“Origin of the Universe Riddle Solved- and,er, It Wasn’t God”


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
“Origin of the Universe Riddle Solved- and,er, It Wasn’t God” Claim Canadian Physicists

A Group of researchers have made what may turn out to be the most significant discovery in HISTORY – how the cosmos came into being from nothing. The immense question has concerned religions, philosophers and researchers since the dawn of time but now a Canadian group of scientists consider that they have finally solved this riddle. And the results are so convincing they even challenge the need for religion, or in any case an omnipotent creator – the foundation of all world religions. A group of scientists led by Prof Mir Faizal, at the Dept of Physics and Astronomy, at the University Of Waterloo, Canada, has positively applied the theory to the very creation of existence itself. Prof Mir Faizal: “Virtual particles contain a very small amount of energy and exist for a very small amount of time. However what was difficult to explain was how did such a small amount of energy give rise to a big universe like ours?”

Prof Mir used some mind-bending mathematics and two current theories:
• The Minimum Length Scale – a size so infinitesimally small that space and time cease to exist.
• Doubly Special Relativity – which takes advantage of the massive energies available just after the birth of the universe.

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Under Inflation Theory the minute energies and lifetime of the virtual particle become infinitely magnified, finally resulting in our 13.8 Billion-year-old universe. Just to make things more complex Dr Mir says we have been trying to answer the question ‘how did the universe come from nothing?’ all wrong. According to the astonishing findings, the question is irrelevant as the universe STILL is nothing. Dr Mir Faizal said: “Something did not come from nothing. The universe still is nothing, it’s just more elegantly ordered nothing.” He also added that the negative gravitational energy of the cosmos and the positive matter energy of the cosmos essentially balanced out and generated a zero sum.

When asked if the amazing findings and the convincing if complex solution disinterested the need for a God figure to kick start the cosmos Dr Mir said: “If by God you mean a supernatural super man who breaks his own laws then yes he’s done for, you just don’t need him. But if you mean God as a great mathematician, then yes!”

What Prof. Mir was talking about to is known as inflation. According to inflation the entire positive energy in the form of matter precisely balances the negative energy in form of gravity, such that the whole energy of our universe is still zero.

Prof. Mir – who has also been working on the Large Hardron Collider at CERN in Switzerland – further clarified that by “nothing” he only intended absence of energy, and not the absence of laws of physics.

source: “Origin of the Universe Riddle Solved- and,er, It Wasn’t God” Claim Canadian Physicists | UPRISER


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
“Origin of the Universe Riddle Solved- and,er, It Wasn’t God”
Have they proven that beyond all doubt?
How this theory even begins to challenge the existence of God (which, I believe, is the only god in existence) or some other god or gods - and, let's face it, the vast majority of human beings on Earth believe in at least one god - is completely beyond me.
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Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Have they proven that beyond all doubt? How this theory even begins to challenge the existence of God (which, I believe, is the only god in existence) or some other god or gods - and, let's face it, the vast majority of human beings on Earth believe in at least one god - is completely beyond me.

God is also a theory. Unfortunately there is more evidence and proof towards any other theory except God.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
God is also a theory.

And the vast majority of human beings on Earth are religious and believe in at least one God.

Unfortunately there is more evidence and proof towards any other theory except God.
Has science disproven the existence of God or a god or several gods? It hasn't. In fact, with the likes of Thomas Aquinas, it has got closer to proving the existence of God than disproving him.

Also, I think it's sheer arrogance and self-righteous of scientists to keep coming out every so often to say that their new theory on the universe "disproves the existence of God", especially when nobody has ever got even close to disproving God's existence. Who are they to tell me what I should and shouldn't believe in? Humanity will still believe in gods and have religious beliefs centuries from now.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
And the vast majority of human beings on Earth are religious and believe in at least one God.

Has science disproven the existence of God or a god or several gods? It hasn't. In fact, with the likes of Thomas Aquinas, it has got closer to proving the existence of God than disproving him.

Also, I think it's sheer arrogance and self-righteous of scientists to keep coming out every so often to say that their new theory on the universe "disproves the existence of God", especially when nobody has ever got even close to disproving God's existence. Who are they to tell me what I should and shouldn't believe in? Humanity will still believe in gods and have religious beliefs centuries from now.

Trouble is they can't even agree on one simple thing like who has the real god. Wars have been fought for centuries just because two believers can't agree on who has the real god.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Trouble is they can't even agree on one simple thing like who has the real god. Wars have been fought for centuries just because two believers can't agree on who has the real god.

Wars have been fought for a myriad of things over the years. And it's actually ATHEIST beliefs which have been the biggest causes of war, NOT religion.

Atheists like to tell us that religion has been the biggest cause of violence and war throughout history. However, in Philip and Axelrod’s three-volume Encyclopedia of Wars, which chronicles some 1,763 wars that have been waged over the course of human history, the authors categorise 123 wars as being religious in nature, which is an astonishingly low 6.98% of all wars. However, when you subtract all those waged in the name of Islam (66), the percentage is cut by more than half to 3.23%. That means that all faiths combined – minus Islam – have caused less than 4% of all of humanity’s wars and violent conflicts.

