Capsicum anuum, is a “miracle” remedy that can stop heart attacks...
...Even more promisingly, capsaicin caused an 85 percent reduction in the death of heart cells,
Can cayenne pepper stop a heart attack?

so, no stents, no pharma, NO bypass

trump is right
obama care and it's short list of insurance approved treatment options has to go


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
The herbs i am using are from the grocery store

One in particular cayenne, is very quietly known to repair heart damage in ways no pill known can. The doctors that studied this have hushed the studies up because they want to patent a patch that does the same thing... my life is at the mercy of their profits?
effe that

My Drs learned: don't mess with me

According to emerging scientific research, capsaicin – the ingredient that gives heat to cayenne peppers – may have the ability to minimize the damage caused by heart attacks and strokes. The promising study results have reinforced the longstanding conviction of some natural healers that cayenne pepper, scientifically known as Capsicum anuum, is a “miracle” remedy that can stop heart attacks...
...Even more promisingly, capsaicin caused an 85 percent reduction in the death of heart cells,
Can cayenne pepper stop a heart attack?

so, no stents, no pharma, NO bypass

trump is right
obama care and it's short list of insurance approved treatment options has to go

If I'm reading you correctly you want to dismiss what the doctors have spent 7 years studying? I'd say do it at your peril!

What does or does not happen 'down there' has no bearing upon our right to express an opinion.

I would say that an "opinion" by the very definition of the word is a pretty feeble excuse for taking drastic or violent action. :)

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Let's take action, then! Let's build a wall, round up all of the criminal aliens from the US and expel the lot!


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Rioting. Vandalism. Violence on the streets of our cities. Citizen turning against citizen in a rage of righteousness. Those would top my list for the moment, but then it would turn to how do we prevent a similar circumstance from happening in Canada whereby we are faced with nothing but unpalatable choices. We are, IMO, lucky that we have three main parties and something of a 4th.
Shut down the NHL.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Hey, I just thought since someone suggested getting rid of one useless franchise..