Here's my take. Since some of you are younger, touchy feely types, this should appeal.
You live in a neightbourhood with some bullies. Do you move? Hell no! But frankly, you do not have the knowledge or skill set to deal with the troublemakers. You need guidance, but who do you turn to?
The UN isn't much help. They talk a lot, but haven't been of much use since their inceptuon.
That leaves Big Brother. A double entendre to be sure.
The US
Neither one likes when the other gets too involved in the affairs of other countries. They complain. Point fingers. Make accusations. Threaten. But - and this must be clearly understood - neither side does anything, unless they genuinely believe the actions of the other are a threat to their standing in the world.
In effect, that's why most countries in the ME have received arms and support from both sides over the years.
A little known fact is this practice maintains a balance. Oh, many might think it outdated, but the fact is, humans want to be led - regardless of ethnicity, religion or where they live.
Time to re-examine what we used to do. Send in some advisors, arms and empower the locals. Get them involved in taking back their own streets. Humans that feel empowered are less likely to run. They clean up the own neighbourhoods- with some help - and let the bullies know they are fed up.
It slows immigration. Contains the problem. Empowers the people.
This doesn't cure itself overnight, but the present problem is ballooning out of control.The only end, should things continue to escalate, will be nukes.