“Origin of the Universe Riddle Solved- and,er, It Wasn’t God”


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Phillip Johnson's ideas and arguments have been thoroughly discredited, I'm surprised and disappointed NOVA would give him the time of day. There is no coherent way to defend Intelligent Design as science, it's pure religious metaphysics that offers no new insights and adds nothing to our understanding.
Yes it is very hard for some of us to accept intelligence beyond our feeble incursions. Something organized all the stuff. into the observable. Evolution is magic and there's no way outta that conclusion. It could be the one as easy as the other.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Is that the end?

(Large Hardron Collider at CERN in Switzerland) This mechanism is an money extraction device, a black hole of money. It's good for the movies though. We were promised complete turkey dinners for five in pill form one time not long ago. They are being paid not to see what fuels thier own machines. Lot of particle accellarator movies though.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
I guess everyone has their own comfort zone. As long as they don't try and ram it down everyone else's throat what harm is there?
What's the harm? I'd have thought that was perfectly obvious. People who believe things that aren't true make bad decisions. Treat a serious illness with the methods of "alternative medicine" or lunatic religion, for example, and you may do serious harm, perhaps even to the point of causing otherwise avoidable death.

What's the harm? - Archives - The Skeptic's Dictionary - Skepdic.com


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
What's the harm? I'd have thought that was perfectly obvious. People who believe things that aren't true make bad decisions. Treat a serious illness with the methods of "alternative medicine" or lunatic religion, for example, and you may do serious harm, perhaps even to the point of causing otherwise avoidable death.

What's the harm? - Archives - The Skeptic's Dictionary - Skepdic.com
I see no harm in a person having their own spiritual walk in a personal sense. I do see harm in anyone from either side of the fence forcing their way on others.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Perhaps prospective parents should have to take a course as it is more involved than driving a vehicle.

That's why Mother Nature is naturally selective, and we shouldn't interfere with that. :lol:


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
The West fears Muslim expansion because if they become the majority they fear the Muslims will treat them like they have been treated for the last 1,000 years.

That's why Mother Nature is naturally selective, and we shouldn't interfere with that. :lol:
You suggesting Canadians turn off the NG in the winter??


Council Member
Jan 30, 2016
God is as real to some groups... as the question: " Who created the atom to bring about the cosmos"? or " Who created space and energy"? is as real to most Scientific groups. This one interesting article is as limited/incomplete as the stories found in the good book?

In my opinion, the possibility of no other existence in the Milky Way is zero, but does it completely eradicate the possibility of a so called God, the answer is, "Choose to believe what you are comfortable believing, but you cannot prove or disprove either, someone or something still would have had to create these other beings" and you can go on and on, but simply no one knows, will we ever know. Will I ever give my life to a belief? give up having fun and drinking wine?? NO, short of someone appearing to me, it ain't going to happen.

Kathie Bondar

Kathie Bondar
May 11, 2010
Calgary, Alberta
“Origin of the Universe Riddle Solved- and,er, It Wasn’t God” Claim Canadian Physicists

A Group of researchers have made what may turn out to be the most significant discovery in HISTORY – how the cosmos came into being from nothing. The immense question has concerned religions, philosophers and researchers since the dawn of time but now a Canadian group of scientists consider that they have finally solved this riddle. And the results are so convincing they even challenge the need for religion, or in any case an omnipotent creator – the foundation of all world religions. A group of scientists led by Prof Mir Faizal, at the Dept of Physics and Astronomy, at the University Of Waterloo, Canada, has positively applied the theory to the very creation of existence itself. Prof Mir Faizal: “Virtual particles contain a very small amount of energy and exist for a very small amount of time. However what was difficult to explain was how did such a small amount of energy give rise to a big universe like ours?”

Prof Mir used some mind-bending mathematics and two current theories:
• The Minimum Length Scale – a size so infinitesimally small that space and time cease to exist.
• Doubly Special Relativity – which takes advantage of the massive energies available just after the birth of the universe.

Screen Shot 2015-11-29 at 6.58.43 PM
Under Inflation Theory the minute energies and lifetime of the virtual particle become infinitely magnified, finally resulting in our 13.8 Billion-year-old universe. Just to make things more complex Dr Mir says we have been trying to answer the question ‘how did the universe come from nothing?’ all wrong. According to the astonishing findings, the question is irrelevant as the universe STILL is nothing. Dr Mir Faizal said: “Something did not come from nothing. The universe still is nothing, it’s just more elegantly ordered nothing.” He also added that the negative gravitational energy of the cosmos and the positive matter energy of the cosmos essentially balanced out and generated a zero sum.

When asked if the amazing findings and the convincing if complex solution disinterested the need for a God figure to kick start the cosmos Dr Mir said: “If by God you mean a supernatural super man who breaks his own laws then yes he’s done for, you just don’t need him. But if you mean God as a great mathematician, then yes!”

What Prof. Mir was talking about to is known as inflation. According to inflation the entire positive energy in the form of matter precisely balances the negative energy in form of gravity, such that the whole energy of our universe is still zero.

Prof. Mir – who has also been working on the Large Hardron Collider at CERN in Switzerland – further clarified that by “nothing” he only intended absence of energy, and not the absence of laws of physics.

source: “Origin of the Universe Riddle Solved- and,er, It Wasn’t God” Claim Canadian Physicists | UPRISER
It is actually possible to communicate with the Creator via telepathy. He is neither omnipotent nor omnipresent but via telepathy he can "hear you think" and this is how he can tell what you are up to. In my study into telepathy I am defying who he is, what he does and he comes through quite different from popular beliefs. And of course he did know what I was up to and he contributed to my work, including a visual image of himself (Ch.36) which again, is quite different from popular beliefs.

