am I mistaken?Couches and nudity in the work place,who is responsible?


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I feel there is an elephant amongst this forum,why is that

The question I have asked upon the conclusion of some of my information adventures was where responsibility starts and ends in keeping good information stats on employees particularly high risk employees so that the employer can respond correctly.
In recent days Canadians have been put in a state of lugubrious denial,with the recent allegations of lewd conduct within the RCMP elite "explosive"department.Within my information auditing experience I was fortunate to have the experience to navigate amongst and through "local detachments"and as a result lobbied Ottawa for better oversight to high risk individuals within the RCMP and do real assessments of local detachments.These were the days in which I hoped people cared in the same way I did,I was wrong again.
I recall at this time,I had the good fortune to information audit part place of horrors,like the Cuban torture chambers,I really have not been interested inthe actions or conclusions,my interest was to assess managements capacity to be a silent,willfull blindness,arms length manager to real bad behaviour,the I don't know crowd,we all know them,even myself can be on a rare occassion be in a state of denial,but this is different ,
when management has no capacity or desire to assess detachments and the individuals who practice within these detachments,then I guess you can play the trump of all "We didn't know card".
I hoped managers would recognize high risk individuals,they refused to,so I took a different avenue of disclosure for assessing the management's ability to manage and more so the loyality they serve to their members,once I know I moved on.
this type of management harms the same type of people they should be protecting,I found this strange at the time,I feel sorry for lower rank individuals who have become victims of ignorant management,and believe
but sunny days my friend, I feel a bit of confidence with our new Commissioner,but I am reminded I have been hopeful for at least three previous commissioners,sunny days.
The auditing I was able to finish and conclude even if there is two dysfunctional individuals in a detachment ,thewhole detachment can be dysfunctional and navigate with unhealthy recipical aggreements,Ottawa prefers no mindfullness to the healthiness of their detachments,sometimes unhealthy was rewarded,sometimes over confidence was built into a system of dysfunction,management would remove themselves for taking responsibility,leaving individuals angry and in need of assistance.
communities and so much more pays the price for such dysfunction,but it is not Ottawa's problem.
should i have confidence in the process of the investigation in the owness of this lewd behaviour,the role of management and recipical agreements in such bad behaviour,they better not bow out of this one.
As I audited I wondered about management's ability to recognize something may be wrong in individuals they serve,I have always felt mental health in the RCMP is lame,that the investment is skimpy,particularly in recognizing behaviour of PTS,these lewd behaviours could be very symptomatic of PTS,but i guess if you don't have an honest assessment in place,it doesn't matter,the RCMP intervention is cheap and wrecks peoples lives.Recognizing sometimes peoples behaviour is symptom of their PTS takes good management,but it seems management encourages such behaviour.
I could write books on strange behaviour,particularly sexual behaviour and PTS
structure of the explosive detachment is going to be of interest to myself,hours worked,chain of command,psychology monitoring,it promises to be interesting,and if I was the Commissioner,i would start here,or have two seperate information identities assessing for information to make reccomendations,if warranted,the Commissioner should eat up any assistance to clear up such a humilating mess,and give up as much to assistance to everyone involved
couches and nudity is the name of this blog,this is not edited.

In my estimation there is no fix for this problem and it will remain seriously prevelent as long as gender integration is attempted, particularly in high stress workplaces. The higher the stress the more misconduct.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
A lot of people will be in big trouble if 'looking the other way' ever becomes a crime of any magnitude.


Electoral Member
Mar 4, 2009
Kelowna BC
The higher the stress the more misconduct

This is certainly an interesting concept and excuse.
There are many other jobs that have as much or more stress involved but this sort of idiocy would never be accepted.
The hero worshiping cheerleaders are always looking for an excuse in order to protect the ones they believe can do no wrong.



Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
Women right groups complaint that they wanted to be treated like men and when they are then they complain. Fish or cut bait.

personal touch

House Member
Sep 17, 2014
"patterns of response",
identifying patterns gives the auditor an advantage for navigating through designof information.
this been said,I can't help wondering to myself,"did I hit a nerve"or have i identified a pattern of response,
i can't help to say to myself,what a bunch of poor sports,particularly when a nerve is hit,
my apoligies.

