Google, YouTube, To Censor Palestinian Videos Of Conflict


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Both Egypt and Israel have a blockade on the Gaza Strip. Perhaps Hamas should learn to live peacefully with its neighbors and maybe something can be done with the security fence.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
We're not talking about the entire middle east but the crimes against humanity Izrael perpetrates on the Palestinians on a daily basis. DOn't go off topic.
You cannot handle the truth pointed out to you I see.
Like Israel is not in the ME?
Well, how about Palestine?

ICYMI: Amnesty International Condemns Palestinian Attacks On Israelis - Matt Vespa

Attacks on Israeli civilians by Palestinians | B'Tselem

etcetera ad infinitum

So again, the Israelis are demons and everyone else in the ME are angels. :roll:

Sorry, but atrocities are shared by both.


Council Member
Oct 18, 2015
You cannot handle the truth pointed out to you I see.
Like Israel is not in the ME?
Well, how about Palestine?

ICYMI: Amnesty International Condemns Palestinian Attacks On Israelis - Matt Vespa

Attacks on Israeli civilians by Palestinians | B'Tselem

etcetera ad infinitum

So again, the Israelis are demons and everyone else in the ME are angels. :roll:

Sorry, but atrocities are shared by both.
of course there's attacks on israeli's you moron, they're an occupying force.
"dhurr maybe we're just sit here silently while these foreign occupiers oppress us and take our land"
jesus ****


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
You don't seem to be aware that Saddam's war with Iran was his bit at being the proxy army for the US who was stinging from the fact Iran kicked them out in 1979, as usual he got a knife in the back for his troubles. Do you believe that Saddam organized the death squads that roamed parts of Central and South America, wait that was the US using proxy armies also.
Oh, poor Saddam. He was so persecuted and was totally gullible and fooled by the nasty and sneaky USA that he could not pass up having a strong thirst for power and prestige.

At least most women know how to say "no" when it counts.


Council Member
Oct 18, 2015
Both Egypt and Israel have a blockade on the Gaza Strip. Perhaps Hamas should learn to live peacefully with its neighbors and maybe something can be done with the security fence.
yo **** egypt, tools of america and western imperialism.

Egyptian revolution was a failed attempt to get rid of this type of scum leadership. all it succeeded in doing was taking out the trash and replaced with another fatter trash bag.

Oh, poor Saddam. He was so persecuted and was totally gullible and fooled by the nasty and sneaky USA that he could not pass up having a strong thirst for power and prestige.

At least most women know how to say "no" when it counts.
the point is, Saddam was supported by amerikkka until his usefulness ran out. this is a trademark of amerikkkaa, using dictatorships in foreign countries to prop up their interests in that region and if their usefulness has ran out they get replaced.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Both Egypt and Israel have a blockade on the Gaza Strip. Perhaps Hamas should learn to live peacefully with its neighbors and maybe something can be done with the security fence.
When did walking become a violent action?
Israel shoots dead woman near Gaza border - Al Jazeera English
Palestinian man shot while walking across closed Huwwara checkpoint

No hope for any society that becomes numb to these kinds of crimes.

The Israeli regime is brutally murdering everyone in Gaza including men, women and specially children.

Small Palestinian children burning to death, following the phosphor explosives bombardment by Jewish soldiers on their school.

Palestinian women protesting against the Jews' deliberate targeting of children and families.

A Palestinian child with all his limbs blown off, most likely by a DIME explosive fired by Jewish soldiers. These are experimental explosives created by the US and likely sold to Israel. They create violent short-range explosions with this effect. How would you feel if this were your child?

Severed head of a 4-year-old Palestinian "terrorist" buried in rubble after an air attack by Jewish forces in Gaza.

Two dead Palestinian children, one burned to a crisp by phosphor, the other blown apart by a grenade or DIME bomb fired by Jewish soldiers.

A Palestinian father, carrying his dead child after another Jewish air attack. Note the child's left side, arms and legs, and part of his head, all blown away by another DIME weapon. Who are the "terrorists"?

A dead Palestinian child, shot in the face by a Jewish soldier - who was sentenced to 49 days in jail for "violating rules" on killing children - i.e. being photographed while doing it.

