The Alt-Right Movement: A New Age of Racism and Xenophobia


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
WATCH: Hillary Clinton Supporters at ‘Alt-Right’ Speech Don’t Know What It Is

WATCH: Hillary Clinton Fans Can't Explain What 'Alt-Right' Is

Of course they can't figure it out. Just like they can't figure out the e-mail thing. I mean, Hillary didn't have a secured server to send and receive classified e-mail. She also claims she didn't use he personal, unsecured server for classified e-mails either. So that begs the one question, how the hell did she manage to send or receive any classified e-mails? Because classified material is something that someone in her position would have been dealing with on a regular basis.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
I think you could better spend your time preparing to go a-buccaneering, Captain Pugwash.

The prep takes up hours of my day. I have a stack of paperwork 2 feet high for visa applications and port-authority registrations. It's crazy just how much is involved that doesn't actually concern the boat and sailing it.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Well then, they've nothing to fear from you. You think that wearing hijab in a Mountie uniform has implications for performance.

It does. According to you fire departments should let Sikhs in with beards just to accommodate minorities. Maybe we should let quadriplegics in too cause you wouldn't want to discriminate.

Here you go, dropout.

Responding To The Alt Right: Are They Bigots, Or Just Stupid Children? | Daily Wire

So Milo seems to be making two points here. The first: not all stereotypes are rooted in falsehood (true). The second: trolling people with viciously nasty language is a positive good because it rips away taboos surrounding language (false). Then Milo wraps all of this in the mantle of political incorrectness.

As someone who despises political correctness with the fiery hatred of a thousand suns, I find this problematic. Here’s why: I believe there’s a difference between political incorrectness and bigotry, or political incorrectness and vulgarity. I have this problem with Trump, and I have this same problem with the alt right that simplistically embraces Trump because they mesh being a jackass with being politically incorrect. They’re not the same thing. It is politically incorrect to point out that black Americans commit a wildly disproportionate share of crime, or that Jews comprise an outsized percentage of successful media moguls, doctors, and lawyers. It is also politically incorrect to point out that cultural stereotypes are sometimes rooted in reality -- Milo's right about that. It is racist, however, to tweet the word “n*****” at a black person, and it is anti-Semitic to tweet a meme of a stereotypical hook-nosed Jew controlling the world or greedily collecting shekels. There is a difference between the two.

And it actually does the cause of political incorrectness a grave disservice to merge the two. It makes it easy to dismiss solid information and data by writing it all off as the work of bigots. The alt right isn’t tearing down taboos regarding language, if that’s really what they think they’re doing. All they’re doing is re-enshrining in the American mind a basic falsehood about the right itself: that we are bigots who use selective data-picking to back our political viewpoints. The self-aggrandizing belief that trolling Microsoft Artificial Intelligence bots on Twitter into tweeting about the wonders of Hitler somehow strikes a blow for free speech is sheer fantasy. It’s teenage puerility. It’s damn dumb.

Just because you quote some retard on the internet does not make it a fact.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
It does. According to you fire departments should let Sikhs in with beards just to accommodate minorities. Maybe we should let quadriplegics in too cause you wouldn't want to discriminate.

If some Sikh wants to be a firefighter with his beard so the scott-pak won't fit or work let him. He just needs to know he still has to run into burning buildings and will be held liable for any injuries, damages or deaths if he doesn't.

As opposed to all the groups out there promoting minority races with racist doctrines....:roll:


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
Trump's primary platform does not deal with 'white' nationalism.. or radical ree markets.. pitting dispossessed workers against each other.

His policies just the opposite, those of integral nationalism.. of control of borders.. of the sovereign integrated industrial nation state.. which, in fact, empowers organized free labour, workers rights, equitable distribution of wealth, regulation of markets, guarantees of a level commercial playing field, access to affordable credit, stable currencies and a vigorous, prosperous manufacturing sector.

All the these have been all but eradicated by the imperial, global free market paradigm.. fundamentally a slave based economic system.. which depends on a captive, desperate workforce payed subsistence wages. It is controlled by supranational organizations, banks and corporations.. all represented by their puppet candidate and shill, Hillary Clinton, who will appoint their henchmen to all critical financial, external and political portfolios.

The threat of a President free of their influence and control, in fact, a representative of a movement completely in opposition to their ambitions of global dominance and representing their prime enemy, the constitutional sovereign nation state.. with its implicit governed economic infrastructure committed to the commonweal.. shows in the increasingly hysterical diatribes against Trump.

This article is a prime example..resorting to wild fear and rumour mongering and empty pejorative phrases.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
His policies in fact are those on integral nationalism.. of control of borders.. of the sovereign integrated industrial nation state.. which in fact empowers organized free labour, workers rights, equitable distribution of wealth, and a vigorous, prosperous manufacturing sector.
Kiss cheap domestic fruit and veg goodbye but if you look at the industry lost trying to up Mexican living standards so they stay home, it is killing the US and CanadIan economies.

We lost SkiDoo for f-ck sakes. SkiDoo.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Kiss cheap domestic fruit and veg goodbye but if you look at the industry lost trying to up Mexican living standards so they stay home, it is killing the US and CanadIan economies.

We lost SkiDoo for f-ck sakes. SkiDoo.

But Truedoh will make sure we don't lose Bombardier no matter how many billions he has to throw at them.

At least Trump has a platform and ideas. I still haven't heard anything from Shillary about plans or policy.....just attacks on Trump for putting US citizens first.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Yes, we already know trolls exist because they can't have their way.

It's a natural response to the civilizing process.



Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Yes, we already know trolls exist because

anyone that presents truths or common sense to progs are usually labelled as trolls. it's part of your talking point M.O. kid.

we know. nothing new here.

you're gonna be really mad come november. prepare your body.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Yes, we already know trolls exist because they can't have their way.

It's a natural response to the civilizing process.

Civilizing process? By that you mean imposing your beliefs and way of thinking on others against their will and stealing the fruits of their labour to pay for you to live. So very civilized...LOL


Council Member
Oct 18, 2015
Clinton talks about Alt-Right being in favour of white supremacy.
She should remember that white supremacy people are Americans too and have the right to support whomever they please. It doesn't mean that their support is solicited.
What Clinton says makes her look like she's bigoted against white people. All she talks about is minority groups.
It's notable that white people built America and as long as white people were running things, things ran a hell of a lot more smoothly than they do today.
The Democrat's efforts to give America to minority groups is insane. Those minority groups in charge would be like the countries that wriggled out from British rule and immediately started on a downward trend. Because they didn't know how to manage freedom and rule of law.
Look at this useless white supremacist... "white people built murica" LOL


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Look at this useless white supremacist... "white people built murica" LOL

You can't help the xenophobes.

The worst part is that they lash out instead of changing when you call them what they are.

Terrible temperament, these folks.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Look at this useless white supremacist... "white people built murica" LOL

The funny bit is western society WAS built by whites. I know that hurts to admit for you but sometimes the truth hurts and you have to take your lumps and move on.

You can't help the xenophobes.

The worst part is that they lash out instead of changing when you call them what they are.

Terrible temperament, these folks.

The only reason you're still alive is because your lefty heroes legislated away Darwinism.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
You can't help the xenophobes.

The worst part is that they lash out instead of changing when you call them what they are.

Meanwhile, All the other races believe they are superior. It's only feminist like you who think everyone is equal :lol: