
Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Real natives don't dwell on that stuff 24 hrs a day......Obsession in not good for you "chummy"

Child marriage is the result of exploitation of the third world by the west. The rampant exploitation causes hopeless poverty and in these dire situations parents have a huge economic incentive to sell their child off to a rich groom.
I expect that you really believe that, in your delusional mind!


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
((...and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them (first), (next), refuse to share their beds, (and last), castigate them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely allah is high, great ))

Definition: cas·ti·gate

reprimand (someone) severely.
"he was castigated for not setting a good example"
synonyms: reprimand, rebuke, admonish, chastise,
chide, censure, upbraid, reprove, reproach, scold, berate,
take to task, lambaste, give someone a piece of one's mind;

So it is a woman's duty to obey and when she doesn't. She
Act's against her God?


Electoral Member
Feb 27, 2015
Islamic Republic of Iran
Definition: cas·ti·gate

reprimand (someone) severely.
"he was castigated for not setting a good example"
synonyms: reprimand, rebuke, admonish, chastise,
chide, censure, upbraid, reprove, reproach, scold, berate,
take to task, lambaste, give someone a piece of one's mind;

So it is a woman's duty to obey and when she doesn't. She
Act's against her God?

when two persons married together they should obey together and when one of them don't do his/her duty they don't obey God . but If they can't live together at all they can divorce : ((and if they decide upon divorce (let them remember that) allah is hearer, knower ))

AL-BAQARA (THE COW) - verse 227​

and after divorcing : ((when you have divorced women and they have reached the end of their waiting period, either keep them in kindness or let them go with kindness. but you shall not keep them, being harmful, in order to transgress. whoever does this wrongs himself. do not take the verses of allah in mockery. remember the favor of allah upon you, and what he sent down to you from the book and wisdom to exhort you. fear allah and know that he has knowledge of everything))

AL-BAQARA (THE COW) - verse 231​

How about "expansionist"? Is Islam expansionist or are there now enough Muslims in the World?

the answer of your questions are Negative . Islam isn't expansionist but encourage all people to be Muslim , that's not Compulsory to be Muslim ; ((there is no compulsion in religion))1 but ((righteousness is now distinct from error))2 and ((he who disbelieves in the idol and believes in allah has grasped the firmest tie that will never break. allah is hearing, knowing))3 , Today we don't have Idols but sometimes , something will be our Idols like Money or ...
and we can't say that we have enough Muslim in the world allah want's all people to Be REAL muslim : ((abraham charged his children with this, and so did jacob, saying: 'my sons, allah has chosen for you the religion. do not die except being submissive (muslims). ))4 but we can't obligate people to be Muslim and allah don't want that .

1 . 2 .3 ____ AL-BAQARA ---- verse 256
4 _________ AL-BAQARA ---- verse 132

pls Ask your Religious question in my page not here !!! just Political Threads at here


personal touch

House Member
Sep 17, 2014
How do you teach the husband not to pick the wrong wife?
I think you just know,I could go into many examples how I know my love,desires and what a perfect match looks like,and more so what it feels like when the stars align.
One thing i have learnt and what people should know,being married multiple times is no big deal,sometimes the wait is worth the heartbreak,if one is not happy,seeking happiness or may I say contentness should not be associated with shame,guilt or should ofs,if you are not receiving from your partner those emotions which make you thrive and be the best person you can be,just leave.
Of course their is that baggage which comes with failed relationships,this is difficult to navigate,but within time if you are a pleasure seeker this will be a time so long ago and not worthy of much memory.
in the whole scheme of things,just do not stay in a unemotional relationship,who cares if it takes you three times to get it right,there is no such thing as a wrong husband or wrong wife.
you are free.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
How do you teach the husband not to pick the wrong wife?
Everyone knows that you have to check the goats in her dowery very carefully. They should all have healthy teats and have good teeth and hooves.

As a matter of fact, you should closely check the dowery herd of all of your wives. That is the secret of long, prosperous marriages, inshallah.


Electoral Member
Feb 27, 2015
Islamic Republic of Iran
Everyone knows that you have to check the goats in her dowery very carefully. They should all have healthy teats and have good teeth and hooves.

