Our cooling world


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
there's nothing 'so-called' about you... you're clearly the real deal! So you're concerned about some hypothetical tax increase coming at you! Do you have a figure in mind and what's it based on? Here's a thought my intrepid (hypothetical) tax increase protestor, there are varying approaches that could be pursued... hypothetically pursued! Ever hear of, generically speaking, "fee and dividend"? Check it out, hey! Let me know if it soothes, even a tad, your concern over a hypothetical tax increase, one you haven't even described/detailed... hypothetically!

"climatic disruption"??? Oh, you mean climate change? Are you talking about adaptation, mitigation, prevention measures or any particular combination therein? You say "more money"... how much "more" are you talking about... hypothetically speaking?

The onslaught of higher taxes is no hypothetical. It is be fact. Wether it is higher taxes to give to third world countries to make the left feel good or various cap & trade or carbon credit scams the consumer/ taxpayer will pay higher costs for no good reason. As to fee and dividend- Who pays the fees and who is going to collect the dividend? Right now we are even paying an ecofee (tax grab)on concrete which is just a mixture of various soils.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
The onslaught of higher taxes is no hypothetical. It is be fact. Wether it is higher taxes to give to third world countries to make the left feel good or various cap & trade or carbon credit scams the consumer/ taxpayer will pay higher costs for no good reason. As to fee and dividend- Who pays the fees and who is going to collect the dividend? Right now we are even paying an ecofee (tax grab)on concrete which is just a mixture of various soils.

huh! Oh, that's right... you're the guy who still doesn't understand the B.C. Carbon tax... you're the guy who continually bleats on about the "devastation wrought by it"! You're also the guy who, when repeatedly challenged to substantiate your "devastation" claims, falls back to insult, deflection and distraction... as in, ya gots nuthin!

hey taxi, why don't you give your fellow denier 'pgs' a hand in flushing out his/your hypothetical tax increase figures... how much, what's it based upon, where's it coming from, who agreed to it, when does it happen, etc.. Numbers/details taxi, damnit... we need numbers/details! Sure you can, taxi - sure you can!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
another blogger... with a blogroll that includes nothing but denier blogs - go figure. What's this... your blogger writes the following: "I am a different kind of polar bear expert than those that study bears in the field but having a different background means I know things they do not and this makes my contribution valuable and valid." :mrgreen: Oh Locutus, you...

You have the most serious case of denial I have ever seen. Is your religion totally blind to facts? How much longer are you going to believe the earth os flat and the easter bunny is real?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The carbon taxes that works like GST/PST but you have to save and submit receipts? Why not just up PST and use the current rebate system?

Oh right I forgot. People got pissed off when PST went up.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
huh! Oh, that's right... you're the guy who still doesn't understand the B.C. Carbon tax... you're the guy who continually bleats on about the "devastation wrought by it"! You're also the guy who, when repeatedly challenged to substantiate your "devastation" claims, falls back to insult, deflection and distraction... as in, ya gots nuthin!

hey taxi, why don't you give your fellow denier 'pgs' a hand in flushing out his/your hypothetical tax increase figures... how much, what's it based upon, where's it coming from, who agreed to it, when does it happen, etc.. Numbers/details taxi, damnit... we need numbers/details! Sure you can, taxi - sure you can!

You are incredibly dense. The amount of tax increase can not be calculated until we know what plans are implemented to steal from us. Nor can the devastation to the economy be calculated until we know what is proposed

That would be the BC carbon tax scam. Do try to keep up. You know the one where school boards have to pay a tax on heating schools with less efficient furnaces because there is no money to upgrade.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
there's nothing 'so-called' about you... you're clearly the real deal! So you're concerned about some hypothetical tax increase coming at you! Do you have a figure in mind and what's it based on? Here's a thought my intrepid (hypothetical) tax increase protestor, there are varying approaches that could be pursued... hypothetically pursued! Ever hear of, generically speaking, "fee and dividend"? Check it out, hey! Let me know if it soothes, even a tad, your concern over a hypothetical tax increase, one you haven't even described/detailed... hypothetically!

