Globe & Mail Chastises Cons For Oil Reliance

personal touch

House Member
Sep 17, 2014
don't get me started?what the conservatives did to manufacturing proves they cannot manage a garage sale,they are
a bunch of near sighted quacks who managed our economy into never never land,Canadians were cheated and misled on the manufacturing sector,now we pay.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
don't get me started?what the conservatives did to manufacturing proves they cannot manage a garage sale,they are
a bunch of near sighted quacks who managed our economy into never never land,Canadians were cheated and misled on the manufacturing sector,now we pay.
This kind of stupidity (Especially now that he's not even in office) always makes me laugh at people like you and the other fluffer, Flossy...

And this is why

If oil is all that really matters in the economic story of the Harper years, I’m not sure how to fit certain staggering sums into the narrative. He presided over the creation of a $950-million fund to subsidize auto industry innovation, plus another $100 million for the sector’s suppliers. A cool billion went into something called the Strategic Aerospace and Defence Initiative. The Tories even set up a regional development agency for southern Ontario—paralleling those long-established distributors of largess in Atlantic Canada and the West—with $920 million to dole out, including $200 for “advanced manufacturing.”


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
I've got a better question. Can you name a car sold in Canada that is not technically an import? That is to say, an automobile manufacturer whose HQ is actually based in Canada.

Manufacturing in BC - Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters

Manufacturing is a significant contributor to BC’s economy. Manufacturing is BC’s third largest source of employment, directly providing about 180,000 jobs and indirectly supporting hundreds of thousands of indirect jobs. For every $1 dollar generated by a manufacturer another $3.50 in economic activity results in local BC communities.
More than 30% of all business taxes flowing to government come from manufacturing.
In 2012, the sector was the fourth largest contributor to provincial GDP at 7.2%. Contrary to popular belief, manufacturing is the primary source of exports from BC, NOT natural resources, comprising almost 65% of shipments.

Well that settles it . B.C.'s gain is Ontario's loss .


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
don't get me started?what the conservatives did to manufacturing proves they cannot manage a garage sale,they are
a bunch of near sighted quacks who managed our economy into never never land,Canadians were cheated and misled on the manufacturing sector,now we pay.

What did they do?

I've got a better question. Can you name a car sold in Canada that is not technically an import? That is to say, an automobile manufacturer whose HQ is actually based in Canada.

Manufacturing in BC - Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters

Manufacturing is a significant contributor to BC’s economy. Manufacturing is BC’s third largest source of employment, directly providing about 180,000 jobs and indirectly supporting hundreds of thousands of indirect jobs. For every $1 dollar generated by a manufacturer another $3.50 in economic activity results in local BC communities.
More than 30% of all business taxes flowing to government come from manufacturing.
In 2012, the sector was the fourth largest contributor to provincial GDP at 7.2%. Contrary to popular belief, manufacturing is the primary source of exports from BC, NOT natural resources, comprising almost 65% of shipments.

That is not very much. Sh-tty actually.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
The futures contracts are already showing $40 oil for this year.

When I was a kid, you used to be able to get a big bag of fresh peaches, apples and cherries for $2.00... Now because of the intense greed of the BC fruit farmers, that same bag costs about $60 dollars.

I blame NAFTA

NAFTA isn't the problem. It is the marketing boards that artificially set prices to protect rich farmers from competition.