How do you know this? How can you say that that weather today causes so much more havoc than
weather a couple hundred years ago? Unless you measure to compare, you can't compare....
The complexity of the average house today compared to what we were living in even 50 years ago and
the same goes for transportation corridors, waste systems, not to mention the world population is 6
times what it was a century ago.....has what bearing on the weather then or now?
How do you measure damage? How it affects an individual? How it impacts society as a whole? An F5
twister wipes out a farm, or a few farms, but leaves the others around it alone. To the farmers that are
left homeless & income-less.....this is a horrific tragedy, but to the neighbor who where not directly
impacted by this event, how do you measure that? Tough calls to make unless you have all the data to
compare one to the next....
For starters just by the sheer numbers of those affected.