The Alt-Right Movement: A New Age of Racism and Xenophobia


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
Clinton talks about Alt-Right being in favour of white supremacy.
She should remember that white supremacy people are Americans too and have the right to support whomever they please. It doesn't mean that their support is solicited.
What Clinton says makes her look like she's bigoted against white people. All she talks about is minority groups.
It's notable that white people built America and as long as white people were running things, things ran a hell of a lot more smoothly than they do today.
The Democrat's efforts to give America to minority groups is insane. Those minority groups in charge would be like the countries that wriggled out from British rule and immediately started on a downward trend. Because they didn't know how to manage freedom and rule of law.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Trashing your opponent is the last gasp effort of the defeated when they have nothing in their platform that appeals to any voters. If you can't win with the good you will do win by claiming the other guy is worse.

All Trump needs to do is stick to the issues and what he will do as president and let clit-on continue to show everyone she has nothing but hatred for everyone.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
All Trump needs to do is quit now to save himself the massive embarrassment of being the worst political candidate in the history of this planet.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
All Trump needs to do is quit now to save himself the massive embarrassment of being the worst political candidate in the history of this planet.

All Mentalfloss needs to do is quit now to save himself the massive embarrassment of being the worst can-con member in the history of this planet.

I'm sure this is closer to the truth.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
start at 1:38 for ALT-right, but not ALT-Right Click… or CTL-ALT… or what?



Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Clinton is attacking the 'Alt-Right' -- What is it?

In late March, Breitbart published something close to a manifesto. Titled "An Establishment Conservative's Guide To The Alt-Right," writers Allum Bokhari and Milo Yiannopoulos presented the movement as an intellectually vibrant -- in contrast with "1980s skinheads" -- band of merry right-wing pranksters "eager to commit secular heresies" while striking out at political elites, regardless of their party affiliation.

They exist almost exclusively online, talking to each other on alt-right blogs and select reddit or 4chan forums. To the extent a "normie" -- alt-right and web slang for a normal person -- is likely to encounter them, Twitter has emerged as the preferred avenue for the harassment and trolling of assorted rivals, enemies and other targeted groups, often women and Jews.

And that is very much central to understanding the alt-right. As Yiannopoulos wrote, many of its self-identified members are drawn less by a desire to enter the current political debate than an instinct to undermine it while delighting in a sense of "fun, transgression, and a challenge to social norms they just don't understand."

But the reality is less rosy. Yiannopoulos was banned from Twitter for serial aggressions, including his part in the recent campaign targeting comedian Leslie Jones.

Clinton is attacking the 'Alt-Right' -- What is it? -


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Here you go, dropout.

Responding To The Alt Right: Are They Bigots, Or Just Stupid Children? | Daily Wire

So Milo seems to be making two points here. The first: not all stereotypes are rooted in falsehood (true). The second: trolling people with viciously nasty language is a positive good because it rips away taboos surrounding language (false). Then Milo wraps all of this in the mantle of political incorrectness.

As someone who despises political correctness with the fiery hatred of a thousand suns, I find this problematic. Here’s why: I believe there’s a difference between political incorrectness and bigotry, or political incorrectness and vulgarity. I have this problem with Trump, and I have this same problem with the alt right that simplistically embraces Trump because they mesh being a jackass with being politically incorrect. They’re not the same thing. It is politically incorrect to point out that black Americans commit a wildly disproportionate share of crime, or that Jews comprise an outsized percentage of successful media moguls, doctors, and lawyers. It is also politically incorrect to point out that cultural stereotypes are sometimes rooted in reality -- Milo's right about that. It is racist, however, to tweet the word “n*****” at a black person, and it is anti-Semitic to tweet a meme of a stereotypical hook-nosed Jew controlling the world or greedily collecting shekels. There is a difference between the two.

And it actually does the cause of political incorrectness a grave disservice to merge the two. It makes it easy to dismiss solid information and data by writing it all off as the work of bigots. The alt right isn’t tearing down taboos regarding language, if that’s really what they think they’re doing. All they’re doing is re-enshrining in the American mind a basic falsehood about the right itself: that we are bigots who use selective data-picking to back our political viewpoints. The self-aggrandizing belief that trolling Microsoft Artificial Intelligence bots on Twitter into tweeting about the wonders of Hitler somehow strikes a blow for free speech is sheer fantasy. It’s teenage puerility. It’s damn dumb.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Hillary is complaining about a phenomenon she helped to create-- thinking she can beat it with the habits that fostered it in the first place.

nice try cuck. Lol


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
It's already been beaten.

There aren't enough slim shady's to support it.



Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
All Trump needs to do is quit now to save himself the massive embarrassment of being the worst political candidate in the history of this planet.
you forgot about ignatieff already?
Ignatieff resigns after Liberal defeat - The Globe and Mail
the american Cruz

I think you could better spend your time preparing to go a-buccaneering, Captain Pugwash.

so say the guy(?) with the makeup on and feather whigg
you fight like a girl