The news that broadcasters Peter Mansbridge, Lisa LaFlamme and Lloyd Robertson are no longer honorary patrons of the Never Forgotten National Memorial Foundation (NFNMF) — that’s the outfit hoping to build a 24-metre colossus of “Mother Canada” in Cape Breton Highlands National Park, modelled after the forlorn figure atop Walter Seymour Allward’s Vimy Memorial — was the first I had heard of said foundation having any patrons at all. I assumed it was friendless. After all, various pundits and worthies have confidently assured us that the project is nothing but a monstrous testament to Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s ideology, cynicism, bad taste and war fetish.
More: Chris Selley: A (partial) defence of the Mother Canada monument | National Post

More: Chris Selley: A (partial) defence of the Mother Canada monument | National Post