"climatic disruption"??? Oh, you mean climate change? Are you talking about adaptation, mitigation, prevention measures or any particular combination therein? You say "more money"... how much "more" are you talking about... hypothetically speaking?
Do you always answer a question with a question ? I want you to answer why you think giving the black hole of government
more money will prevent climate change ?


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
You have the most serious case of denial I have ever seen. Is your religion totally blind to facts? How much longer are you going to believe the earth os flat and the easter bunny is real?

I appreciate you would gravitate to a self-acknowledged denier 'blogger' (whose complete blogroll contains nothing but links to other denier blogs), one who openly states that, although she doesn't work "in the field... she knows stuff"!!! :mrgreen:

You are incredibly dense. The amount of tax increase can not be calculated until we know what plans are implemented to steal from us. Nor can the devastation to the economy be calculated until we know what is proposed

whaaa! A taxi "own goal"! You mean... say it ain't so, taxi... you mean, all you fackers are jacked up about some hypothetical you can't even speak to? Oh my! Of course, this was the answer the waldo was seeking! And the drive-by arteeest fell right into it! Good on ya, taxi - good on ya!

That would be the BC carbon tax scam. Do try to keep up. You know the one where school boards have to pay a tax on heating schools with less efficient furnaces because there is no money to upgrade.

you've repeatedly used the word "devastation" in speaking to the impacts of the BC carbon tax. I still waiting for you to substantiate that "devastation" you speak of.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
I appreciate you would gravitate to a self-acknowledged denier 'blogger' (whose complete blogroll contains nothing but links to other denier blogs), one who openly states that, although she doesn't work "in the field... she knows stuff"!!! :mrgreen:

whaaa! A taxi "own goal"! You mean... say it ain't so, taxi... you mean, all you fackers are jacked up about some hypothetical you can't even speak to? Oh my! Of course, this was the answer the waldo was seeking! And the drive-by arteeest fell right into it! Good on ya, taxi - good on ya!

you've repeatedly used the word "devastation" in speaking to the impacts of the BC carbon tax. I still waiting for you to substantiate that "devastation" you speak of.

Try google.


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
If you want to see a fool just look in the mirror.
All you global warming , climate change , climate disruption or whatever the correct description your using nowadays
want me to pay more tax .Sorry I am sick feeding that ugly black hole .
After you grow up and see more than half your income eaten by government taxation you might come to see the light .
Myself like many other so called deniers realize that governments are good at spending and good at taxing but aren't
very good at fixing .

So waldo my snake oil drinking friend do you think giving government more money will do anything to alleviate climatic
disruption ?

There is no global warming because gummint taxing. :lol: yup.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
There is no global warming because gummint taxing. :lol: yup.
Do you mean climate change ?
Does the longest streak of skating on the Ottawa canal ever sound like warming ?
How about ice coverage extent of the great lakes for 2 consecutive years sound like warming ?
You must mean climate change .


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Is there a need to insult the man?

that ship sailed long ago! In spite of the CC board rules against insulting fellow members, in spite of no active moderation of that related rule, in spite of a so-called moderator that actively insults and encourages insults, insulting is the norm here and in this regard, I simply responding in kind. Did you know... I've put the most egregious a-holes in that regard ON IGNORE! It works very well... and... it has the added bonus of really, really making them burn and resort to their only recourse - Reddies At the Ready! :mrgreen:

Do you mean climate change ?
Does the longest streak of skating on the Ottawa canal ever sound like warming ?
How about ice coverage extent of the great lakes for 2 consecutive years sound like warming ?
You must mean climate change .

the waldo is here for you...


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007

he is shuffling in tighter circles because the stronger members that defeated him are muted by his own hand. a bit of self-loathing as he desperately wants another chance to drill them a new one but he can't even begin lest he relents and un-ignores his superiors. that creates the fear and loathing that adds to his consternation. he thinks he can, he expects to win but is scared to try and be failed by superiority once more. ;-)


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
he is shuffling in tighter circles because the stronger members that defeated him are muted by his own hand. a bit of self-loathing as he desperately wants another chance to drill them a new one but he can't even begin lest he relents and un-ignores his superiors. that creates the fear and loathing that adds to his consternation. he thinks he can, he expects to win but is scared to try and be failed by superiority once more. ;-)

Waldo ran away like a whipped dog.

The boy simply couldn't hack it in the ring with the likes of us.