Canada goose left to die after being shot by crossbow


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Canada goose left to die after being shot by crossbow

It could be the luckiest bird in B.C.

A Canada goose has miraculously survived an illegal crossbow attack that left it with a bolt sunk deep inside its chest.

A woman found the injured bird floating on Lake Cowichan Thursday and rushed it to a Nanaimo veterinarian’s office for emergency surgery to remove the bolt.

“It was close to the windpipe, close to some arteries, it was very close to a couple of the bones in the wing, but didn’t hit anything major,” said Dr. Ken Langelier. “It was simple as a quick pluck.”

There are several areas in the Cowichan Valley where shooting a goose with a bow and arrow is legal, but the weapon used on the goose appears to be a crossbow bolt – an illegal form of hunting geese in B.C.

Rescue workers have also spoken out against whoever pulled the trigger, saying the animal was inhumanely left to die.

“They can be a bit of a pest at times, but at the same time this is their habitat. They’re a natural species and we don’t’ want to see them suffering,” said Robyn Radcliffe of the Raptor Rescue Society.

“If somebody ignorant has done this, it behooves us to do our best to try and fix it,” Langelier said.

Rescue workers say conservation officers are aware of the case and are looking into it.

source: Goose left to die after being shot by crossbow in Lake Cowichan | CTV Vancouver Island News


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Vermin. That is exactly what I think of people that shoot critters and leave them wounded, even nuisance critters like geese.


Electoral Member
Aug 21, 2015
To me, this is on the same level as those who kill small animals, for fun. How does a (questionable in this case) do this to another living being.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
We were camping one year where there's a Duck's Unlimited quarry (for lack of a better work) and as I was taking my dog for a walk came across a goose that had a broken wing. It was obviously in distress so I went to the manager of the park and told them that I thought we should do something like take it to a vet or something. But nope - leave it alone - some creature will come along and put it out of its misery (i.e. coyote). I didn't thing it would be a very fair fight though and I went back to our trailer and cried and cried - poor hubby didn't know what to do with me. I couldn't understand why no one would help the poor bird.

I thought it was so inhumane. Next day, the goose was gone. I'll never forget that.


We were camping one year where there's a Duck's Unlimited quarry (for lack of a better word) and as I was taking my dog for a walk came across a goose that had a broken wing. It was obviously in distress so I went to the manager of the park and told them that I thought we should do something like take it to a vet or something. But nope - leave it alone - some creature will come along and put it out of its misery (i.e. coyote). I didn't thing it would be a very fair fight though and I went back to our trailer and cried and cried - poor hubby didn't know what to do with me. I couldn't understand why no one would help the poor bird.

I thought it was so inhumane. Next day, the goose was gone. I'll never forget that.


oops that should be word


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
It's just nature! some must die so others can survive!

That's true but there's no need for humans to help nature along. Every creature has the same right to exist as humans have, the same capacity to feel pain. People who hurt animals are monsters.
If an animal has to be killed by humans t should be done quickly and painlessly. In nature, let nature look after itself.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
That's true but there's no need for humans to help nature along. Every creature has the same right to exist as humans have, the same capacity to feel pain. People who hurt animals are monsters.
If an animal has to be killed by humans t should be done quickly and painlessly. In nature, let nature look after itself.



Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
That's true but there's no need for humans to help nature along. Every creature has the same right to exist as humans have, the same capacity to feel pain. People who hurt animals are monsters.
If an animal has to be killed by humans t should be done quickly and painlessly. In nature, let nature look after itself.

I think he was referring to Dixie's goose with the broken wing rather than the OP.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Lucky would not be a word used to describe lingering pain and suffering.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
That's true but there's no need for humans to help nature along. Every creature has the same right to exist as humans have, the same capacity to feel pain. People who hurt animals are monsters.
If an animal has to be killed by humans t should be done quickly and painlessly. In nature, let nature look after itself.
What he said.....
I think he was referring to Dixie's goose with the broken wing rather than the OP.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
As I recall , in Arizona if you harm a bald Eagle you'll do jail time and pay a hefty fine.

Any bird of prey in damn near everywhere in North America is off limits.

Wounding an animal and leaving it to die is juvenile. In that I'm saying it was more than likely stupid teens.

Giving critters rights parallel to human is over the top.

Bugs are animals yet we all kill bugs even when there is no need. Do you want to do time for offing a mosquito?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Save a critter but demand 1.8B Muslims get exterminated (due it false fears) shows how sensible we really are.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Any bird of prey in damn near everywhere in North America is off limits.

Wounding an animal and leaving it to die is juvenile. In that I'm saying it was more than likely stupid teens.

Giving critters rights parallel to human is over the top.

Bugs are animals yet we all kill bugs even when there is no need. Do you want to do time for offing a mosquito?
The point was made. It's cruel to kill an innocent animal for no reason. Your other comments you can stuff.