Australians Dumping the Monarchy??


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
That's like saying that you don't want any Canadians to speak English anymore, because it's "British heritage." The Canadian monarchy is part and parcel of Canadian heritage. The Canadian monarchy is Canadian heritage, not British heritage.

The fact remains, thought, that it was Britain who gave birth to Canada. Canada only exists because Britain founded it.

You really need some new school books. The briddish did not found Canada. They barely even found their way over here. French settlers were here long before the briddish and Scandinavians were here long before that. So were Russians, probably earlier than the Vikings. Even Polynesians were here long before you.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
The briddish did not found Canada.

So were Russians, probably earlier than the Vikings. Even Polynesians were here long before you.
Trust me. The Russians, Vikings and Polynesians did not found Canada. You don't even speak any of their languages, model your government on theirs or even have a culture which is in any way like them. You didn't get your independence from any of them, not the Frogs. The British Empire founded Canada.
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Sons of Liberty

Walks on Water
Aug 24, 2010
Evil Empire
Well there's a surprise, an American throwing threats around. This thread is in the wrong place. It should be under the Jokes section.

At least when we do it, they're real threats, whereas your threats are hollow and can never be followed through, like turning off the tap on oil exports, or or or, here's a better one, ship the oil to China instead. Ya, you can't sell condoms across Provincial lines and you're going to stop oil exports to the US. Well go ahead, what's stopping you? Oh that's right, yourselves.

Britain's monarchy hasn't died. It's alive and well. It's been going a lot longer than your republic and it'll still probably be around long after America falls.

When we fall? We haven't hit our peak yet.

Actually, the greatest colony Britain ever had was India. Britain's 13 American colonies only got their independence because Britain didn't think they were worth fighting for that much. Had we valued them more, we'd have won.

No you wouldn't have, I know it's a soar point for you, you're still not over it 240 years later.

Well I'm not quite sure I follow your logic there.

Yeah, big surprise.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
At least when we do it, they're real threats

Bull****. If that's the case, when can I expect America to destroy Britain twelve times over?

When we fall? We haven't hit our peak yet.

You're past your peak. China's about to overtake you. Your reign as top dog has lasted for a much shorter period that Ancient Egypt's, Rome's and Britain's.

No you wouldn't have, I know it's a soar point for you, you're still not over it 240 years later.

Too right. You stole British land from the British and there are many of us who think it'd be jolly decent of you if you damn well gave it back.

Yeah, big surprise.

Mr Tecumseh's comments were as illogical as translating the book "How To Learn French" into French.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Bull****. If that's the case, when can I expect America to destroy Britain twelve times over?

You're past your peak. China's about to overtake you. Your reign as top dog has lasted for a much shorter period that Ancient Egypt's, Rome's and Britain's.

Too right. You stole British land from the British and there are many of us who think it'd be jolly decent of you if you damn well gave it back.

Mr Tecumseh's comments were as illogical as translating the book "How To Learn French" into French.
Let's sit back for a moment and contemplate this. Americans ,,,who came from Britain actually,,,stole "British" land,,,which the Native Americans had called home for close to ten thousand years,, and you want it back,,,that which you and your decendent's stole from the Native peoples . Strange way of thinking. What the fvck gave you the right to come over to this continent in the first place? Any of ya's.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Let's sit back for a moment and contemplate this. Americans ,,,who came from Britain actually,,,stole "British" land,,,which the Native Americans had called home for close to ten thousand years,, and you want it back,,,that which you and your decendent's stole from the Native peoples . Strange way of thinking. What the fvck gave you the right to come over to this continent in the first place? Any of ya's.

Don't act like you're concerned about the Red Indians. If you were you'd be petitioning your government to hand the USA back to them and then moving back to your ancestral homeland, urging all other non-Red Indian Yanks to do the same.

The fact of the matter is that the thirteen original founding colonies were British land which was stolen from the British. In fact, when the Yanks wanted to buy their embassy in London a few years ago they were refused permission to do so from the land's owner, the Duke of Westminster, unless they handed Virginia, which they stole from his ancestor, over to him.

In fact, nearly all of America is land stolen from other people. California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas were nicked from Mexico. Florida once belonged to Spain. Hawaii was an independent nation state with its own ancient monarchy until you Yanks landed on it and told the bewildered islanders that they are now an American state. I think about the only parts of the USA which are rightfully American are Alaska (which they bought off the Russians) and Louisiana (which the French gave to you).
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Sons of Liberty

Walks on Water
Aug 24, 2010
Evil Empire
Bull****. If that's the case, when can I expect America to destroy Britain twelve times over?

We don't have to, you've done a jolly good job on your own.

You're past your peak. China's about to overtake you. Your reign as top dog has lasted for a much shorter period that Ancient Egypt's, Rome's and Britain's.

When there is trouble in the world, heads of state don't call Beijing, or London, or Moscow or anyone else, they call Washington, until that stops, you'll just have to deal with it, and I can assure you'll never live to see the day.

Too right. You stole British land from the British and there are many of us who think it'd be jolly decent of you if you damn well gave it back.

Come and get it?

Mr Tecumseh's comments were as illogical as translating the book "How To Learn French" into French.

I'm sorry BL, you live in a bubble.

