The association of others with God


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Not at all, I've been here for some time and there is no respect for believers via the Bible and even less for Muslims but Jews are give a pass on all actions no matter how despicable they are.
Probably because there is no respect for people that are agnostic or atheist. Respect goes both ways. And Jews are humans, just like Aussies, Canadians, Japanese, Koreans, Scandinavians, etc.

The Bible is in English and you certainly don't understand any part of it.
lol Well, you are entitled to your opinion but that is all you have - opinion.

That is from the Hebrew-English dictionary btw so it is not the Bible supporting the Bible. If you want to say the Jews don't know what they are talking about the say it rather than promote something that isn't even applicable to the topic.
lol The online etymology dictionary said the same thing you cited except it is a lot clearer. You just do not understand clarity but would rather keep your mind buried in code, glyph and cypher.

Another point on that aspect is the Bible is one 'confession' so you are promoting that what is said in one paragraph doesn't fit with what is said in another paragraph when, in fact, all the words complement each other. Like I said earlier it is no concern of mine if you understand the book or not, in your case (and in general here on the site) it is not but then you don't know everything and you forget to put that into the equation.
I do not forget. I simply consider it too obvious to mention. It is people that cannot bring themselves to admit when they may be mistaken that have fragile egos.

The people that only use the OT don't even know what it means, ask any Jew to define 'land of the enemy' in Jeremiah:31 or summarize all of Isaiah:65, they get the deer in the headlight look and it never leaves.
OT? That is easy. It is an acronym for Old Testament. =)
You see, the key word in the names of the Bible's sections (OT and NT) is "testament". "Testament" referring to "testimony"; AKA attestation from human beings. "I saw that pig fly so it must be factual" or "horses growing feathers is a fact because I saw it happen".


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Is God like you a citizen and will participate in election? What is such mind?
God is God the owner of everything, the King of all kings, who created you a fetus in your mother's womb, and you should respect and in fact more than respect, you should enslave yourself to God, or else you are so proud and full of gases.

haven't you ever heard of 'each' having their own opinion, yours is yours, go for it, mine is mine, and
has nothing to do with what you 'think' is going to happen to either me or this planet, isn't it
clear to you that many others don't agree with what you believe, you can preach and quote whatever
you want, you can tell me what is going to happen to me and this planet, I don't agree, simple.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
I didn't really get interested in raeding the book on my own until I was about 35. Do you really think I live in a glass house before that?? I can still have a beer and eat anything I want without thinking I have offended God. What offends him is what comes out of a person's mouth. If you read the book you would know that so you either haven't read it or you are a sloppy reader, probably of all things rather than just the big book.

You certainly have the 'simple' part nailed down.
it seems to me that you display racing thoughts that run together rendering your words senseless. Religion can and does create that in some. My advise for you is a trip to the nervous hospital for a new set of meds.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
it seems to me that you display racing thoughts that run together rendering your words senseless. Religion can and does create that in some. My advise for you is a trip to the nervous hospital for a new set of meds.
Since you can't understand even simple passages I'll pass on you doctorly advice, thanks all the same though. No advice from me on how you can fix your flaws other than staying away from any religious topic.

So you come here and talk behind their back?
I haven't said anything here that I haven't discussed at length on those sites. You would last about 10 posts before they booted you off.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Since you can't understand even simple passages I'll pass on you doctorly advice, thanks all the same though. No advice from me on how you can fix your flaws other than staying away from any religious topic.

I haven't said anything here that I haven't discussed at length on those sites. You would last about 10 posts before they booted you off.
no shame son happens to many folks for various reasons could be the water.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
More likely you are trapped in either the left or right side and can't understand that there is a difference let alone what the differences are. Meeting somebody who can visit both sides leaves you in this state of mind you are currently in. Can't understand so the flaw must be on the 'other end' rather than on your end, far as I know there is no cure for that condition.

Perceptual Set | Simply Psychology
Perceptual set theory stresses the idea of perception as an active process involving selection, inference and interpretation.
The concept of perceptual set is important to the active process of perception. Allport, 1955 defined perceptual set as:

"a perceptual bias or predisposition or readiness to perceive particular features of a stimulus".

Perceptual set is a tendency to perceive or notice some aspects of the available sensory data and ignore others. According to Vernon, 1955 perceptual set works in two ways: (1) The perceiver has certain expectations and focuses attention on particular aspects of the sensory data: This he calls a Selector'. (2) The perceiver knows how to classify, understand and name selected data and what inferences to draw from it. This he calls an 'Interpreter'.
It has been found that a number of variables, or factors, influence perceptual set, and set in turn influences perception. The factors include:

• Expectations

• Emotion

• Motivation

• Culture


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003

What will muslims do if they become powerful? This scholar explains...



Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
seriously. Get some help. A night on the town having good food and some fun may be the ticket . Maybe do a little bowling or play some pool.
Pool is cool, is bowling what got you to where you are today? You should try chess in your declining years. (notice the complete lack of jealousy on my part)

You must jerk-off to this theme being as you post it so often.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Pool is cool, is bowling what got you to where you are today? You should try chess in your declining years. (notice the complete lack of jealousy on my part)

You must jerk-off to this theme being as you post it so often.
Chess is good but the one on the computer ain't worth a damn.

What will muslims do if they become powerful? This scholar explains...

Not a whole lot different than the Inquisition


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Chess is good but the one on the computer ain't worth a damn.
Not letting you win? I had a little one in Cat-camp, nice for those long days when you were on tow-cat duty and nobody was getting stuck. Save the game was a good feature and the hardest level I always had to take back a move or two during the game if I was to get a sure win.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Not letting you win? I had a little one in Cat-camp, nice for those long days when you were on tow-cat duty and nobody was getting stuck. Save the game was a good feature and the hardest level I always had to take back a move or two during the game if I was to get a sure win.
No it's 3D and my eyes are pretty well shot these days and I don't care for it. I liked the one they had on Windows 7. I won about 60
% of the time.