As a matter of fact, you should closely check the dowery herd of all of your wives. That is the secret of long, prosperous marriages, inshallah.

that's correct unfortunately we have some bad ( also hard) tradition in our culture but we should solve them , Islam wants easy marriages not hard and difficult and expensive marriages

personal touch

House Member
Sep 17, 2014
that's correct unfortunately we have some bad ( also hard) tradition in our culture but we should solve them , Islam wants easy marriages not hard and difficult and expensive marriages
Everybody wants the same thing in marriage,regardless of what walk they walk,ridiculous to think anything different.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005


There is no such thing as moderate Islam
Not all Muslims are terrorists, but nearly all terrorists are Muslims
It isn't Islamophobia when they really are trying to kill you
Islam is NOT the Religion Of Peace - it is the Doctrine Of Death

After copious research into the effects and consequences of Muslim population increases in secular western nations, a number of very disturbing conclusions based on hard fact can be made with great confidence. In short, it seems that once the number of Muslims in such a nation reaches 5% of the population, it is only then a matter of time before they subvert that nation to Islam completely.

I call this the Muslim 5% Threshold. In the nations where this threshold has been reached, such as in Britain and France, there is very little that the host nations can do to stop the situation getting progressively worse.

The problem is that at 5%, the Muslims can start really intimidating non-Muslims by sheer force of numbers and they use the political correctness of non-Muslims as a weapon against them. Muslims demand the freedom to practise their religion and secular western nations allow this as a matter of course. However at the same time, Muslims work to suppress the religious practices and traditions of the host nations, such as demanding that Nativity scenes at shopping centres and business be removed.


The worst aspect of the Islamic invasion is that inordinately large numbers of Muslims who immigrate into secular western nations are funded by the taxpayers of those nations in the form of generous welfare payments that allow them to remain unemployed and raise large numbers of Muslim children. It is no coincidence that the unemployment rate of Muslims in every secular western nation is extraordinarily high, compared to the rest of its population.

The classic example of this in Australia is convicted terrorist Nacer Benbrika, who came to Australia illegally two decades ago from Algeria, managed to prevent himself from being deported by appealing deportation orders and then conveniently marrying a Muslim woman who happened to be an Australian citizen. He raised seven children completely on welfare payments and has never worked one day in the entire time he has lived in Australia. He has cost the taxpayer millions of dollars and for this, he and his gang of fellow terrorists plotted to commit mass murder of innocent Australians. There are many such Muslims who deliberately bleed Australia's generous welfare system.


One of the tactics of the Muslim invasion is that Muslims infiltrate particular suburbs and neighbourhoods and proceed to make life very uncomfortable for non-Muslims, with the aim of driving them out. Non-Muslim property owners are intimidated and harassed into selling their houses to Muslims and moving out. Stores operated by non-Muslims are boycotted by the majority Muslims until they go broke and close. If they manage to remain in operation, they are routinely vandalised to force the store owners to sell out to Muslims.

Once those areas become predominantly populated by Muslims, they then use violence as a weapon of intimidation to establish no-go zones for non-Muslims. They attack police, fire brigades and ambulances, vandalise their cars and make it intolerable and dangerous for them to enter those no-go zones. They riot and burn cars and buses if police arrest Muslims for crimes, even serious crimes like murder. And if the non-Muslims object or send police or troops in to deal with the riots and vandalism, the Muslims loudly complain of racism or religious intolerance against them. Then the stupid political correctness of the host nation kicks in and the Muslims are again left alone to continue their imposition of their will on the rest of the population.

This sort of despicable behaviour by Muslims was seen in Sydney in 2009, when a riot by Muslim youths in the western Sydney suburb of Auburn was organised via Facebook and SMS messages. The troublemakers used Facebook to flash up inflammatory references to police and rally their friends for a confrontation. One Facebook update identified police as "non-believers" who were raiding a "brother's home".

More than 150 Muslims gathered in Cumberland Road Auburn, forcing police to call in 100 officers, the riot squad and a helicopter. The tense stand-off came after Middle Eastern organised crime squad police raided four homes. Opposition Police spokesman Mike Gallacher's office revealed one of the Facebook updates read: "Kefeirs raiding brother's house, everyone get down hier (sic)!!" The word "Kafir" is a denigratory term used by Muslims to describe non-Muslims.

