Canadian marijuana stocks jump as Liberal win


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I don't really have an issue if a guy wants to be a stoner as long as he works and pays taxes. Most evidence points to it being less detrimental both physically and societaly than alcohol abuse.

I've no doubt you're right.

But putting smoke in your lungs and altering your mind isn't good for you. Alcohol, weed, etc.

Glad you didn't get hooked on the opiates.

Gonna tell me everything you know about drunken Indians, Eagle? Trust me, it'd be about a thousandth of 1% of what I know about that subject, having involuntarily studied it for years.

But you seem to know all about people from Southie right?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I've no doubt you're right.

But putting smoke in your lungs and altering your mind isn't good for you. Alcohol, weed, etc.

Glad you didn't get hooked on the opiates.

But you seem to know all about people from Southie right?
No, I know about drunks in Southie. That don't take but one Saturday night.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
no worries. I'll do a cut and paste of the individuals on the lists. They may double up.

Bill Clinton didn't inhale!

I wonder how many were users and still are. Not experimenters in their youth. At this point just about everyone has tried it or smoked it a bit.

No, I know about drunks in Southie. That don't take but one Saturday night.

Did you go to Fanuiel Hall? Plenty of drunks down there too. I am sure you could of went to Somerville and found a bunch there on a Saturday night too.

In fact... I bet we could find some in Baltimore this Saturday as well.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
But be prepared for the consequences.
What consequences? Decreases in overall drug use? Dramatic reduction in overdoses? More resources to deal with real crime and criminals? Hell, Portugal even saw a decrease in alcohol related issues.
Of course the main health issue obviously is inhaling smoke from hot, combusted material. However, the more high-test the weed, the less you actually need to smoke thus keeping any damage to a minimum. Proper use of a vaporizer will also alleviate some of that as well.
A study done some years ago comparing regular pot smokers and regular marijuana smokers also indicated that when pot smokers stop smoking, their lungs heal up faster and more fully.

Yes Health costs.

Oh please don't bore me with all the cures.... one tard in here said cannabis oil should be rubbed on kids with leukemia instead of seeing a cancer team at a hospital.

So please... smoke up... but don't post that foolishness here. All that nonsense is just so stoners can get high because they are addicted to it.
Marijuana is not addictive. Well, not addictive in the normal drug addict sense. Of all the commonly used recreational drugs, including caffeine and nicotine, marijuana is the only one that doesn't stimulate dopamine production. There are no physical withdrawal symptoms when someone decides to give it a rest.
I smoked it quite a bit recreationally when I was much younger. And although I never flew while high (well I did, just not a plane), I eventually quit smoking it. Didn't miss it. Now I use it medicinally for the days I don't need any of my prescription pain meds (which are a fast track to liver and kidney damage) but still need something to help manage the pain. Although I do occasionally run across stuff that has more of an analgesic effect which is preferable to being buzzed out all day, especially if I have to leave the house for anything.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Pot Smokers Show Less Inflammation

People who smoke marijuana may have lower levels of inflammation compared with people who have never smoked it, according to new research on one marker of inflammation.

In the study, researchers examined data from more than 9,000 people on their history of marijuana use and their levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), one marker of inflammation that is frequently linked with people's risk of heart disease.

About 40 percent of the people in the study said they had never smoked marijuana, while 48 percent reported having smoked the drug at least once in their lifetimes, but not in the past 30 days. About 12 percent (1115) said they smoked marijuana recently, or at least once in the past 30 days. The researchers found that the people who smoked in the last month had lower CRP levels than those who had never smoked the drug.

(the article does say that further study is needed, but that's just a given when the product has been illegal for so long)


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
What consequences? Decreases in overall drug use? Dramatic reduction in overdoses? More resources to deal with real crime and criminals? Hell, Portugal even saw a decrease in alcohol related issues.
Of course the main health issue obviously is inhaling smoke from hot, combusted material. However, the more high-test the weed, the less you actually need to smoke thus keeping any damage to a minimum. Proper use of a vaporizer will also alleviate some of that as well.
A study done some years ago comparing regular pot smokers and regular marijuana smokers also indicated that when pot smokers stop smoking, their lungs heal up faster and more fully.

Marijuana is not addictive. Well, not addictive in the normal drug addict sense. Of all the commonly used recreational drugs, including caffeine and nicotine, marijuana is the only one that doesn't stimulate dopamine production. There are no physical withdrawal symptoms when someone decides to give it a rest.
I smoked it quite a bit recreationally when I was much younger. And although I never flew while high (well I did, just not a plane), I eventually quit smoking it. Didn't miss it. Now I use it medicinally for the days I don't need any of my prescription pain meds (which are a fast track to liver and kidney damage) but still need something to help manage the pain. Although I do occasionally run across stuff that has more of an analgesic effect which is preferable to being buzzed out all day, especially if I have to leave the house for anything.
Lungs heal twice as fast as cig smokers...

That makes it healthier?

Don't know much about it but if it's a cash crop people can be employed.

So give criminals jobs and hope they suddenly respect the law?


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
So give criminals jobs and hope they suddenly respect the law?

Respect for the law? Probably not, but if they're given a job they already know a fair amount about, can make some good coin doing it AND not have to worry about having it taken away they'll be happy to do it.

Just like the former poachers in Africa, who were hired to protect the animals, instead of poaching them. All people want enough money they can live on and have some left over to enjoy life.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Going from $60 an hour to $16 will make them happy? What about the piss tests?

Benefits, not getting shot dead, not having their family shot dead, living to old age, doing something useful, being able to save for retirement.

Who's to say they're only going to make $16/hr? Maybe they'll be part owners? Maybe the owners like the idea of having security and workers on the same shift and maybe, like the company I work for, they offer stock options?

There are so many ways things can be done.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Stocks and it is an 'illegal crop'??? Hemp would bring in 10x that (in a manufactured product)

There were other promises??

Benefits, not getting shot dead, not having their family shot dead, living to old age, doing something useful, being able to save for retirement.

Who's to say they're only going to make $16/hr? Maybe they'll be part owners? Maybe the owners like the idea of having security and workers on the same shift and maybe, like the company I work for, they offer stock options?

There are so many ways things can be done.
Security is a 100% write-off each and every year so max that out first.