Carried by her grandfather, a dead Palestinian child, with her legs blown off by a Jewish mortar during Operation "Cast Lead" in Gaza.

Another beautiful Palestinian baby killed when Jewish soldiers shelled his home in the middle of the night.

A Palestinian father mourning his dead child, only weeks old, shot dead by a Jewish soldier.

Another 2-year-old Gaza child with his body blown to bits.

A 10-year-old Palestinian child shot and burned to death by Jewish soldiers - punishment for "throwing stones".

If you found your child dead, shot in the head by a Jewish soldier while playing outside your house, would you want to retaliate and become a "terrorist" too?

A Palestinian child with his head blown away by a Jewish military high-powered weapon. Do you think this father wants retaliation? Would that make him a "terrorist"?

A dead Palestinian child, shot in the head by a Jewish soldier.

This beautiful baby was shot in the heart by a Jewish sharpshooter. Note how carefully he centered his aim.

A little Palestinian girl shot in the head by a Jewish soldier. She died soon after this photo was taken.

Lying in a bloodied schoolyard, this is all that's left of a 4-month-old Palestinian girl whose body was blown away. How would you feel?

Group prayers for Palestinian children and babies killed by Jewish soldiers in Operation "Cast Lead". Do you think these parents were terrorists before these killings of their children? Do you think they are now?

An 8-year-old Palestinian boy shot in the head by a Jewish soldier. The child died, of course. How much longer will you keep silent about the atrocities committed by the Jews in Israel? How much longer?

A Palestinian father carrying his dead terrorist child, shot in the head and throat by Jewish soldiers. How much longer will you remain silent?

A 10-year-old Palestinian boy shot in the head by a Jewish soldier. Who are the terrorists? Why do you support Israel?

A Palestinian father with his son, shot in the head by a Jewish sniper, while playing on the roof of his house. Do you think this man will become a "terrorist" now? Would you?

A grieving father, carrying his horribly phosphor-burned child. If this were your child, what would you do?

Another group funeral for Palestinian children killed when Jewish soldiers shelled their homes. Israeli Jews killed hundreds of Palestinian children during their Operation "Cast Lead". Most were targeted killings, not "collateral damage".

A Palestinian child burnt to a crisp by the Jews' use of phosphor in Gaza. This is what Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and Ethan Bronner of the New York Times, calls "humane and appropriate" treatment of children in Palestine.

A Palestinian baby girl, burned to a crisp and with her limbs blown away by a Jewish soldier firing phosphor explosives. Who is the "terrorist here?

As his father attempts to shield him, Jewish soldiers shoot at 12 year old Mohammed Al Doura. He was killed shortly after this photo was taken.

A father rescuing the dead body of his 2-year-old child, whose lower limbs have been blown off, by a Jewish DIME explosive.

A Palestinian father, carrying his 4-year-old child, shot in the head by a Jewish soldier who was "only following orders".

Palestinian children killed when Jewish soldiers shelled their home with artillery. The pregnant wife died, too.

A Palestinian father, grieving over the bodies of his three children, killed when Jewish soldiers fired tank rounds into their home.

A beautiful Palestinian baby, shot in the head by Jewish soldiers. The child is dead. How much longer will you remain silent? If you're Canadian, send this page to Stephen Harper so he can see what it means to be "Israel's best friend in the world".

27 December. Amid thousands of images of civilian casualties of the Jewish airstrikes in Gaza, the solemn stare of one child appears to have stood out more than any other. Newspapers and broadcasters across the world selected the image of a young girl looking into a camera lens outside the Shifa hospital hours after a Jewish air strike.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
of course there's attacks on israeli's you moron, they're an occupying force.
"dhurr maybe we're just sit here silently while these foreign occupiers oppress us and take our land"
jesus ****
So 2 wrongs make a right is what you are saying. I see.


An Overview of the Regional Conflict and the Current Relations Between Israel and Palestine

Both sides claim the land that used to be shared. Neither side will listen to the other. It is a two-way street. If you want to blame anyone, blame the politicians of both sides.



