NEB vs Province of Quebec

personal touch

House Member
Sep 17, 2014
Listen up F-ckface. You get $10 billion from Alberta this year. That happens to match the $10 billion deficit in our budget. Don't you try to tell me you get no benefit from the west. Without our money you would be bankrupt and in poverty and all those social programs and special rights would be out the window. You are an ignorant and arrogant piece of sh-t who obviously feels self entitled but you have no f-cking clue. I wish you would separate and take your per-capita share of the national debt with you. Of course that would leave you bankrupt before you started. F-ck you and all your French pals you little pissant.
Bad day at the office?

NEB do not serve Canadians
"Justice and the NEB,"
Now there is a thread for conversation
Or could be one of my chosen examples which impacts how I see working Justice,
Could be a good example of collaboration of working Justice,the flip side

I made a big mistake when I worked in Quebec for about 6 months in '75.....
As most of you know Quebec collects their tax separately, or at least used to..... while the other provinces collect and divide later at tax time while Quebecker must fill out separate forms.
My mistake was reclaiming that money at tax time.....A friend of mine who had worked at the same time I did forgot to claim it and at age 60 started receiving Quebec pension......
I got to admit $20 dollars a month doesn't sound like much and he only lived to 65 and was single so he didn't break even....
But for myself every month past 69 would have been a bonus with the amount of tax I paid.........oh and learn
Even the death benefit would have been more...I'll have to ask his younger brother, if he claimed it, next time I see him. :lol:
Too many numbers in this narrative
I shut down in the number game,but I sure did love to assess who delivered all those stupid numbers,
More fun this way,I was able to categorize the delivers of number information into certain groups,still do
Much more effective within information auditing ,knowing the number game has been an asset
Sort the wheat from the chaff,simple as pie


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Yes, we are stupid like cows in Quebec. We don't know what is a dept and we can't realize thing as simple as this.

I admire the great English Canadian clairvoyance.

You realize that the civilized parts of Quebec want to remain part of Canada? About all that will be leaving is that little corridor from QUebec city to Montreal.


Electoral Member
Jun 23, 2013
You realize that the civilized parts of Quebec want to remain part of Canada? About all that will be leaving is that little corridor from QUebec city to Montreal.
Oh the old dream of the partition of the National territory of Québec.

You can dream.


Electoral Member
Jun 23, 2013
It will hsppen.
If there is a lot of Slobodan Milošević among Canadian, yes it is possible.
But the US will quickly make you understand the logic of the real politics ;-)

Really, canadian are living in a world of phantasm when it become the time to deal with Québec.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
It's not your Seaway. The Americans built, own it and they will take it away from you.
Nope, that's wrong. The Seaway is a joint Canada/US venture with Canada coughing up three quarters of the cost to build it. The Canadian portion of the Seaway and the infrastructure is still owned by the Govt of Canada who still regulates it.
You are correct in that Quebec does not own it and can't do sh*t about it. Although with yet another worthless PM from Quebec that could change. Trudeau is already demonstrating his allegiance to Quebec first. Out of $18 billion in federal transfer payments, Quebec is getting $10 billion of it.


Electoral Member
Jun 23, 2013
Nope, that's wrong. The Seaway is a joint Canada/US venture with Canada coughing up three quarters of the cost to build it. The Canadian portion of the Seaway and the infrastructure is still owned by the Govt of Canada who still regulates it.
You are correct in that Quebec does not own it and can't do sh*t about it. Although with yet another worthless PM from Quebec that could change. Trudeau is already demonstrating his allegiance to Quebec first. Out of $18 billion in federal transfer payments, Quebec is getting $10 billion of it.
Trudeau is in favor of the pipeline, he clearly said.

But whatever if he is or not

What you want happens if Quebec said no?
You want to force the passage without the agreement of Quebec and you want the federal government to be the instrument of that?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Oh the old dream of the partition of the National territory of Québec.

You can dream.

It is a fact. If Quebec can separate from Canada then the parts of QUebec that wish to remain civilized have the right to remove their territory from Quebec. That means all of Northern Quebec will remain in Canada.

Trudeau is in favor of the pipeline, he clearly said.

But whatever if he is or not

What you want happens if Quebec said no?
You want to force the passage without the agreement of Quebec and you want the federal government to be the instrument of that?

Pretty much. What the uebec government thinks is of no consequence. This is a national issue and no pis sant with an agenda is going to stop it.


Electoral Member
Jun 23, 2013
The War fantasies and violence against Quebecers are Symptoms of the mindset of Canadians.