Muslims often go out of their way to cause trouble in areas other than where they normally congregate. For instance in one of the most notorious incidents, on 4 December 2005, a group of volunteer surf lifesavers were assaulted by a group of young Muslims, with several other violent assaults occurring over the following week. These incidents were widely reported and commented on in Sydney media. An initially peaceful crowd gathered in the morning of 11 December 2005 and by midday, approximately 5,000 people gathered at Cronulla beach to protest against a recent spate of violence against locals.

However, fuelled by alcohol, the crowd turned to violence when a young man of Middle Eastern appearance was spotted on the beach. He was surrounded by a crowd outside a local hotel and attacked. Retaliatory riots also took place that night and on subsequent nights, resulting in extensive property damage and several more assaults, including one stabbing and even some attacks against ambulance and police officers. A large number of arrests were made over the subsequent months, from both the initial riot on 11 December and the retaliatory riots held over the subsequent nights

This goes to show that Muslims have absolutely no respect for people who serve the community, such as the lifesavers that they attacked at Cronulla and the attacks against ambulance and police officers. There have been a number of reports of Muslims attacking ambulance officers and paramedics who were trying to save the lives of people.


In nations where the 5% threshold has not been reached, Muslims tend to keep a lower profile, because they don’t yet have the numbers to demand autonomous Islamic areas, Sharia laws and courts and the rest of the usual Islamic demands by force. Instead, they soften up the host nation by demanding religious tolerance in the form of Halal food in non-Islamic situations such as public schools, Islamic banking, Muslim-only toilets, toleration of repressive Islamic clothing such as the burqa, the ceasing of Holocaust teaching in schools, suppression of non-Muslim religious icons in public places such as Nativity scenes and so on.

The people of host nations such as Australia, being very tolerant and accommodating, do not understand that this is nothing more than a softening-up procedure to accustom the non-Muslim populations to what is to come. The people of host nations are all very proud that they are tolerant and accommodating, not realising that the this softening-up is the precursor of the real Islamic invasion that will really show its ugly face when the 5% threshold is reached and achieved without firing a shot. It is exactly like a cancer invading a body. The cancer may manifest itself as a slight ache in a single area that is ignored or tolerated, but when it reaches a certain level, it then pervasively invades the rest of the body and eventually kills the host.


One of the most obvious indicators of the Muslim invasion of Australia is in the area of schooling. In parts of Sydney and Melbourne, public schools are being inundated by hordes of Muslim students, with females wearing hijabs and burqas and most Muslims refusing to associate with non-Muslim students.

In Sydney, Anglo-Australian parents are choosing to enrol their children in private schools over public because there are less children from migrant backgrounds. The western suburbs has the lowest number of Anglo-Australian students, accounting for as little as 2% of enrolments in some schools. Dr Christina Ho, a UTS researcher in multiculturalism, said public schools had become increasingly viewed as being ghettoes by many Anglo-Australian families.

Dr Ho said, "If you have a school that is 98% or 97% migrant-background kids and hardly any background Anglo-Australians there, then that is a ghetto that doesn't reflect the diversity of the society we live in. Talk to enough parents about choosing schools for their kids and sooner or later, you'll hear one express concern about the local public school having too many Asians or Lebanese or Muslims or Aborigines.

"Minority groups change, but there is a growing creed among many Australians that a good school for their children is one where minorities are in the minority. They may not use the word "ghetto" publicly, but it's the sentiment going on in their minds," Dr Ho stated.

At Auburn Girls High, only 15 of the 782 students enrolled are Anglo-Australian despite there being a larger Anglo-Australian population living in the suburb of Auburn. Anglo-Australians make up as little as 2% or 3% of students at schools in Punchbowl, Canley Vale, Granville, Wiley Park, Bankstown, Belmore and Cabramatta. In Sydney's wealthier north shore, about 67% of students at Chatswood High come from a non-English speaking background.

By comparison, migrant-background students at nearby St Ignatius College in Lane Cove make up just 8%. Dr Ho said that students had begun to jokingly play "spot the whitey" at public schools, with the "white flight" trend having accelerated over the past 20 years across Sydney.