The fact of the matter is that the thirteen original founding colonies were British land which was stolen from the British. In fact, when the Yanks wanted to buy their embassy in London they were refused permission to do so from the land's owner, the Duke of Westminster, unless they handed Virginia, which they stole from his ancestor, over to him.

In fact, nearly all of America is land stolen from other people. California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas were nicked from Mexico. Florida once belonged to Spain. Hawaii was an independent nation state with its own ancient monarchy until you Yanks landed on it and told the bewildered islanders that they are now an American state. I think about the only parts of the USA which are rightfully American and Alaska (which they bought off the Russians) and Louisiana (which the French gave to you).

I don't know what you babbling about, the US wasn't worth fighting for, remember?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
We don't have to, you've done a jolly good job on your own.

No, we haven't.

When there is trouble in the world, heads of state don't call Beijing, or London, or Moscow or anyone else, they call Washington, until that stops, you'll just have to deal with it, and I can assure you'll never live to see the day.

They call London as well. Britain has been a beacon of freedom and democracy much longer than America has.

Come and get it?

Not much open of that at the moment, I'm afraid, what with that rabble of PC anti-British numpties in power at the moment. Let's see what Ukip do when they get into power.

I'm sorry BL, you live in a bubble.

No, sorry. I disagree. I'm just saying it as it is.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Don't act like you're concerned about the Red Indians. If you were you'd be petitioning your government to hand the USA back to them and then moving back to your ancestral homeland, urging all other non-Red Indian Yanks to do the same.

The fact of the matter is that the thirteen original founding colonies were British land which was stolen from the British. In fact, when the Yanks wanted to buy their embassy in London a few years ago they were refused permission to do so from the land's owner, the Duke of Westminster, unless they handed Virginia, which they stole from his ancestor, over to him.

In fact, nearly all of America is land stolen from other people. California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas were nicked from Mexico. Florida once belonged to Spain. Hawaii was an independent nation state with its own ancient monarchy until you Yanks landed on it and told the bewildered islanders that they are now an American state. I think about the only parts of the USA which are rightfully American and Alaska (which they bought off the Russians) and Louisiana (which the French gave to you).
You are absolutely right. ALL of you Europeans were a pack of thieves. :),


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
I don't know what you babbling about, the US wasn't worth fighting for, remember?

My pint in the pub isn't worth fighting for, but I'd still be annoyed a long time later if some numpty came along and drank it.

You are absolutely right. ALL of you Europeans were a pack of thieves. :),

But as I've said before, the USA wouldn't exist today were it not for European colonisation. For that you should be grateful.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
My pint in the pub isn't worth fighting for, but I'd still be annoyed a long time later if some numpty came along and drank it.

But as I've said before, the USA wouldn't exist today were it not for European colonisation. For that you should be grateful.
I'm not so sure Blackleaf. How do we know what kind of world we would have if everyone would have just stayed home. What we do know is that the peoples who were here had no immunities to the diseases that they were exposed to when immigrants brought them to these shores. Who knows what it would have been like if that had not taken place. Why was the grass greener on the other side Blackleaf ? Why in all of history, did everyone think they needed to leave their home and conquer and infest the homes of others ? How would it have been if people would have just left well enough alone?

We just don't know do we?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
I'm not so sure Blackleaf. How do we know what kind of world we would have if everyone would have just stayed home. What we do know is that the peoples who were here had no immunities to the diseases that they were exposed to when immigrants brought them to these shores. Who knows what it would have been like if that had not taken place. Why was the grass greener on the other side Blackleaf ? Why in all of history, did everyone think they needed to leave their home and conquer and infest the homes of others ? How would it have been if people would have just left well enough alone?

We just don't know do we?

Well we know that the British Empire made the world a much better place.

But you can't whinge about the British "stealing" land from the Red Indians when it was that "stealing" which created the USA in the first place, especially when you consider that the "land-thieving" British actually allowed the Red Indians to have their own lands to the west where they were allowed to live in peace, lands which were brutally stolen from them by the Americans (Wounded Knee etc) once they'd achieved independence and decided to extend their territory all the way to the Pacific.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Well we know that the British Empire made the world a much better place.

But you can't whinge about the British "stealing" land from the Red Indians when it was that "stealing" which created the USA in the first place, especially when you consider that the "land-thieving" British actually allowed the Red Indians to have their own lands to the west where they were allowed to live in peace, lands which were brutally stolen from them by the Americans (Wounded Knee etc) once they'd achieved independence and decided to extend their territory all the way to the Pacific.
Let's not limit that to just my country Blackleaf. In all of recorded history, invading, conquering and changing the homes of others is indeed what created civilization as we know it. And that pretty much covers the whole globe. What you have to ask yourself is do you think everything is natural and harmonious in the world. Who knows how it would have been if things were to have gone in a different direction. I know I don't. I think about it though.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Let's not limit that to just my country Blackleaf. In all of recorded history, invading, conquering and changing the homes of others is indeed what created civilization as we know it. And that pretty much covers the whole globe. What you have to ask yourself is do you think everything is natural and harmonious in the world. Who knows how it would have been if things were to have gone in a different direction. I know I don't. I think about it though.

Well that's all ifs and buts. If my uncle had been a bird he'd have been my aunt.