Quebec is a Nation, strong and original with its own values, its own traditions and its own history spanning over 400 years. The confederation has been established with the spirit, with the promise, with hope that the Nation of Quebec (Called Canadians at that time) can coexist and prosper as a separate Nation in a confederation with British peoples. From the beginning and until today this concept has never been respected. The Canadians always refused to see the Quebecers as equals in values, in rights and in importance. The day that the canadians will see Quebecers as a Nation equal to theirs and agree to discuss and interact with them as it should be between Nation, between partners in a commun business, the issue of Quebec sovereignty will be resolved.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
The War fantasies and violence against Quebecers are Symptoms of the mindset of Canadians.

Quebec is a Nation, strong and original with its own values, its own traditions and its own history spanning over 400 years. The confederation has been established with the spirit, with the promise, with hope that the Nation of Quebec (Called Canadians at that time) can coexist and prosper as a separate Nation in a confederation with British peoples. From the beginning and until today this concept has never been respected. The Canadians always refused to see the Quebecers as equals in values, in rights and in importance. The day that the canadians will see Quebecers as a Nation equal to theirs and agree to discuss and interact with them as it should be between Nation, between partners in a commun business, the issue of Quebec sovereignty will be resolved.
Hmm. . . RCD. You should get that looked at.


Electoral Member
Jun 23, 2013
It is a fact. If Quebec can separate from Canada then the parts of QUebec that wish to remain civilized have the right to remove their territory from Quebec. That means all of Northern Quebec will remain in Canada.

No it's not a fact. It's bull****. Québec is a federated state and canada is only a federation.
The international rights are clear on this. Trying to divide the Québec territory is a war affaire. Believe it or not, I am not ready to died for many thing, but for this one is, yes. But I don't beleive that WASP supremacists are enough strong and courageous in ROC to strat such of dirt war.

But now, you can stay in your fantasmagoric world where WASP are ruling everything and can impose their view on the other Nation because they are elected people of god. I don't mind.

Pretty much. What the uebec government thinks is of no consequence. This is a national issue and no pis sant with an agenda is going to stop it.

Yep, that is what canada is... Ô canada

Hmm. . . RCD. You should get that looked at.
I don't understand this one. Sorry.


Electoral Member
Jun 23, 2013
Random Capitalization Disorder. It's when people think they need to add Weight and Portent to their Deathless Prose and Very Serious Thoughts by improperly capitalizing Certain Words.
Comme parler de la partition du territoire d'une Nation j'imagine.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Yes, stop bawling and do it.

My attitude towards the building of the pipeline.

Quit the BS and do it.

Inter-provincial trade is a federal responsibility, and the feds need to force this.

The federal will stop collecting taxes from us, we will take back the Seaway and everyone will be happy.

Please, do it :)

What you will get, and I am serious, no insult intended, is a bayonette stuck your ****, or a 8 inch hole blown through your 6 inch neck.

The elephant in the room in any discussion of Quebec separatism is civil war.

No it's not a fact. It's bull****. Québec is a federated state and canada is only a federation.
The international rights are clear on this. Trying to divide the Québec territory is a war affaire. Believe it or not, I am not ready to died for many thing, but for this one is, yes. But I don't beleive that WASP supremacists are enough strong and courageous in ROC to strat such of dirt war.


First of all, you are incorrect in fact. Canada is a state, Quebec is a province. That is the reality. You have no standing in international law.

Secondly, international law is a joke. No nation on earth would follow the tenets of international law when the very existence of their nation is threatened. Not that Canada would have to break international law to divide Quebec.

Thirdly, it is not the WASPs in Canada that want to pansy out of every fight we ever took on.............


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
No it's not a fact. It's bull****. Québec is a federated state and canada is only a federation.
The international rights are clear on this. Trying to divide the Québec territory is a war affaire. Believe it or not, I am not ready to died for many thing, but for this one is, yes. But I don't beleive that WASP supremacists are enough strong and courageous in ROC to strat such of dirt war.

But now, you can stay in your fantasmagoric world where WASP are ruling everything and can impose their view on the other Nation because they are elected people of god. I don't mind.

You want a war? I'm ok with that. Real Canadians and the rest of the Commonwealth will finish what we should have done on the Plains of Abraham and send you french f^ckheads packing back to France. Not that they would take you but you can go wherever you can find a new home. I doubt you would be accepted anywhere given the reputation you have made for yourselves as ignorant and arrogant and impossible to deal with. Face it, the quebecois are in a terrible position if you want to start a fight but have at it, please.