At least 2,250 of Canada’s veterans are homeless due to alcoholism, drugs and mental


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
So why does R.C.S. ( or Boomer) think there is a problem?

Good question. I just support what Medicine Hat has done. If enough municipalities get on board, the problem will go away or in the very least, be substantially reduced. It's rather funny that people are getting upset when solutions are being offered. Perhaps some prefer to wallow in self pity. Maybe, as I've suggested, the problem isn't homelessness but a check with too few zeroes.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Yes I know it's all about me.

You seem to like to make it about you.

That really upset you that much that Medicine Hat got rid of it's homeless veteran problem.

When you can go back and justify your original idiotic statement I'll be more than happy to unravel this bafflegab.

One would think that you'd be happy about that. Perhaps I just hit the nail squarely on the head and this really is just about the money

More snide comments that have nothing to do with the OP and everything about the ignorance you so expertly display.

Put up or shut up.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
So carry on derailing.

That would be Pete and Das. The rest of us are talking about homeless vets. You even chime in every so often when you decide to not make it about me.

Getting back to the topic at hand, are you pleased that there are no veterans on the street in Medicine Hat? If not, why?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
That troll has a real need for another vacation....
No wonder his wife left him...he probably drove her nuts....
And before he cries about it......he's the one who brought it up!

I'm sorry but to blame an anonymous poster for his spouse leaving him when you know little about his life off of the forum is a low blow.

Anyone who has ever loved another person, be it his parent, his spouse, his child, or even just a friend, and who has experienced that person leave him, whether through death, separation, divorce, loss, or any reason, knows how painful it is to be accused of having caused the separation. Even if he himself acknowledged that he had caused the separation, reminding him of it would still be painful.

I'm sorry, but to tell him that he was the cause of his wife leaving him is a very, very low blow.

Personally for your sake, I hope the mods remove this post of yours and then this my post too.


On the matter of Medicine Hat, if indeed Medicine Hat ended homelessness in that city, would we not want to learn from that experience and apply the same strategy to get veterans off the street too?

If Lima Peru found a way to end homelessness in its city, would we not want to learn from that and apply it to helping veterans too?

We can sit here and complain about how veterans are homeless, or we can look to examples of how the problem could be solved and see how we could then apply that example elsewhere.

Seems logical enough to me.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I'm sorry but to blame an anonymous poster for his spouse leaving him when you know little about his life off of the forum is a low blow.

Anyone who has ever loved another person, be it his parent, his spouse, his child, or even just a friend, and who has experienced that person leave him, whether through death, separation, divorce, loss, or any reason, knows how painful it is to be accused of having caused the separation. Even if he himself acknowledged that he had caused the separation, reminding him of it would still be painful.

I'm sorry, but to tell him that he was the cause of his wife leaving him is a very, very low blow.

Personally for your sake, I hope the mods remove this post of yours and then this my post too.


On the matter of Medicine Hat, if indeed Medicine Hat ended homelessness in that city, would we not want to learn from that experience and apply the same strategy to get veterans off the street too?

If Lima Peru found a way to end homelessness in its city, would we not want to learn from that and apply it to helping veterans too?

We can sit here and complain about how veterans are homeless, or we can look to examples of how the problem could be solved and see how we could then apply that example elsewhere.

Seems logical enough to me.

Resolving homelessness might not resolve issues with Veterans.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Resolving homelessness might not resolve issues with Veterans.

That is true, but it might resolve the problem of homeless veterans.

I see two parallel discussions going on in this thread. On the matter of homeless veterans, it seems most would agree that that is too narrow a topic since it interrelated to other topics. Some have decided therefore to drop 'homeless' so as to expand it to veterans issues generally.

Others have decided to drop 'veterans' to focus on homelessness more generally.

If we restrained the thread to the topic homeless veterans only while disallowing any discussion pertaining to anything beyond that, both those who wish to expand it to veterans issues generally or homelessness generally would leave this thread.

Unfortunately, it seems that some who wish to expand the topic to homelessness generally don't want to allow others to discuss veterans issues generally, and vice versa, to the point of the conversation degenerating to insults of the lowest kind.

