
Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
I don't know if we should make fun of the intellectually disabled like b00mer.

I don't think he's stupid, just incredibly immature. I have it on good authority that he's actually 14 years old. Although I'm not convinced, it would explain many of tactics?


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Hey new guy...we don't get many from your neck of the woods but have at it as long as you can take the heat and feel the love.

But fair warning, do not post any graphic images for shock value. I've seen it all and it doesn't help your cause.


Ok thanks for hint

please Don't insult another

as long as you can take the heat

just a reminder. get used to free expression, opinions you may not like and even foul language. if that is going to be a problem for you, you may want to consider a kinder gentler place.


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
I don't think he's stupid, just incredibly immature. I have it on good authority that he's actually 14 years old. Although I'm not convinced, it would explain many of tactics?

Why don't you and I meet in person... eh, tough guy. We will see if I'm 14.. fukking idiot troll.

I'll be at the Costco tomorrow, at 9:00PM look for the XTL truck on the side.

Bring your game face loser, otherwise STFU.
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Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Shut the **** up faggot

What, you surfing for a boyfriend again gore0obessed.

:)) O boy please I'm kurd and kurds are Muslim too , if you don't know about Taqiyya it's your problem .

I know what Taqiyya is..

If you're a Kurd, why are you not fighting with them against ISIS?? Are you unable to leave Iran??

BTW, please post some photos of your ski resorts in Iran... please :)


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
If you have Skype add me there : *********

Yeah, edit your post, do not put personal information online like that.. sorry, but I do not communicate with members outside CC.

Nothing personal..

Say, your Skype ID, you're a soccer (football) fan, eh??



Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Why don't you and I meet in person... eh, tough guy. We will see if I'm 14.. fukking idiot troll.

I'll be at the Costco tomorrow, at 9:00PM look for the XTL truck on the side.

Bring your game face loser, otherwise STFU.

OOOooo. . . an internet tough guy. The only thing stupider and more ridiculous than a troll.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Why don't you and I meet in person... eh, tough guy. We will see if I'm 14.. fukking idiot troll.

I'll be at the Costco tomorrow, at 9:00PM look for the XTL truck on the side.

Bring your game face loser, otherwise STFU.

Bwahahahahaha. That's the kinda thing I used to hear in the school yard when I was 12. Like I said, I don't personally believe you're 14, I just think you have the maturity level of a 14 year old. Your posts keep reinforcing that assertion.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand. Why do you continually lie?

Why don't you and I meet in person... eh, tough guy. We will see if I'm 14.. fukking idiot troll.

I'll be at Costco.....

...sorry, but I do not communicate with members outside CC.

You're willing to meet me in person. You're not willing to skype somebody else because "you don't communicate with members outside CC. Oops, caught in another lie. Look, if you were just honest, I wouldn't continually catch you lying. You wouldn't get mad at me and act like a child. You would be much happier.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
The peaceful religion only applies to other Muslims for the rest conversion or death.
I don't fear Muslims I am critical of our own government for allowing people who have
a dangerous belief system to be unleashed into the midst of western culture.
This particular segment of society does work with numbers they are peaceful until the
numbers are sufficient to force their beliefs on others.
Om the infamous day of 9/11 Islam declared war on us we did not declare war on them.
As of that day we have been in a state of conflict with an ideology and we are slow to
act, even to recognize the new fascist threat to our way of life.
China is waking up the Russians are starting to get the message, Europe is in denial
and We are still apologizing for their actions not our actions.
What is to be done? Well we can get frustrated and adopt the kill them all policy.
Which is a response not worthy of mention really or we can adopt an approach that
recognizes the problem we face.
Ban all further immigration from nations that pose a terror threat
Stop supplying weapons to countries that intend to enforce their beliefs on us.
We will however supply weapons to countries like Jordon that are fighting fanatics.
We must understand Syria is a nation that has been able to control these people and
support the government forces in that region. There are no moderates you are on one
side or the other there.
At some point if the attacks on the west and kidnappings continue we should escalate
to the point of boots on the ground in ISIS controlled areas and cut off all food, medical
and other humanitarian aid period. The sooner we deal with this the better. Running
around being afraid is not the answer. I for example am not afraid I am angry as hell but
not afraid. It is time we dealt with this at home and abroad.
If the religion at the community level preaches a violent doctrine or one not in keeping
with the law it should be regarded under the organized crime laws such as against the
mob or bikers its no different
Yet you will still vote liberal !