The truth is, non-religious motivations and naturalistic philosophies bear the blame for nearly all of humankind’s wars. Lives lost during religious conflict pales in comparison to those experienced during the regimes who wanted nothing to do with the idea of God – something showcased in R. J. Rummel’s work Lethal Politics and Death by Government:

Non-Religious Dictator Lives Lost

  • Joseph Stalin - 42,672,000
  • Mao Zedong - 37,828,000
  • Adolf Hitler - 20,946,000
  • Chiang Kai-shek - 10,214,000
  • Vladimir Lenin - 4,017,000
  • Hideki Tojo - 3,990,000
  • Pol Pot - 2,397,000

Rummel says: “Almost 170 million men, women and children have been shot, beaten, tortured, knifed, burned, starved, frozen, crushed or worked to death; buried alive, drowned, hung, bombed or killed in any other of a myriad of ways governments have inflicted death on unarmed, helpless citizens and foreigners. The dead could conceivably be nearly 360 million people. It is though our species has been devastated by a modern Black Plague. And indeed it has, but a plague of Power, not germs.

The historical evidence is quite clear: Religion is not the #1 cause of war.

If religion can’t be blamed for most wars and violence, then what is the primary cause? The same thing that triggers all crime, cruelty, loss of life, and other such things. Jesus provides the answer very clearly: “For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed the evil thoughts, fornications, thefts, murders, adulteries, deeds of coveting and wickedness, as well as deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride and foolishness. All these evil things proceed from within and defile the man” (Mark 7:21–23).

Source: https://carm.org/religion-cause-war

And I see no reason why an atheist's belief of no god has more value and is more "right" than a religious person's belief in a god or gods. Atheists are like cyclists: arrogant, self-righteous and holier-than-thou. They once even managed to put posters up on the sides of London buses saying: "There probably is no God." Who are they to tell anyone what not to believe in?

And it is telling that atheists make up of just 2% of the world's population (or 8% according to a 2004 BBC survey). The vast majority of humans have religious beliefs and believe in at least one deity.
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Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,

synonyms:hypothesis, thesis, conjecture, supposition, speculation, postulation, postulate, proposition, premise, surmise, assumption, presupposition; opinion, view, belief, contention

What Professor Mir has is just another theory!

Atheists are like cyclists: arrogant, self-righteous and holier-than-thou.
And you just described yourself to a "T"
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004

What Professor Mir has is just another theory!

And it's a theory which does not put people's beliefs in a god in any jeopardy whatsoever.

Evolution, Big Bang, you name it - none of these disprove the existence of God or Krishna or any other deity believed in by humans across the planet.

And you just described yourself to a "T"

I disagree with you there. My disagreeing with some silly, self-righteous scientist who believes he has solved the origin of the universe and disproved the existence of any religious deity does not make me self-righteous, arrogant or holier-than-thou.
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Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
In the absence of definitive proof one way or the other there can be no right or wrong. The only sensible way to go would be that of the agnostic, the "religion" of the open mind.

Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
You think that every unproven assertion should be given credence as "hasn't been disproved?"

There is a probability scale to be sure, but at the root of it is the fact that absence of proof is not proof of absence. There is so much that we do not understand that simply writing off any possibility completely is more than a little arrogant.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
You think that every unproven assertion should be given credence as "hasn't been disproved?"

Any scientist who comes out and say their new theory of the universe disproves the existence of God is talking bollocks. Religious people can quite readily believe that the Big Bang and evolution are all the work of God. Nobody has yet proven that God or any religious deity doesn't exist nor has anybody come even close to doing that. Therefore, people will continue to believe in religious deities until the existence of such deities has been disproven - and that may never happen.

As for atheism, no atheist has yet proven that their beliefs are correct and everyone else's are false. They claim that we can't prove the existence of God yet atheists - who remember, are a small minority of humanity - can't prove the non-existence of God. So, in a way, atheists are just like everybody else.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Any scientist who comes out and say their new theory of the universe disproves the existence of God is talking bollocks. Religious people can quite readily believe that the Big Bang and evolution are all the work of God. Nobody has yet proven that God or any religious deity doesn't exist nor has anybody come even close to doing that. Therefore, people will continue to believe in religious deities until the existence of such deities has been disproven - and that may never happen.

As for atheism, no atheist has yet proven that their beliefs are correct and everyone else's are false. They claim that we can't prove the existence of God yet atheists - who remember, are a small minority of humanity - can't prove the non-existence of God. So, in a way, atheists are just like everybody else.
Thanks for your contribution. The possibility does exist that someday I may become so bored as to read your imbecility, if only for the laugh.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Nobody claimed to have disproven god's existence, that is in principle not possible. The claim was only that he's not a necessary part of this explanation of the universe's origin. Doesn't leave him much to do though.


Electoral Member
Aug 21, 2015
I don't understand why people are in such a hurry to proclaim that there is no God. It is no a requirement of being that you believe in a God. Why take away from those who believe a source of love,comfort and safety.