Do You Or Do You Not Object To The Mother Canada Monument?


Electoral Member
Mar 15, 2009
Alberta The Last Best West
The news that broadcasters Peter Mansbridge, Lisa LaFlamme and Lloyd Robertson are no longer honorary patrons of the Never Forgotten National Memorial Foundation (NFNMF) — that’s the outfit hoping to build a 24-metre colossus of “Mother Canada” in Cape Breton Highlands National Park, modelled after the forlorn figure atop Walter Seymour Allward’s Vimy Memorial — was the first I had heard of said foundation having any patrons at all. I assumed it was friendless. After all, various pundits and worthies have confidently assured us that the project is nothing but a monstrous testament to Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s ideology, cynicism, bad taste and war fetish.

More: Chris Selley: A (partial) defence of the Mother Canada monument | National Post


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Slack jawed and filled with wonderment... Yep, I'd say that describes ya
Flossy reads this part.......
After all, various pundits and worthies have confidently assured us that the project is nothing but a monstrous testament to Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s ideology, cynicism, bad taste and war fetish.
Believes the pundits with the same ideology as him.....Goes bananas and posts a meme...
Completely forgetting the rest of the article
But the project has many distinguished patrons, as it turns out, among them former Liberal prime minister John Turner, former Liberal Quebec premier Jean Charest, former Liberal premier of New Brunswick Frank McKenna, current Liberal MP Mark Eyking and current New Democrat MP Peter Stoffer, to say nothing of the project’s very distinguished “ambassador,” retired major-general Lewis MacKenzie. Whatever would possess these people to attach their names to such a thing?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
After all, various pundits and worthies have confidently assured us that the project is nothing but a monstrous testament to Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s ideology, cynicism, bad taste and war fetish.
According to the Memorial website this is privately funded so the a-hole who wrote this knows not of what they say.


rigid member
May 31, 2007
Mother Canada? seriously???

Shouldn't there at least be a fairy tale to go with it?

and is it supposed to appeal to immigrants that no one knows who the father is?