In my city, Calgary, Canada, it is not Moslem but Chinese invasion. They come out of the woodwork. The usual route is as an employee of large stores like Wal-Mart, who then applies to import his parents, who then start collecting Canadian pension, then come the siblings and cousins and nephews and in-laws and soon the entire extended family...
The system works well for East Indians as well...
In the name of equal employment opportunities guaranteed by our labor laws, Asians soon find employment and in time may will have their own companies. Ever tried to apply for work with a Chinese outfit? Good luck brother/sister, they hire their own.
Funny my wife works for a Chinese man .


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
OOOooo. . . an internet tough guy. The only thing stupider and more ridiculous than a troll.
Looks like a dangerous stalker, somebody should do something about members promoting violent acts as it comes from a person who brags about baiting others into fights in real life.
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Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
:)) O boy please I'm kurd and kurds are Muslim too , if you don't know about Taqiyya it's your problem . when you should do that ? just in that time your life is in danger and if your death puts Islam in danger .
and what's your purpose from this pic , want to show Muslim people are dangerous ? Today just Muslim fight with Daesh and terrorist groups , Many people from my city went to Iraq ( and all of them are Muslim and Kurd and Iraninan ) , what are you doing there ?
and at last , some groups like Daesh ( Bany-Omayye , Bany-Abbas) Killed our Imams and destroyed our Religious places ?
we fight with Wahhabis and Takfiri terrorists today . do you know what's the Badr Army or Qods Army ? do you know who is general Qasem Soleymani ? of course not , all of them are Iraninan and muslim and fight with Daesh today .
and you said you are Terrorist ? we fighting with terrorist in the past , Today and in the future too . and your verse adress is false : ((believers, do not consume your wealth among yourselves in falsehood, except there be trading by your mutual agreement. and do not kill yourselves. allah is the most merciful to you.)) Holy quran 4:29
TheReligionofPeace - Islam: Taqiyya and Lying


Electoral Member
Feb 27, 2015
Islamic Republic of Iran

Imam Sadegh - peace be upon him- : (( All sins are in the one room and the key of that room is Lying ))
Prophet Muhammad -peace be upon him- : (( Lying is not from Islam's behavior ))
Imam bagher - peace be upon him - : (( Taqiyya is necessary for keeping Human life and If Taqiyya put you in Danger that's not necessary ))
Holy Quran : ((the believers should not take the unbelievers as guides in preference to the believers he who does this does not belong to allah in anything, unless you have a fear of them. allah warns you to be cautious of him, the arrival is to allah ))
Holy Quran : ((whosoever disbelieves in allah after believing except he who is forced while his heart remains in his belief but he who opens his chest for disbelief, shall receive the anger of allah and for such awaits a mighty punishment(in The Resurrection).))
Holy Quran : ((for men and women who have surrendered believing men and women; obedient men and women; truthful men and women, patient men and women, humble men and women, men and women who give charity, men and women who fast, men and women who guard their privates, men and women who remember allah in abundance, for them allah has prepared forgiveness and a mighty wage.))
Holy Quran : ((the messiah, the son of mary, was not except a messenger, other messengers had gone before him. his mother was in the state of sincerity, they both ate food. see how we make plain to them our signs. then, see how perverted they are))
Holy Quran : ((so that allah will recompense the truthful for their truthfulness and punish the hypocrites if he will, or turn again to them. surely, allah is the forgiver and the most merciful))
Holy Quarn : (( mention in the book abraham; he was truthful and a prophet ))
Holy Quran : (( we bring you the truth, and indeed we are truthful ))
Holy Quran : (( allah will say: 'this is the day the truthful shall benefit by their truthfulness. they shall live for ever in gardens underneath which rivers flow. allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with him. that is the great winning ))
and we have many diffrences between lying and Taqyya
(and Islamophobia sources are not reliable)


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
You're willing to meet me in person. You're not willing to skype somebody else because "you don't communicate with members outside CC. Oops, caught in another lie. Look, if you were just honest, I wouldn't continually catch you lying. You wouldn't get mad at me and act like a child. You would be much happier.

Of course that's your way of chickening out.. that's OK I knew you were yellow.