TKO Target can't handle the Canadian market


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
I work for a company dealing in research and development in quantum mechanics. I am most fortunate and hope to never ever loose this job.

Ya I bet that's a awesome job. Sounds like a lovely work environment. I'm jealous.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Canadians Mock 'Tar-Jay' On Its Way Out The Door

"Target closing Canadian stores. I blame people up here trying to pronounce it with French accent, i.e. 'Tar-Jay'."

"So long, Target. Can you take your friend Walmart with you?"

"Feel terrible for folks losing jobs. Worse for those who were Zellers employees... double whammy."

more.. Canadians Mock 'Tar-Jay' On Its Way Out The Door

Do you think they may have been a success if they brought inventory into the stores??

Same crap is happening at Canadian WalMart stores.. via La Texas!!

This was run by a Frenchmen, they hired in their warehouses through Employment Agencies like they do in Quebec. Good riddance to them.

QMI Agency in Ontario, forgot what it was in Alberta.. different in each province.

Thin crowds during CEO's visit helped seal Target Canada's demise | Business | Reuters


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Ya I bet that's a awesome job. Sounds like a lovely work environment. I'm jealous.
If you learn Vietnamese and get a really good tan you can work at the dollar store, they are still importing, . . . I mean hiring.

My still kicks out 17% hand-sanitizer, want the recipe?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
If you get ahold of a copy of the FoxFire book Volume 1 i think it shows you how to make a real still that will turn that poor wine into something race cars would love.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
'Moonshiners' is a reality tv series that will do the same thing as they let a tip out each episode.

If you put in woodchips and heat it up the fumes will start a gas engine (extra heavy duty design that farmers used to run tractor engines) , one whiff will also put you down for good.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
This is why people like to call Target, Tarjay. We call it Tarjay in our house cause it's funny.


Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Target pulling out of Canada, boo hoo..

Zellers products and over priced..

Maybe if they actually sold what they sell in the US Target Stores they would have suceded.

Target folding its Canadian operation was predicable. I knew several
people exited about Target opening its location in Regina before it
opened, doing the tour, and found it left wanting. Target didn't have to
fail, but chose to in a condescending manner that shouldn't have come
as a surprise.

"We have decided to go with the 'Canadian Pricing Model'" was the
retail equivalent of Target Canada getting into the bathtub and slitting
it's wrists. It was a pronouncement that Target intended to gouge the
Canadian market simply becouse it was Canadian, and made no bones
about it.

Seriously, I wonder what percentage of the Target locations in Canada
where not within two hours drive of the American border? I bet it's a
pretty small number, and no justification for the 'Canadian Pricing Model'
that guaranteed its demise shortly after it opened its doors in Canada.

'Canadian Pricing Model' ??? Get Bent Target!!!


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Recession= your neighbor loses his job.
Depression = you lose your job.
Panic = your wife loses her job.

That about sum it up? (on both sides of the border)


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
You must be back on your meds.. that actually made sense. :lol: +1 for ya.
Thanks anyway but I didn't think it up. Ashley Brilliant was the author I think, search him up there are a few cartoons out that he did, not up to your usual standards but you might find a few in there you like. As an insight into this Canadian I can't recall being offended by anything he ever published. That should double your incentive right there, lol.

BTW you have picked up something that likes to follow people around as it makes him feel tougher, you might want to examine that relationship for what it's really worth.