God is as real to some groups... as the question: " Who created the atom to bring about the cosmos"? or " Who created space and energy"? is as real to most Scientific groups. This one interesting article is as limited/incomplete as the stories found in the good book?

In my opinion, the possibility of no other existence in the Milky Way is zero, but does it completely eradicate the possibility of a so called God, the answer is, "Choose to believe what you are comfortable believing, but you cannot prove or disprove either, someone or something still would have had to create these other beings" and you can go on and on, but simply no one knows, will we ever know. Will I ever give my life to a belief? give up having fun and drinking wine?? NO, short of someone appearing to me, it ain't going to happen.
I think you are quite wrong in being utterly dogmatic in your thinking, just as religions are wrong with their dogmas.
It is actually possible to communicate with the Creator via telepathy. He is neither omnipotent nor omnipresent but via telepathy he can "hear you think" and this is how he can tell what you are up to. In my study into telepathy I am defying who he is, what he does and he comes through quite different from popular beliefs. And of course he did know what I was up to and he contributed to my work, including a visual image of himself (Ch.36) which again, is quite different from popular beliefs.


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
God is also a theory. Unfortunately there is more evidence and proof towards any other theory except God.

When one think of 'God' as a power/force. not as a 'God figure' per se, an omnipotent, omniscient FORCE, it is easy to understand.
I think it is a mistake to think of God as a being. The force/power that is 'God' is more akin to the wind than to an actual being; powerful but without form.

That Force/Power probably didn't create the world but it created what it took for the universe to materialize. Just as we say, 'God doesn't heal illness, doctors do', that is true but what gave the doctors the knowledge and skill to heal the illness?

Science and Faith are completely compatible.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
When one think of 'God' as a power/force. not as a 'God figure' per se, an omnipotent, omniscient FORCE, it is easy to understand.
I think it is a mistake to think of God as a being. The force/power that is 'God' is more akin to the wind than to an actual being; powerful but without form.

That Force/Power probably didn't create the world but it created what it took for the universe to materialize. Just as we say, 'God doesn't heal illness, doctors do', that is true but what gave the doctors the knowledge and skill to heal the illness?
Science. Observation, hypothesis, experimentation.


Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
“Origin of the Universe Riddle Solved- and,er, It Wasn’t God” Claim Canadian Physicists

Have you or this physicist solved it, and no God!?
Now, I withdraw my suggestion about voting you instead of Clinton or Trump; you are not proper even for a tribe of Africans who eat human meat.
You, KKK clan member or activist.
So you are an atheist in addition to all your flaws, no surprise!

All of you are rubbish; I suggest Sylvester for the presidency.

Sylvester is certainly better than Boomer (no doubt) and even better than Clinton and Trump, and is a public person among the Americans and others.

If he is a candidate, all the Americans will elect him, and even Putin will vote for him :laughing6:
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Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Have you or this physicist solved it, and no God!?
Now, I withdraw my suggestion about voting you instead of Clinton or Trump; you are not proper even for a tribe of Africans who eat human meat.
You, KKK clan member or activist.

All of you are rubbish; I suggest Sylvester for the presidency.

He is better than you, and is a public persons among the Americans and others.
If he votes, all the Americans will elect him, and even Putin will vote for him :laughing6:
Are you retarded or what Selfsap ?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The "recipe" for the Universe is very very matematically precise. One very very minor deviation and you are back to nothing. The slightest change in gravity or EM and there is no Universe.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
You really like to make up your own history don't you? Atheist beliefs are the biggest causes of war? Looks like you missed about 5000 plus years of human history. Atheism is relatively recent, going back only about 200 years at the most. And just in case you missed it, the mass murderers you listed did not kill a single person in the name of atheism. Instead they substituted their own pseudo-religions like communism and fascism. In fact not a single one of those listed stated that they were motivated by atheism, which pretty much says that your entire post is rubbish.

And now that we've gotten that out of the way please tell me how many of those listed below were atheists.
Attila the Hun
Julius Caesar
Alexander the Great
Genghis Khan
Kaiser Wilhelm II
Cyrus the Great

I could make the list much longer - in fact I could list hundreds of historical mass murderers who outdid the people on your list, many of them shouting the names of their gods as they murdered.

A war does not have to be classified as religious in order for religion to be a major motive. For example were Cortes' destruction of the Aztec Empire and Pizarro's conquest of the Incas religious in nature? Possibly not, but both of those mass murderers believed that their god gave them the right to kill anyone who was not a Christian. Just for the record the Spanish conquests in the Americas probably resulted in the deaths of 90% of the indigenous population. I suspect that if you check the attitudes of all great conquerors of the past all of them thought that their religion gave them the right to kill anyone who did not share their beliefs.

Why did you leave Mao and Stalin off your list?

When one think of 'God' as a power/force. not as a 'God figure' per se, an omnipotent, omniscient FORCE, it is easy to understand.
I think it is a mistake to think of God as a being. The force/power that is 'God' is more akin to the wind than to an actual being; powerful but without form.

That Force/Power probably didn't create the world but it created what it took for the universe to materialize. Just as we say, 'God doesn't heal illness, doctors do', that is true but what gave the doctors the knowledge and skill to heal the illness?

Science and Faith are completely compatible.
To persue any investigation one must have faith from the outset. Faith in your tools which you know are not finished infalables.