Council Member
Oct 18, 2015


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
the point is, Saddam was supported by amerikkka until his usefulness ran out. this is a trademark of amerikkkaa, using dictatorships in foreign countries to prop up their interests in that region and if their usefulness has ran out they get replaced.
uhuh Fairly common knowledge. But that does not excuse Saddam or any other despot or lunatic dictator in the ME or anywhere else on the planet. Nor is it an excuse to vilify one side only, which is what you and MHurtz do.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars


Council Member
Oct 18, 2015
uhuh Fairly common knowledge. But that does not excuse Saddam or any other despot or lunatic dictator in the ME or anywhere else on the planet. Nor is it an excuse to vilify one side only, which is what you and MHurtz do.
no one is defending Saddam and it's not the topic of discussion. it's izrael's neo nazi genocidal actions towards the palestinians.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Izrael's only claim to the land is the ****ing bible... lmfao.
Yeah no Jews ever lived there before the Bible was written. Neither did Palestinians.
I think the people originally there were the warlike Canaanites mostly but the region seemed to have been a "Grand Central Station" for business and migration alike.

no one is defending Saddam and it's not the topic of discussion. it's izrael's neo nazi genocidal actions towards the palestinians.
No, that is YOUR topic. Other posters have more balanced, less partisan topics

I thought the topic was google and youtube.
More specifically it is their censorship of violent vids and photos apparently.

Gioogle is not the ONLY search engine around, nor is Youtube the only video host around. And nothing says that no-one else can develop their own search engine and video host.


Council Member
Oct 18, 2015
Yeah no Jews ever lived there before the Bible was written. Neither did Palestinians.
I think the people originally there were the warlike Canaanites mostly but the region seemed to have been a "Grand Central Station" for business and migration alike.

No, that is YOUR topic. Other posters have more balanced, less partisan topics

More specifically it is their censorship of violent vids and photos apparently.

Gioogle is not the ONLY search engine around, nor is Youtube the only video host around. And nothing says that no-one else can develop their own search engine and video host.
man Palestinians are direct descendants of the Canaanites.

Video: 'I killed for you, with these hands!' cries Israeli veteran with PTSD


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
The direct descendants of the Canaanites were actually who the Greeks called "Phoenicians". And as the area was a place where a variety of people's converged, the Hittites, Assyrians, Phoenicians, Egyptians, etc. mingled and interbred. Your Palestinians are mongrels just like the Israelis. The difference being the religions.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Gioogle is not the ONLY search engine around, nor is Youtube the only video host around. And nothing says that no-one else can develop their own search engine and video host.
I'm quite sure Israel would use the same strong arm tactics that was used on the companies in the OP. That they agreed to it more or less means they are Israeli subsidies.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
You cannot handle the truth pointed out to you I see.
Like Israel is not in the ME?
Well, how about Palestine?

ICYMI: Amnesty International Condemns Palestinian Attacks On Israelis - Matt Vespa

Attacks on Israeli civilians by Palestinians | B'Tselem

etcetera ad infinitum

So again, the Israelis are demons and everyone else in the ME are angels. :roll:

Sorry, but atrocities are shared by both.
Are videos of Palestinian actions that could be war crimes being censored?

So 2 wrongs make a right is what you are saying. I see.
That appears to be the general theory of war.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
I'm quite sure Israel would use the same strong arm tactics that was used on the companies in the OP. That they agreed to it more or less means they are Israeli subsidies.
What? Israel cannot "strongarm" the internet, if that is what you are saying.
Israeli subsidies?
For a relatively small sum, I bet you could find tutors on the net to teach you the proper use of the English language.

Are videos of Palestinian actions that could be war crimes being censored?
Someone pointed out an image that was edited/censored in another thread a while back. So I would imagine videos would be the same.

That appears to be the general theory of war.
Pretty much.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Yeah, the Israelis are evil demons and everyone else in the ME are angels. F off.
No-one forced Sodamn Insane to be the a$$hole he was to kill even his own family if they said anything against him. No-one forces crown prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia to keep Saudi women from being in public and arbitrarily arrest, flog, and torture people. No-one forces Shia and Sunni to kill each other.
etcetera ad infinitum

Forced is a tricky word ain't it? Misrael is the greatest collection of human excrement ever heaped in a pile. Sadam was less than he could have been but those who drove him from power and murdered two million while doing it were and are worse. The United States tortures people all the time and it's sactioned by congress so don't be so selective in your condemnations. I'm beginning to think you might be on the other side in this war.