Canadian marijuana stocks jump as Liberal win


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Yes Health costs.

Oh please don't bore me with all the cures.... one tard in here said cannabis oil should be rubbed on kids with leukemia instead of seeing a cancer team at a hospital.

So please... smoke up... but don't post that foolishness here. All that nonsense is just so stoners can get high because they are addicted to it.

All anecdotal. Double blind research is finally underway. Wait a bit, makes ya sound tinfoilerish.

Well here is some more anecdotal evidence for ya.

Couple of years back I had a bad wreck in a loaded fuel truck. My back is permanently screwed up from L-1 to L-5. Was taking opiates for pain for 16 months which sucked. Had to keep increasing the dose for less relief and all the other good stuff you get with long term opiate use. It got suggested by a clinical pharmacist and a Dr to try cannabis seed oil which I did. It was amazing. Within a few weeks I was off the opiates with little withdrawal issues and had much better relief of pain and better mobility. The seed oil contains all the good enzymes without the THC content and it is not a controlled substance. I do also have a prescription for marijuana which helps immensely but do not often use it because I drive for a living so cannot be under the influence.

I know quite a few others that are using the seed oil for various ailments like RA and cancer with exceptional results. It's main effect is dilating the blood vessels and allowing the blood cells to bind with more O2 thereby increasing the supply to the affected areas. It is in essence a barometric chamber in capsule form.

Whatever you may think personally there is far too much evidence (even if it is anecdotal) that marijuana in it's various forms is quite helpful for a wide range of issues. The biggest hurdle is that big pharma corps do not want a remedy that they can't control and make money from.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Yup and unemployed because you can't pass a piss test. Labour laws and impaired driving laws are only going to get stiffer.

Actually if you are under a prescription the piss test doesn't matter. My employer knows about my condition and the various medications I use. As long as you stay legit there is nothing they can do. I agree not to smoke in the 6 hours prior to my shift or while on shift and he is just fine with it. He actually prefers this to me taking oxycodone every 5 hours.

On a laughable note....I am legally allowed to drive while using 20mg oxycodone as long as I have been on a stable dose for 2 weeks but not if I happen to smoke a little marijuana in the 6 hours before I start. :roll:


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Whatever you may think personally there is far too much evidence (even if it is anecdotal) that marijuana in it's various forms is quite helpful for a wide range of issues. The biggest hurdle is that big pharma corps do not want a remedy that they can't control and make money from.

Here is some for you...

A guy I know from the bah is a smoker. His Dad was a full fledged peace love hippie. When he got caught smoking as teen by his dad his dad told him this...

"I just want to say that if you become a regular user, get high everyday or just about everyday you will not get out out of your life what you could get out of your life. A good portion of your life will be getting high, buying more, and not doing things because you're high.... and my dad was right on the money. I look back on my life and think of all the things I could have been doing but I chose to smoke weed instead."

Puff away though maaaaaaan.

does it matter?

Where I am at yeah. lol

See what weed and weed links can do!


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Here is some for you...

A guy I know from the bah is a smoker. His Dad was a full fledged peace love hippie. When he got caught smoking as teen by his dad his dad told him this...

"I just want to say that if you become a regular user, get high everyday or just about everyday you will not get out out of your life what you could get out of your life. A good portion of your life will be getting high, buying more, and not doing things because you're high.... and my dad was right on the money. I look back on my life and think of all the things I could have been doing but I chose to smoke weed instead."

Puff away though maaaaaaan.

Where I am at yeah. lol

See what weed and weed links can do!

We are obviously discussing different things. I am talking about actual medical use and benefits. You are talking about chronic stoners.

I don't really have an issue if a guy wants to be a stoner as long as he works and pays taxes. Most evidence points to it being less detrimental both physically and societaly than alcohol abuse.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
I do not need the stuff to manage pain. So in my case using pot would be for recreational use only. So I can pass on the seed oil. Although I have tried cooking with different types of oil and am wondering what pot seed oil would be like. So far, I like sesame seed oil and olive oil the best.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Where I am at yeah. lol

See what weed and weed links can do!

no worries. I'll do a cut and paste of the individuals on the lists. They may double up.

1. Barack Obama

2. Natalie Portman

3. Oprah Winfrey

4. Bill Clinton

5. John Kerry

6. Stephen Colbert

7. Clarence Thomas

8. Katy Perry

9. LeBron James

10. Jay Z

11. Bill Gates

12. George Soros

13. Jon Stewart

14. Bill Maher

15. Rush Limbaugh

16. Andrew Cuomo

17. Sanjay Gupta

18. George W. Bush

19. Seth MacFarlane

20. George Clooney

21. Lady Gaga

22. Ted Turner

23. Brad Pitt

24. Rihanna

25. Whoopi Goldberg

26. Morgan Freeman

27. Angelina Jolie

28. Conan O’Brien

29. Martha Stewart

30. Gov. John Hickenlooper (CO)

31. Gov. Charlie Baker (MA)

32. Tom Brokaw

33. Michael Bloomberg

34. Justin Timberlake

35. Aaron Sorkin

36. Glenn Beck

37. Al Gore

38. Matt Damon

39. Susan Sarandon

40. Madonna

41. Robert Downey Jr.

42. Phil Jackson

43. Rick Steves

44. Jennifer Lawrence

45. Miley Cyrus

46. Jennifer Aniston

47. Matthew McConaughey

48. Snoop Dogg

49. Hugh Hefner

50. Maureen Dowd

Justin Timberlake, Matthew McConaughey, Kirsten Dunst, Woody Harrelson, Willie Nelson, Frances McDormand, Sarah Silverman, Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, Kristen Stewart, Bill Maher, Oliver Stone, Juliette Lewis, Charlize Theron, Joseph Gordon Levitt, Stephen Colbert, Jennifer Lawrence, Carl Sagan, David Letterman, Hunter S. Thompson (but really, what drugs didn't he do), Shakespeare , Queen Victoria, George Washington, Christopher Columbus, Queen elizabeth I, Joan of Arc, nearly ever great jazz musician! the list goes on and on and on. Those are the famous ones anyways.

