NEB vs Province of Quebec


Electoral Member
Jun 23, 2013
It's not your Seaway. The Americans built, own it and they will take it away from you. The Seaway is their access to their Northern coastline where 50million people live. The Americans have been adament about maintaining their control over all of the sea lanes that are vital to them, everywhere on the planet and the St. Lawrence Seaway is very close to their homeland ... in it, in places.

This is what will happen an hour or two after you take "your" Seaway: The 10th Mountian Division in Watertown NY will take the Upper St Lawrence Valley perhaps as far south as Vercherres. US Marines will land all along your St. Lawrence shore. Old, St Laurent Quebec will henceforth be occupied, maybe annexed. The Aboriginal people of the North who have no histoic love of the French will go to the UN and get their independance, based on thousands of years of occupation. Your rump, little country will consist of the Kingdom of the Saguenay with people who truly and totally hate your guts on all of your borders. That ought to kill off the French language and culture in North America in no more than, say, two generations.

The Canada that picks up your lunch tab also protects your extremely fragile existance. You owe it to Alberta to help them with their exports.
I know, it's part of the ROC Canadian fantasies to see Quebecers to be humiliated militarily. The Canadian tanks in the streets of Montreal made bandaged many english canadian in 1970. The fact is that the seaway is under the federal government's responsibility now. it would only change hands. We will operate it to our advantage and in collaboration with American and you, Canadian, possibly, it depends .... That's being a sovereign Nation.

Some sovereign Nations are going to impose their views on the territory of another Nation in defiance of his will and his safety. like, for example, impose the passage of a pipeline without compensation, violate election laws, impose anti-democratic rules, impose the passage of a seaway or give a huge portion of its territory to a British colony that wants to join there federation. I hope that as a sovereign nation, Quebec would never do such things.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
I know, it's part of the ROC Canadian fantasies to see Quebecers to be humiliated militarily. The Canadian tanks in the streets of Montreal made bandaged many english canadian in 1970. The fact is that the seaway is under the federal government's responsibility now. it would only change hands. We will operate it to our advantage and in collaboration with American and you, Canadian, possibly, it depends .... That's being a sovereign Nation.

Some sovereign Nations are going to impose their views on the territory of another Nation in defiance of his will and his safety. like, for example, impose the passage of a pipeline without compensation, violate election laws, impose anti-democratic rules, impose the passage of a seaway or give a huge portion of its territory to a British colony that wants to join there federation. I hope that as a sovereign nation, Quebec would never do such things.
It's not your Seaway. It's not Canada's either. You are bargaining with someone else's property while you live on someone else's money.

Speaking of fantacies, Quebec is not a viable independant nation. Even France has given up on the idea.


Electoral Member
Jun 23, 2013
It's not your Seaway. It's not Canada's either. You are bargaining with someone else's property while you live on someone else's money.

Speaking of fantacies, Quebec is not a viable independant nation. Even France has given up on the idea.
This is the government property... on the Quebec territory. What you don't understand in it ?

Québec is not a sovereign Nation. Yep. So what's your point here ?

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Quebec owes Alberta an export route through Quebec for their oil. Alberta gives you far more than you give them back and they need Quebec's help, right now. The alternative is that more dangerous oil goes through Quebec by rail, which is not a desireable outcome for anyone other than CN and CP.

It is as simple as that.


Electoral Member
Jun 23, 2013
Quebec owes Alberta an export route through Quebec for their oil. Alberta gives you far more than you give them back and they need Quebec's help, right now. The alternative is that more dangerous oil goes through Quebec by rail, which is not a desireable outcome for anyone other than CN and CP.

It is as simple as that.
1- The pipeline will transport an amount of 1.1 million barrels of crude oil per day. That is at least twice that which is currently transported by train.

2- The Transportation by train will not stop because there will be a pipeline. So the pipeline will increase the risks without affecting those we have now.

3- Quebec receives enough oil for its consumption with the reversal of the Enbridge pipeline. All that will be carried by the new pipeline will be for export without any benefit for Quebecers.

4- Give this infrastructure responsability to federal government..... without control of our National Governement on it ? again ??? no.....

