Donald Trump Announces 2016 White House Bid


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
The NYT smear piece on Trump's relations with women has backfired big time as one of its sources.. a former Trump girlfriend has gone on all the major new networks claiming she was misquoted, or selectively quoted, and her remarks were brazenly mischaracterized.. which has led to a huge embarrassment to the Times.

It shows how blatantly biased they are (and how desperate the antiTrump forces have become).. to the extent of fabricating smears against Trump. The girlfriend sais she supports Trump candidacy, that he was always a gentleman.

No doubt Trump has had his issues as a husband.. but at least he hasn't raped anyone, or been a serial adulterer..or set up 'conquests' for public humiliation.. as Bill Cllinton has done. He is hardly a model for respect for women.. but that seems to be lost on the NYT.


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
I took a ride from Pheonix to Tombstone. On the way out I got stopped and questioned at a Border Patrol Checkpoint. They stop everyone... so... you're probably FOS.

OR maybe you look like a druggie.. ;)

Do they still ban minorities from Calgary nightclubs? lmao

Do they still burn crosses in Black neighbourhoods in the USA?? One of your fellow Trump supports no doubt.

Former Ozark Klan Leader indicted in Cross Burning

I know they do that. In my opinion, it's borderline unconstitutional, though.

Check points have to be within 50 miles of the International border..

"If your white" I didn't even have to come to a complete Stop before the Border Patrol Agent Waved me through and Said "Thank You" No other questions asked at this one. No dogs checked my truck either. This was on I-10 West of Las Cruces, NM.

Okay, that sh*t works well.. Cyclobenzaprine after I pulled a muscle. weeeeee nighty night.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
OR maybe you look like a druggie.. ;)

Nope... they stop everyone.

Do they still burn crosses in Black neighbourhoods in the USA?? One of your fellow Trump supports no doubt.

Former Ozark Klan Leader indicted in Cross Burning
An event from years ago! lmao. FAIL

No doubt a Democrat

And he held the same KKK rank as Byrd!

Check points have to be within 50 miles of the International border..

"If your white" I didn't even have to come to a complete Stop before the Border Patrol Agent Waved me through and Said "Thank You" No other questions asked at this one. No dogs checked my truck either. This was on I-10 West of Las Cruces, NM.
Nope... he stopped you.

Okay, that sh*t works well.. Cyclobenzaprine after I pulled a muscle. weeeeee nighty night.
You apparently are a druggie.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Donald Trump kissing ex-London mayor Boris Johnson in new mural
First posted: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 12:01 PM EDT | Updated: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 12:09 PM EDT
LONDON - A giant mural of Donald Trump locked in a kiss with former London mayor Boris Johnson in the style of a legendary Soviet-era image has been unveiled by a group campaigning for Britain to stay in the European Union.
Painted on the side of a building in Bristol, southwest England - home of the celebrated graffiti artist Banksy - the image reprises a 1979 photograph of Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev and East German President Erich Honecker kissing, which was later turned into a mural on the Berlin Wall.
It was commissioned by pro-EU campaign group "We are Europe" as what they call a warning of things to come if Britons vote to leave the 28-member bloc on June 23, as advocated by both Johnson and Trump, the presumptive Republican candidate in November's U.S. presidential election.
Johnson is the "Out" campaign's best-known leader and Trump has said Britain would be "better off without" the EU, which he has blamed for Europe's migration crisis.
The 15-foot (4.5 metre) mural is accompanied by the slogan "Not #IN for this?" and a plea for people, especially the young, to register to vote by a June 7 deadline.
"People need to look at this image and think - is this the future I want," said Harriet Kingaby, a spokesperson from We Are Europe.
Galvanizing the youth vote is a key issue for the "In" camp. Surveys show young people are far more likely to be in favour of remaining in the EU but also much less likely to bother to vote.
A survey of 2,000 students this month found that 63% did not know the exact date of the referendum, while 54% were not aware it was being held in June.
A passerby views a mural showing likely U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump (L) kissing the Former Mayor of London and Conservative MP, Boris Johnson, on the side of a building in Bristol, south west England on May 24, 2016. (AFP PHOTO/GEOFF CADDICK)

Donald Trump kissing ex-London mayor Boris Johnson in new mural | World | News |


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
You apparently are a druggie.

Nope, just a very bad injury... off to get X-Rays and Ultrasound this morning for my arm and back. Screwed up my nerves and tore a muscle.. no feeling in my fingers on my right hand and extreme pain from the shoulder to the elbow.

So the doctor has me on some really interesting pain killers and muscle relaxants.



on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
Trudeau has more class in his baby finger than, trump has in his whole body.

Which proves, it doesn't matter how rich you are, you can't buy class.. and Trump has none.

Trudeau is such a flake, such a superficial twit.. that someone like Trump will eat him for breakfast.

I don't think Justin has had an original idea in his life.. he just latches onto political fads. Unfortunately he's been able to turn that into short term success.. which means he hasn't learned that there are actually moral laws that are inscribed into the universe and binding on nations and mankind. He's being blown along by surface breezes while the country drifts toward a whirlpool driven by deep and chaotic undercurrents.

Hillary is an absolute disaster.. an incompetent administrator and politician. So i expect Trump will win the general election. And i think most people will be surprised at what an effective and moderate President he will become. But more importantly he represents a paradigm shift from the Free Market, Trickle Down, Libertarian ethos that has ruled the Republicans since Reagan (Goldwater, really)..

But Hillary's defeat will mean an end to the hegemony of feminist, homosexual, anti-family, race baiting, culture of death ideologies in the Democratic Party as well. It will show these supposed guaranteed electoral demographics cannot be relied upon. And that same ideology is what Justin and Liberals are reliant.

This is going to be a civilizational shift across the West. The Liberals since there inception have been economic and culturally libertarian, Free Markets, Anti Nationalist and Post Structural.. representing all sides of a collapsing system

So it will mean Trudeau will be a well deserved one term PM. And Justin is too much of a fool to recognize it. Now if we could only get the decepit, seditious Free Market shills, Harper and his ilk, out the the Conservative Party, we'd have a foundation to rebuild from catastrophic public policy of the last 30 years.. of both Parties.
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