
Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Of that I have no doubt. It must help I'm sure. The funny thing is that I don't think you're a liar. I know. You've clearly posted lies on this forum and have been caught. Why do you do that? I understand that trying to switch the focus to me, firefighting and welfare allows you to believe the focus is off of your lies. I can assure you, that Petro-esque tact really doesn't work and I will continue to focus on and highlight your lying.

I will also continue to focus on and highlight your elementary school level of debate skills. I'm sure any post now, you will be calling me gay.

Oh, you're mad.

Did you get a job today??


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
You mean dead baby pics mostly right? Bear attacks aren't any less graphic, the emotional impact is quite different though.

did uh, someone post a gross pic of a bear attack and it's still here somewhere and you're mad about it?

or um, did you want to post a gross pic of a bear attack that you've been saving up for the big day?

or...or, are we talking rhetorically about a hypothetical gross bear attack pic that won't ever be posted because it's rhetorical.

share with me brother. let it all out. it's ok.



Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Islam isn't a religion of peace. It's a murderous, intolerant cult.
after the person just tells you they are Muslim you answer this way...completely inappropriate

YOU are being intolerant of another human being who has just ventured into this place, you know nothing of this individual

Since you are so up on Christ, Matthew 7:5

you want to profess Christ then you damned well owe it to him to attempt to be like him


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
did uh, someone post a gross pic of a bear attack and it's still here somewhere and you're mad about it?

or um, did you want to post a gross pic of a bear attack that you've been saving up for the big day?

or...or, are we talking rhetorically about a hypothetical gross bear attack pic that won't ever be posted because it's rhetorical.

share with me brother. let it all out. it's ok.
Why would it bother me, I've seen a real body or. High speed car wrecks aren't any kinder to bodies.
I'm saying the dead baby pics are usually from Gaza. Most of the posters here support all the 21 day wars against Gaza, they just don't want to see any of the horror close up. This is more of the watch and cheer from the hillside kind of group.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Why would it bother me, I've seen a real body or. High speed car wrecks aren't any kinder to bodies.
I'm saying the dead baby pics are usually from Gaza. Most of the posters here support all the 21 day wars against Gaza, they just don't want to see any of the horror close up. This is more of the watch and cheer from the hillside kind of group.

yeah...anyway, we don't care which side so-and-so is on as long as they don't post gore images that create much unrest.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I'm pretty sure the 'unrest' lies with the parents of the dead children and the ones here just want to avoid any feelings of guilt.


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
you know I'm Muslim , I'm from Iran ,at here all people are muslim and all of them hate terrorists , today Iran is Influential country in Iraq war . many of Iranian people went to Iraq to help them and went there for Jihad agianst Daesh . today broadcasts are so Important and and most of these broadcast controled by western country (specially US) and they give you truth in the other ways . Muslims hate Daesh , Al- qaedah , Taliban and ... we are ready to fight with them .

So if this is the case, why don't you go fight in the side of a Kurds against ISIS..

I hear a lot of talk from Muslims, but I see not real action.. for all I know you are here to practice al-Taqiyya. (Quran 4:29)