Women right groups complaint that they wanted to be treated like men and when they are then they complain. Fish or cut bait.
show me a woman who wants to be treated to like a man?name one?I could never imagine being treated anything but as "all woman",strange but true.
i believe in the concept of woman helping woman,protecting women's right's,iniating what is good for women,and believe in life,liberty and a good woman for President,i see no association between these concepts and being treated like a man,absoutly not!
i am disapointed Liberalman you would equate such silly talk.

and one more thing,behind a great man you will find a great woman!

not to be socially awkward,
one can fit any gender into the support concept such as "behind a great man is a great man".


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
megzmom said:
show me a woman who wants to be treated to like a man?name one?
Transgenders are new to you? No patterns of men wanting to be women or women wanting to be men on the outside like they are on the inside and being treated as they feel they should be treated by the gender they aspire to be?

personal touch

House Member
Sep 17, 2014
Transgenders are new to you? No patterns of men wanting to be women or women wanting to be men on the outside like they are on the inside and being treated as they feel they should be treated by the gender they aspire to be?
the conversation is not about transgenders,then again transgenders are not as you have stereotyped them,this is bull!
but the second statement made more then sense to me,it so true,"treated by the gender they aspire to be"
such great wisdom,and brings new insights into role playing.thanks


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I have stereotyped them? They have no desire to be the external facade that contains a heart, mind and soul that is opposite of that external facade.

I can only image the emotional turmoil created in their souls by natural factors and the social stigma imposed by people like yourself.

It is you who has stereotyped these wonderful people with a very narrow mindset.

Is it a lack of exposure and social contact that makes you think this way or bigotry?


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
I've been loved, I've been despised... (You know that's one of the most argued parts, lol)

I like whips and boobies.

I asked you nicely to never meme my pics, lol.

That you're an idiot.
Pot kettle black? Give it up Liar the jigs up no sense in shifting the focus on this fellow too. Dayam. LOL

And yes I removed the feature it's actually humorous to witness your pathetic attempts on regaining even a shred of integrity .:)

Being a habitual poser I'm surprised you're not in politics or the clergy.

You orta change your handle to CDNpossum instead of bear. Bears represent a certain stature that is not compatible with your deceptive slinking nature. LOL


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Pot kettle black? Give it up Liar the jigs up no sense in shifting the focus on this fellow too. Dayam. LOL

And yes I removed the feature it's actually humorous to witness your pathetic attempts on regaining even a shred of integrity .:)

Being a habitual poser I'm surprised you're not in politics or the clergy.

You orta change your handle to CDNpossum instead of bear. Bears represent a certain stature that is not compatible with your deceptive slinking nature. LOL

You're drunk, right? Either that or you're stoned.

I've perused the thread and I've got two points to make here.

First of all, WTF?

Second of all,

Why We Need Paragraphs

She's an information auditor. She's an expert. Been doing it for years.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
You're drunk, right? Either that or you're stoned.

She's an information auditor. She's an expert. Been doing it for years.
It could be the medication , I saw your handle on here and immediately thought of the face on that emu Spaminator posted .

CNDpossum calling anyone else in here an idiot is the same as Forrest Gump calling Einstein a retard,


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
"patterns of response",
identifying patterns gives the auditor an advantage for navigating through designof information.
this been said,I can't help wondering to myself,"did I hit a nerve"or have i identified a pattern of response,
i can't help to say to myself,what a bunch of poor sports,particularly when a nerve is hit,
my apoligies.

show me a woman who wants to be treated to like a man?name one?I could never imagine being treated anything but as "all woman",strange but true.
i believe in the concept of woman helping woman,protecting women's right's,iniating what is good for women,and believe in life,liberty and a good woman for President,i see no association between these concepts and being treated like a man,absoutly not!
i am disapointed Liberalman you would equate such silly talk.

and one more thing,behind a great man you will find a great woman!

not to be socially awkward,
one can fit any gender into the support concept such as "behind a great man is a great man".

The man is great because the woman is behind him and not out in front of him. It's nice and exciting to tamper with that biological order but it leads to nothing but chaos. There is good reason not to support female emancipation. It invites social disaster.