However, Dr Ho was being rather politically correct when she included Asians, Christian Lebanese and Aborigines as being part of the ghettoisation problem and calling it the "white flight". In fact it's the "non-Muslim flight" that is happening. Sure, Aborigines are a troublesome problem in Sydney suburbs like Redfern, but Christian Lebanese have assimilated well nto the Australian way of life. Only the Muslims practise their version of Apartheid, causing non-Muslims to feel ostracised in their own nation and thus choosing to remove their children from schools that have been swamped by Muslims.

What Dr Ho did not mention is the pressure that Muslims have tried to exert on those schools such those in Auburn, Lakemba, Bankstown and Greenacre. Christian celebrations such as Christmas and Easter at those schools are shunned and Muslims complain about any reference to the Holocaust, the Nazi genocide of the Jews. Any teaching that impinges on the Islamic version of events is complained about and non-Muslim students are often intimidated into complying with Islamic customs, such as the case of the non-Islamic student who was beaten up by Muslim students because he ate his lunch during Ramadan, the Muslim fasting month.

This sort of situation highlights the insidious and deadly creeping Islamisation of Australia, where the increasing numbers of Muslims in certain areas make it so uncomfortable for non-Muslims, that they firstly take their children out of schools that have high numbers of Muslim students, then they move their entire families out of those suburbs that have increasing Muslim numbers because they are made to feel like aliens in their own nation.


There are already many Islamic groups in Australia blatantly calling for the subjugation of the nation to Islam and Sharia law. Hizb-Ut-Tahrir, which is banned in many nations as a terrorist organisation, holds annual conferences calling for Australia to become an Islamic state and part of a greater Islamic Caliphate. Australian-born Islamic convert Ibrahim Siddiq-Conlon publicly stated that Islam and multiculturalism can never coexist. "I hate democracy, absolutely. With my heart, my speech and my hands, as much as I can," Siddiq-Conlon stated in a TV interview. Siddiq-Conlon is promoting an Islamic state in Australia through his group "Sharia for Australia".

Once the Muslim 5% Threshold in a host nation is reached, then this is really the point of no return, because nothing can be done about the Muslims except suppress them completely and that is against international law. The host nation cannot arrest people just for being Muslims. The host nation cannot bulldoze mosques to the ground, even when those mosques are being used as operational centres for terrorist plots, because this flies in the face of misguided religious tolerance, even though it is apparent that Islam is not really a religion, but a filthy intolerant repressive death cult.

When the Muslim 5% Threshold is reached, it is far too late. The host nation is doomed unless it withdraws from every politically correct UN treaty regarding human rights and literally bans the practice of Islam in every form. But which western nation would do that? Probably none, including Australia. However, it is interesting to note that in virtually every Muslim nation, other religions are routinely suppressed without any regard to UN treaties or international law.

Saudi Arabia is the classic example, where it is an offence to even possess a Christian bible or to wear a crucifix, but the Saudis always demand that Islam be allowed to be practised in every other nation. In fact the Saudis fund the building of mosques all over the world and establish madrassas that indoctrinate children into being subservient Muslims, yet they will not allow one single church to be built in Saudi Arabia. This is the epitome of utter hypocrisy, but proves that Muslims want to dominate the world with their despicable religion.


In 2011, there were nearly 400,000 Muslims in Australia and that is around 1.8% of the total population. Muslims still don’t have the numbers to create the trouble that they do in Britain, France, Holland, Sweden, Germany and other European nations. However, Australia is being flooded by Muslims either immigrating under various circumstances, or arriving here illegally and forcing Australia to accept them, such as the illegal boatpeople that have invaded Australia via Indonesia.

With the rampant Muslim immigration to Australia, along with the Muslim practice of having large families, often paid for by welfare, another tactic to bleed the Australian taxpayer, it is only a matter of time before Muslim numbers increase to that dreaded Muslim 5% Threshold and then Australia will become another victim of The Hijra - the Muslim Doctrine of Migration and this nation will be well on the way to being subjugated by this filthy death cult.


Do you think western countries should not allow immigration from countries that are known for supporting terrorism?

So cut immigration from shyteholes like Iraq, Syira, and so on

Hey!! gore0bsessed



Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Muslim migrants threw 12 Christians overboard to their deaths because they were not praying to Allah when they asked God for help when their dinghy suffered a puncture

It's like crokinole - some of the reds will cancel out some of the blacks