It's interesting and I have to say that even I was really surprised. There were something between 15,000-20,000 watching those Rugby matches. The American men and women both played various others during that grouping. Every time the Americans scored ... and I mean every time ...nothing. There was no clapping, booing. There was no acknowledgement at all that anything had happened (except for one pathetic quartet in glittery Uncle Sam hats). There was nothing. It was as if someone had farted in an elevator. The Brazilians were noisy, loud and proud.The Canadian fans cheered for all sorts of other countries when our teams weren't playing but not a peep out of a whole stadium when our neighbours 45 minutes down the highway were playing. I was shocked, actually. I guess it's because we're so "nationalistic" (read not rabidly pro-American).
I'm concerned.
There was some pretty loud cheering in Vancouver a couple of weeks ago! The Yanks OWNED that city!The damage that's been done over the last decade and a half and along comes these internet knuckle walkers to amplify and exacerbate the growing "dislike". If what I saw on Sunday is any indication, "growing" is what is happening. You should really pay more attention and think about it. Do you really want the whole planet to despise each and every one of you? Just keep up this positive P.R. campaign that you're on.
We didn't even burn it down like the Vancouverites did after they lost the Stanley Cup. We had more class and respect.
Get salty now.