Muslim comic says jihadists’ ‘machismo’, not religion is what lures teen brides

personal touch

House Member
Sep 17, 2014
I have stereotyped them? They have no desire to be the external facade that contains a heart, mind and soul that is opposite of that external facade.

I can only image the emotional turmoil created in their souls by natural factors and the social stigma imposed by people like yourself.

It is you who has stereotyped these wonderful people with a very narrow mindset.

Is it a lack of exposure and social contact that makes you think this way or bigotry?
transgenders are mainstream,no longer in the closet,sad or misguided,free of turmoil,free to live as they are,
transgenders are not big news,unless they become Judges or something like that
lots and lots of transgenders are happy,
Petros could you be kind enough to give me your age range.
blame it on my Liberal ideology for not marginalizing transgenders,
just curious I was wondering what you may suggest for social contact which gets rid of the "bigotry" you have identified,I am always up for self help and new avenues of adventure,the prairie life can become islolating,I am open to suggestions,you got me on this one,i am a country bumpkin,no doubt about it,social contact is minimal.

You're drunk, right? Either that or you're stoned.

She's an information auditor. She's an expert. Been doing it for years.
thanks for the back up gerryh,much appreciated,unfortunately i must correct you on a few issues,
i am no expert,but i do feel i have some specialities ,this because of simple factors which contribute to my knowledge base,such as patterns of design,which enable predictability of the outcome,i like process's particularly old process's of information,so i tend to haunt where i am interested,many opportunities have passed my skill right by,because i was not interested,my thought process is not mainstream,I tend to like process's backwards rather then forward,I also specialize in "people within process's",once again predictability of pattern of information,I love the challenge of people within the information process.
doing it for years,not too true,information auditing all started fifteen years ago,(give or take),I had interest in a "passed on" relative,I was amongst another personal curosity,how information was handled was my within the two experiences was my quest ,it was hard,dirty work.Examining of my relatives death,or more so how information was manipulated,fed my curosities to pursue further psychology within information design.In truth,even thou i have had many experiences and learning curves with IA,the level of auditing never went beyond personal,I never made a dime.
i viewed my information auditing experiences as a hobby,but in truth my experiences and knowledge has left me in a debilitated state,I have been traumatized by the experiences of information auditing,never in a million dreams would I believe the information I gleaned was true,but it was.
thanks for the endorsement.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
thanks for the back up gerryh,much appreciated,unfortunately i must correct you on a few issues,
i am no expert,but i do feel i have some specialities ,this because of simple factors which contribute to my knowledge base,such as patterns of design,which enable predictability of the outcome,i like process's particularly old process's of information,so i tend to haunt where i am interested,many opportunities have passed my skill right by,because i was not interested,my thought process is not mainstream,I tend to like process's backwards rather then forward,I also specialize in "people within process's",once again predictability of pattern of information,I love the challenge of people within the information process.
doing it for years,not too true,information auditing all started fifteen years ago,(give or take),I had interest in a "passed on" relative,I was amongst another personal curosity,how information was handled was my within the two experiences was my quest ,it was hard,dirty work.Examining of my relatives death,or more so how information was manipulated,fed my curosities to pursue further psychology within information design.In truth,even thou i have had many experiences and learning curves with IA,the level of auditing never went beyond personal,I never made a dime.
i viewed my information auditing experiences as a hobby,but in truth my experiences and knowledge has left me in a debilitated state,I have been traumatized by the experiences of information auditing,never in a million dreams would I believe the information I gleaned was true,but it was.
thanks for the endorsement.

I was being facetious. One more example of how much of an idiot you are.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I'm still waiting for you to prove this "information auditing". All I've seen so far, is a whole lot of BS, that is mainly gibberish. Hardly what I would expect from someone that claims to be an information auditor.

personal touch

House Member
Sep 17, 2014
I'm still waiting for you to prove this "information auditing". All I've seen so far, is a whole lot of BS, that is mainly gibberish. Hardly what I would expect from someone that claims to be an information auditor.
what do you want to know,history?methods?
this is good for me,let me know,
i am not into the "proof talk" so get over it,
I am yours.