Australians Dumping the Monarchy??


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Charles has said that, even though he recognises the turbulent reigns of Charles I (the only English monarch to be executed) and Charles II, he has no problem in choosing Charles III as his regnal name. However, there have been rumours that he still may choose to become George VII, probably in honour of his grandfather, George VI.

He can't be Edward IX because Edward isn't one of his names. His full name is Prince Charles Philip Arthur George. At the moment, King Edward IX could be Prince Edward if he asended the throne, but that's highly unlikely considering he's only ninth in line to the throne. But if Kate and William have another baby - and many are saying they may have another this year - and it's a son and one of his names is Edward, then he'll replace Prince Edward as the next royal who could one day become Edward IX.

Are legal name changes not invented in Britain yet?


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
At least when we do it, they're real threats, whereas your threats are hollow and can never be followed through, like turning off the tap on oil exports, or or or, here's a better one, ship the oil to China instead. Ya, you can't sell condoms across Provincial lines and you're going to stop oil exports to the US. Well go ahead, what's stopping you? Oh that's right, yourselves.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. You is a real tough guy. A threat from an American just causes me to shake in my boots. :roll: So, since your threats are "real", when are ya's going to follow through with it?

as for my comments concerning turning off the water/oil/electricity, those are MY comments. I have said that as far as I'm concerned that is something we should do, that being said, I have no personal control over what the government does. Fortunately for you.


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
We wont be following suit anytime soon, but hopefully at some point in my lifetime it'll happen.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
We wont be following suit anytime soon, but hopefully at some point in my lifetime it'll happen.

and neither will Australia. This is just another example of how stupid and gullible some americans are. The OP's author has had a hard on for the monarchy for years. He grabs at every little thing he can to try and put down the monarchy, and if he can dis Canada at the same time, he considers it a bonus. Problem is, he doesn't really research what he posts and usually comes out looking like the idiot he is.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
I find myself in a type of bewilderment I guess. Always remembering back when the Allies had to fight the Axis power to preserve the freedoms that we have here in our country and the west. It wasn't one country that won the war. It was several countries working together for a common purpose. Like any sports team fulfilling their roles and putting the team before the individual. The United States, Canada, Australia and our European allies and others became one in purpose, and one in accomplishing what had to be done. Now we sit back and ridicule each other consistently and constantly over petty disagreements and nationalistic pride. Truth is, we're all just people wanting to live our lives in peace, prosperity and happiness and I still think we all want that for not only ourselves, but also for each other. I see no difference between an American, a Brit or a Canadian in this context. We are neighbors. And like the man said,,which is kind of a common law and exists in many faiths,," love your neighbor as you love yourself. ".It makes good moral sense,,and good common sense. There. that and a quarter might buy you a stale donut at closing time at Hortons or Duncan Donuts.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
No, it isn't. Constitutional monarchy is the best form of governance in the modern world. Nobody in their right mind would want to get rid of such a great system of governance and replace it wih a system where you have a bloody politician as your head of state. Imagine gettind rid of Elizabeth II and replacing her with President Cameron or President Trudeau or President Turnbull? It just sends shudders down my spine.


I find myself in a type of bewilderment I guess. Always remembering back when the Allies had to fight the Axis power to preserve the freedoms that we have here in our country and the west. It wasn't one country that won the war. It was several countries working together for a common purpose. Like any sports team fulfilling their roles and putting the team before the individual. The United States, Canada, Australia and our European allies and others became one in purpose, and one in accomplishing what had to be done. Now we sit back and ridicule each other consistently and constantly over petty disagreements and nationalistic pride. Truth is, we're all just people wanting to live our lives in peace, prosperity and happiness and I still think we all want that for not only ourselves, but also for each other. I see no difference between an American, a Brit or a Canadian in this context. We are neighbors. And like the man said,,which is kind of a common law and exists in many faiths,," love your neighbor as you love yourself. ".It makes good moral sense,,and good common sense. There. that and a quarter might buy you a stale donut at closing time at Hortons or Duncan Donuts.

Ahhh that's such a nice fairey tale, it brings a lump in my throat every time some half wit recites it. The bankers won that war and the one before it and every one since.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars

Ahhh that's such a nice fairey tale, it brings a lump in my throat every time some half wit recites it. The bankers won that war and the one before it and every one since.
That does not apply to the soldiers who fought and died Darkbungchute. Yes your robber baron theories have merit but that has not much to do with the common folks who carried the load. Keep your cynical bullshyt where it belongs,,,up your nasty backside.

incidentally you keep exposing the illuminutty you'd better watch your azz. I'd grow eyes in the back of me head iffen I was you.

I'll bet you're one of those retarded morons who says that Hitler went clear out of his way to avoid Switzerland when he invaded France.

Perhaps the National Inquirer is having an adverse effect on your cognitive reasoning maybe read a little more of Penthouse magazine.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
If it dosn't apply to them then why and how did they die in the millions? Make up your mind Ludlow. They died needlessly in the service of privilaged power mad monsters and they still do.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
If it dosn't apply to them then why and how did they die in the millions? Make up your mind Ludlow. They died needlessly in the service of privilaged power mad monsters and they still do.
Then what is your solution Darkbunger if it is all a scripted game? A chess match for the powers that be to play at the expense of the fools who believe. I've heard this conspiracy shyt forever but never,,ever,,ever do the tinfoil hat paranoid alarmists give any recipe for a solution. All they do is biotch and complain. Truth is there are bad people and good people in the world and there are wars. Some justified and some not so much. The subject of the text was that if we continue to be at each others throats nothing will ever get accomplished other than whiners like yourself biotching about the way things are.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Then what is your solution Darkbunger if it is all a scripted game? A chess match for the powers that be to play at the expense of the fools who believe. I've heard this conspiracy shyt forever but never,,ever,,ever do the tinfoil hat paranoid alarmists give any recipe for a solution. All they do is biotch and complain. Truth is there are bad people and good people in the world and there are wars. Some justified and some not so much. The subject of the text was that if we continue to be at each others throats nothing will ever get accomplished other than whiners like yourself biotching about the way things are.

And it's all the joos fault.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
One question Blackie. Why do we lock our car doors,,,or lock up our houses at night or when we leave for awhile.

Because America is a much more dangerous and violent place than Britain, a country where most drivers DON'T lock their car doors because they don't need to.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
yeah no thieves in your country. Right.

Unlike in America, and maybe Canada, too, most people in Britain don't bother to lock their cars because they feel they don't need to. I think that says a lot.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Unlike in America, and maybe Canada, too, most people in Britain don't bother to lock their cars because they feel they don't need to. I think that says a lot.
When I lived in a small town in the Ozarks that was the case too Blackster. The point is stealing is ingrained in the human psyche. Whether it be someones car,,,or other peoples homeland. And the latter is well known about Britain.

,,,,and Spain, France, Rome ,,Greece,,,ad infinitum.

Sons of Liberty

Walks on Water
Aug 24, 2010
Evil Empire
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. You is a real tough guy. A threat from an American just causes me to shake in my boots. :roll: So, since your threats are "real", when are ya's going to follow through with it?

Well we have been butt phucking you for decades, isn't that your boggle?

as for my comments concerning turning off the water/oil/electricity, those are MY comments. I have said that as far as I'm concerned that is something we should do, that being said, I have no personal control over what the government does. Fortunately for you.

I've heard it repeatedly from many on this forum, we're still waiting for the spigots to go off.