If expanding the topic to either word in the thread title is permissible, then expanding it to the other ought to be too.

I don't see why there could not be room in this thread to discuss both veterans issues generalky and homelessness generally and how they might converge without de basing ourselves t the lowest insults.

We might all be anonymous here (or at least I am), but there are still real human beings behind the screen. And even I'm anonymous, that doesn't change the fact that, as thick-skinned as I might be, some insults , especially those pertaining to loved ones, can hurt.

Add to that when we accuse people of things in their off-screen lives.

Sure we can disagree with a person on a matter of discussion, but why bring people's personal lives into it?

As an example, when we insult a person by calling him a 'dope head' or a 'loony tune who should be in an insane asylum,' we might intend it as an insult, but how we know the person on the other side of the screen is not in fact a struggling or recovering heroine addict in therapy suffering from PTSD, OCD, BPD, etc.?

That obviously creates an irony if I talk about how we can help the poor, the homeless, the mentally ill, etc., and then turn around and mock you on those very things?

Maybe some are living in their parents' basement while recovering from homelessness, yet we mock that too?

In short, the forum seems to have been degenerating into the lowest abyss of savage depravity and we don't even recognize it.

I might be guilty of it too sometimes.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
I'm sorry but to blame an anonymous poster for his spouse leaving him when you know little about his life off of the forum is a low blow.

Anyone who has ever loved another person, be it his parent, his spouse, his child, or even just a friend, and who has experienced that person leave him, whether through death, separation, divorce, loss, or any reason, knows how painful it is to be accused of having caused the separation. Even if he himself acknowledged that he had caused the separation, reminding him of it would still be painful.

I'm sorry, but to tell him that he was the cause of his wife leaving him is a very, very low blow.

Personally for your sake, I hope the mods remove this post of yours and then this my...

I wouldn't worry too much about it. I don't. I expect that sort of childish behaviour from the man. He's an angry individual. He's not alone.

Resolving homelessness might not resolve issues with Veterans.

This thread is about homeless veterans not about other issues about veterans (or so the angry folk keep pointing out). Medicine Hat has eliminated homelessness in their veteran population as a byproduct of eliminating it in their entire population.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
I wouldn't worry too much about it. I don't. I expect that sort of childish behaviour from the man. He's an angry individual. He's not alone.

This thread is about homeless veterans not about other issues about veterans (or so the angry folk keep pointing out). Medicine Hat has eliminated homelessness in their veteran population as a byproduct of eliminating it in their entire population.

No ot's not okay.

That was a very low blow, and I hope for his sake that the mods remove his post that made that accusation along with my post calling him out on it and any other post including yours that I'm quoting and this one that quotes or discusses it.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
I'm sorry but to blame an anonymous poster for his spouse leaving him when you know little about his life off of the forum is a low blow.

Anyone who has ever loved another person, be it his parent, his spouse, his child, or even just a friend, and who has experienced that person leave him, whether through death, separation, divorce, loss, or any reason, knows how painful it is to be accused of having caused the separation. Even if he himself acknowledged that he had caused the separation, reminding him of it would still be painful.

I'm sorry, but to tell him that he was the cause of his wife leaving him is a very, very low blow.

Personally for your sake, I hope the mods remove this post of yours and then this my post too.
Hey Bozo...... he keeps bringing it up constantly maybe dunno, to prove a point..or so we won't argue his point or so people will feel sorry for him and won't argue?.want me to post a search of every time he brought it up in the past in unrelated arguments
And besides....we don't even know if his bullshyte is true.....


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I'm sorry but to blame an anonymous poster for his spouse leaving him when you know little about his life off of the forum is a low blow
Based on personality alone, would you date him or stay in a relationship?


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
No ot's not okay.

That was a very low blow, and I hope for his sake that the mods remove his post that made that accusation along with my post calling him out on it and any other post including yours that I'm quoting and this one that quotes or discusses it.

Get a life


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Since most posters in here are anonymous to me, I take is as a matter of courtesy to assume what they say to be true until proven otherwise unless it affects me materially.

Also, however rude a person might be towards me, there is a line I simply shall not cross in retaliation.