James Hansen, one of the first scientists to warn about global warming, calls the just-completed Paris climate summit a “fraud.”
And, of course, he is right.
Strictly speaking, the summit was fraudulent. It committed none of the 195 nations attending to do anything substantive to combat global warming.
It recycled goals of past United Nations climate-change summits without providing a mechanism for attaining them.
It was welcomed by countries that emit large quantities of greenhouse gases because, ultimately, it required nothing of them.
Still, the Paris agreement could end up being a useful fraud.
Why Paris climate summit was a useful fraud: Walkom | Toronto Star
James Hansen, one of the first scientists to warn about global warming, calls the just-completed Paris climate summit a “fraud.”
And, of course, he is right.
Strictly speaking, the summit was fraudulent. It committed none of the 195 nations attending to do anything substantive to combat global warming.
It recycled goals of past United Nations climate-change summits without providing a mechanism for attaining them.
It was welcomed by countries that emit large quantities of greenhouse gases because, ultimately, it required nothing of them.
Still, the Paris agreement could end up being a useful fraud.
Why Paris climate summit was a useful fraud: Walkom | Toronto Star