I do not need the stuff to manage pain. So in my case using pot would be for recreational use only. So I can pass on the seed oil. Although I have tried cooking with different types of oil and am wondering what pot seed oil would be like. So far, I like sesame seed oil and olive oil the best.

Same here. I don't bother with Canola oil or vegetable oil. We use olive oil in nearly everything that requires oil. We rarely deep fry anything. Except I do have a small addiction to pakora onion rings. shouldn't even have typed that, now I want some.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Same here. I don't bother with Canola oil or vegetable oil. We use olive oil in nearly everything that requires oil. We rarely deep fry anything. Except I do have a small addiction to pakora onion rings. shouldn't even have typed that, now I want some.
With me it is onion rings in beer batter and potatoes crispy on the outside and still a bit raw and crunchy inside. But once in a while we have a fondue thing here with bell peppers, onions, potatoes, carrots, meats, etc.. Hubby likes it.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Well here is some more anecdotal evidence for ya.

Couple of years back I had a bad wreck in a loaded fuel truck. My back is permanently screwed up from L-1 to L-5. Was taking opiates for pain for 16 months which sucked. Had to keep increasing the dose for less relief and all the other good stuff you get with long term opiate use. It got suggested by a clinical pharmacist and a Dr to try cannabis seed oil which I did. It was amazing. Within a few weeks I was off the opiates with little withdrawal issues and had much better relief of pain and better mobility. The seed oil contains all the good enzymes without the THC content and it is not a controlled substance. I do also have a prescription for marijuana which helps immensely but do not often use it because I drive for a living so cannot be under the influence.

I know quite a few others that are using the seed oil for various ailments like RA and cancer with exceptional results. It's main effect is dilating the blood vessels and allowing the blood cells to bind with more O2 thereby increasing the supply to the affected areas. It is in essence a barometric chamber in capsule form.

Whatever you may think personally there is far too much evidence (even if it is anecdotal) that marijuana in it's various forms is quite helpful for a wide range of issues. The biggest hurdle is that big pharma corps do not want a remedy that they can't control and make money from.
I use it because I can't tak antiinflammatories and MS. I have 100% of legal requirements met so impaired driving isn't an issue the same as long term opioid Rxs.

With all the stubbed toes and hurt feelings stoner types with illegal Dr papers overstraining the current system my needs are being met.

Stoners can f-cking wait for weed to be legal isn't of being coat tailers and flakes.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
no worries. I'll do a cut and paste of the individuals on the lists. They may double up.

1. Barack Obama

2. Natalie Portman

3. Oprah Winfrey

4. Bill Clinton

5. John Kerry

6. Stephen Colbert

7. Clarence Thomas

8. Katy Perry

9. LeBron James

10. Jay Z

11. Bill Gates

12. George Soros

13. Jon Stewart

14. Bill Maher

15. Rush Limbaugh

16. Andrew Cuomo

17. Sanjay Gupta

18. George W. Bush

19. Seth MacFarlane

20. George Clooney

21. Lady Gaga

22. Ted Turner

23. Brad Pitt

24. Rihanna

25. Whoopi Goldberg

26. Morgan Freeman

27. Angelina Jolie

28. Conan O’Brien

29. Martha Stewart

30. Gov. John Hickenlooper (CO)

31. Gov. Charlie Baker (MA)

32. Tom Brokaw

33. Michael Bloomberg

34. Justin Timberlake

35. Aaron Sorkin

36. Glenn Beck

37. Al Gore

38. Matt Damon

39. Susan Sarandon

40. Madonna

41. Robert Downey Jr.

42. Phil Jackson

43. Rick Steves

44. Jennifer Lawrence

45. Miley Cyrus

46. Jennifer Aniston

47. Matthew McConaughey

48. Snoop Dogg

49. Hugh Hefner

50. Maureen Dowd

Justin Timberlake, Matthew McConaughey, Kirsten Dunst, Woody Harrelson, Willie Nelson, Frances McDormand, Sarah Silverman, Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, Kristen Stewart, Bill Maher, Oliver Stone, Juliette Lewis, Charlize Theron, Joseph Gordon Levitt, Stephen Colbert, Jennifer Lawrence, Carl Sagan, David Letterman, Hunter S. Thompson (but really, what drugs didn't he do), Shakespeare , Queen Victoria, George Washington, Christopher Columbus, Queen elizabeth I, Joan of Arc, nearly ever great jazz musician! the list goes on and on and on. Those are the famous ones anyways.

Same here. I don't bother with Canola oil or vegetable oil. We use olive oil in nearly everything that requires oil. We rarely deep fry anything. Except I do have a small addiction to pakora onion rings. shouldn't even have typed that, now I want some.
Oh No not Sarah S.