Help Albertans to make money without benefits for us .... while it represents enormous risks? No thanks :)

It is as simple as that.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Your benefit us that Alberta comtinues to back your living museum to North Anerican Francophonie with their hard earned cash. They should discontinue doing it. That is what is in it for you.


Electoral Member
Jun 23, 2013
Your benefit us that Alberta comtinues to back your living museum to North Anerican Francophonie with their hard earned cash. They should discontinue doing it. That is what is in it for you.
In your comment, I can feel all the respect and love that canadians have for the other founding Nation of this federation.

Ô canada

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
In your comment, I can feel all the respect and love that canadians have for the other founding Nation of this federation.

Ô canada

I was born and raised in Quebec and have lived there for half of my life. I have also served in a predomnently French military unit.

A fair bit of Quebec is purely Fascist. I do not repect that part.


Electoral Member
Jun 23, 2013
I was born and raised in Quebec and have lived there for half of my life. I have also served in a predomnently French military unit.

A fair bit of Quebec is purely Fascist. I do not repect that part.
I know, a good Quebecers, is a dead Quebecer or, better than that, an assimilated Québecer.

You are pretty typical of canadian mind set.


Electoral Member
Jun 23, 2013
Hydro-Québec should implement the pipeline on the Quebec territory and rent it. It should be faire this way.

fascist ??? hahaha

You want to impose your dirt and dangerous stuff to Quebecers for your own benefit, and you admit that you don't have respect for our Nation and I am the fascist.... come on.... hahaha too funny.


Electoral Member
Jun 23, 2013
Tu perd ton temp a t'astiner avec un cris de séparatiste!
Quand on est respectueux, on dit souverainiste et on évite d'utiliser "christ" devant.

How many referenda did YOU vote in?
Les Québécois ont voté une seule fois pour faire parti du canada et la réponse a été NON. Mais nous y sommes encore...

Les Terreneuviens eux ont dû voter deux fois. La deuxième fois, pour qu'ils disent oui, le canada leur a donné 30% du territoire du Québec.

C'est comme ça le canada.


Electoral Member
Jun 23, 2013
And they voted twice to seperate, and both times the answer was "NO"
You want to keep voting until you get the result you like?
The first time it was a "no", with promises of change. The change was the loss of the Québec veto and a new constitution that make Quebecers second-class citizen.

The second time was a referendum stolen by our laws violated, the violated democracy and unfair tactics like the massive acceleration of citizenship for immigrants.

And now, to be sure not to lose, the federal government has changed the rules of democracy.

But canada is a nice country. Le plus meilleur pays du monde !


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
the chained down French unicorn makes me giggle.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
OK it's the way it should work... ?

So Hydro-Québec will be able to make his power line that we ask since decades on the NB territory... Wright ?
Is Quebec looking to steal more power?

1- The pipeline will transport an amount of 1.1 million barrels of crude oil per day. That is at least twice that which is currently transported by train.

2- The Transportation by train will not stop because there will be a pipeline. So the pipeline will increase the risks without affecting those we have now.

3- Quebec receives enough oil for its consumption with the reversal of the Enbridge pipeline. All that will be carried by the new pipeline will be for export without any benefit for Quebecers.

4- Give this infrastructure responsability to federal government..... without control of our National Governement on it ? again ??? no.....

Help Albertans to make money without benefits for us .... while it represents enormous risks? No thanks :)

It is as simple as that.
Quebec oil comes from the middle east. It makes far more sense to use Canadian oil. Not to mention much more ethical. opps I forgot you live in Quebec so you wouldn't know about ethics.

Hydro-Québec should implement the pipeline on the Quebec territory and rent it. It should be faire this way.

fascist ??? hahaha

You want to impose your dirt and dangerous stuff to Quebecers for your own benefit, and you admit that you don't have respect for our Nation and I am the fascist.... come on.... hahaha too funny.

Last time I looked Quebec was part of Canada. Not a nation. Just a poor cousin province.
We have pappa trudOWE to thank for all the problems Quebec creates.

the chained down French unicorn makes me giggle.

THe unicorn represent the QUebec way of thinking. Pure fantasy.