Is internet porn ruining our next generation? Is censorship the answer?


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
WHy do kids look at porn in the first place? Perhaps because they find out about it and want to see for themselves? It's taboo, so they get nosy.
We raised our kids to come ask us if they were curious about anything and to be without all those hangups about sex and skin so if they wanted to check something out, they could do that. All we did was explain things to them when they asked. They had no need of learning the gossip about sex from friends, the net, or the neighbourhood witchdoctor.
Now they are in their 20s, one got married and has a 5 yr old boy and is preggers again and she runs her own beauty shop. The other doesn't seem to be interested in a commitment like that and she's busy with her work anyways.
I wouldn't suggest that they are "normal", but they are good kids, and "productive members of society" who like helping others.
The only censorship here was when we were at a loss a couple times trying to explain stuff. A little research, thought, and patience paid off, though, and we were able to explain so they could understand easily enough.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
WHy do kids look at porn in the first place? Perhaps because they find out about it and want to see for themselves? It's taboo, so they get nosy.
We raised our kids to come ask us if they were curious about anything and to be without all those hangups about sex and skin so if they wanted to check something out, they could do that. All we did was explain things to them when they asked. They had no need of learning the gossip about sex from friends, the net, or the neighbourhood witchdoctor.
Now they are in their 20s, one got married and has a 5 yr old boy and is preggers again and she runs her own beauty shop. The other doesn't seem to be interested in a commitment like that and she's busy with her work anyways.
I wouldn't suggest that they are "normal", but they are good kids, and "productive members of society" who like helping others.
The only censorship here was when we were at a loss a couple times trying to explain stuff. A little research, thought, and patience paid off, though, and we were able to explain so they could understand easily enough.

Your post makes sense.

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
WHy do kids look at porn in the first place?.

Sexual curiosity is a normal part of growing up.

Do you not remember playing slaps and tickles or spin the bottle?

I do.

Fortunately, I did not have high speed internet back then as things would have gone quite badly for me because there was a lot going on where I was living for all ages.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
I agree with your last but not with censorship but with a fraud charge for lying for money.

As to the rest, where is your sense of social conscience regardless of the age?

I quote “Over 50% of subjects (average age: 25) had difficulty achieving erections with real partners, yet could achieve an erection with porn.”

Source Cambridge University.

Do you have grandchildren? Do you want any?

Just asking.


All you had to do was follow the links.

I quote “Over 50% of subjects (average age: 25) had difficulty achieving erections with real partners, yet could achieve an erection with porn.”
Source Cambridge University.

Do you have grandchildren? Do you want any?

Just asking.


Might want to check out their real partners. If the men in this study can't get it up for real women they might just be gay. Or maybe they live in a fantasy world. Could be the reason. More women for the rest of us. ANyway it is not for you to decide what other people can or cannot watch.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Is internet porn ruining our next generation? Is censorship the answer?

These scholars and experts are at the forefront of this research. Apologies but you will have to listen to at least one of these clips to get what this O.P. is all about.

Is it possible that in sexual matters, the right wing conservatives might be ahead of the left wing in their thinking?

If not, then what should the left do to help us save our children from the indoctrination via internet porn into unhealthy and unwanted sexual habits? Or have them not be able to perform without porn?

I consider myself left wing but I think we may be going a tad far and should move to the right on this issue due to things like you saw in the clips above as well as what is shown in this clip below.

At one time, parents would have closed any shop that gave access to the young to porn. Yet today, parents do not seem to care and as more and more young children get cell phones, parental prohibition will be impossible.

Have parents forgotten how to parent and are men and women willing to allow the status quo to ruin the sexuality of the next generation?

"Censorship reflects society's lack of confidence in itself. It is a hallmark of an authoritarian regime." - Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart

To date, I have lived by the above quote. I do not lack confidence in our adult population but see this issue as more of a medical one and I am willing to censure for our children's sake.

Some Eastern countries have used censorship to gain control of what their children can access. Should the West do the same?

Are our children worth it?


I could agree with requiring internet providers to censor porn by default whereby the customer who wants access would need to opt in.


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
When I see that 50 % of children under 25 are having problems then you can bet your *** it is my problem. You may not care about your neighbor but I do.

I see more problem with you thinking children are people under 25. By 25 most are out on their own. I was long before that. One of my parents was out on their own by 17.

Anyway if you tell a kid no, it's all the more incentive for him to carry on to excess.



Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
This is not about you and a magazine does not have the addiction properties of the internet.

Bullshyte, one more example of you talking out your a$$.

Ask any 10 year old. Children know the technology better than we do.

again, bullshyte. If today's parents don't know how to block websites then that is their own fault. The internet has been around, to the public, for over 25 years. The vast majority of Parents out there today grew up with the internet.

It has been said for years, that Parents need to take an active roll in their children's internet browsing. It is not up to the government or the ISP's to decide what should and should not be available to anyone. You want censorship, move to China or Korea.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
It's occured to me that to honestly and diligently do the research regarding the question of the subject at hand one might have to, in a clinical manner, actually preview some adequate ammount of porn.Does anyone know how much is usually enough? I feel compelled to investigate before I can confidently express an opinion.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
It's occured to me that to honestly and diligently do the research regarding the question of the subject at hand one might have to, in a clinical manner, actually preview some adequate ammount of porn.Does anyone know how much is usually enough? I feel compelled to investigate before I can confidently express an opinion.

WHen your eyes bounce up and down on their own and your palms are hairy you have seen enough.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Censorship has no place in a democratic and open society.
Teach children appropriate boundaries until they are old enough
to make up their own mind.
Censorship is a powerful tool and it never ends well when invoked.

personal touch

House Member
Sep 17, 2014
it is the user,myself i like ID TV,sometimes I don't feel right being interested in so much murder and crime,then again I love psychology.
sometimes i will not allow myself to watch such evil,then again is it any different then shows like criminal minds,which by the way scared the sh it out of me,and I haven't watched it since.
porn like anything is the user,look in the mirror.
i don't mind porn a couple times a year.i was going to contact shaw to see if i can get a preffered customer rate and have a month freeof porn.
on that thought,good night!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I see more problem with you thinking children are people under 25. By 25 most are out on their own. I was long before that. One of my parents was out on their own by 17.

Tell me about it, the world has changed a huge amount in 50 years. Especially in areas of financial responsibility. My contemporaries and I were on our own by the time we were 19 & wouldn't dream of depending on our families for money.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
it is the user,myself i like ID TV,sometimes I don't feel right being interested in so much murder and crime,then again I love psychology.
sometimes i will not allow myself to watch such evil,then again is it any different then shows like criminal minds,which by the way scared the sh it out of me,and I haven't watched it since.
porn like anything is the user,look in the mirror.
i don't mind porn a couple times a year.i was going to contact shaw to see if i can get a preffered customer rate and have a month freeof porn.
on that thought,good night!

Don't get too overwhelmed with Psychology, it's probably f**ked up more people than all the other disciplines combined! :)


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
The 1-900 numbers will be $33/min but at least you will get a real looker.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I sure as f**k hope you are wrong:)

Well I am sorry to be right this time, it's scary, I'm forced to look for geriatric golden age care from idiots who botched an economy and started a war they can't win just for a few extra bucks. I fully admit my responsibility in the debacle just because I got a lousey education and spent my time drinking and doing drugs rather than rising to power some how and preventing what's happening. Yes I could have done more damit. If my children could have had a better father I would not be in this position and neither would my children. The answers seem easy in retrospect. I should just drink and forget.

The 1-900 numbers will be $33/min but at least you will get a real looker.

Why is that young lady outside in her underwear, she looks cold.