This is a joke right Sal?
Seriously... you were kidding us with this right?
whatever shakes your stick and makes ya happy...go for it...:thumbup:This is a joke right Sal?
Seriously... you were kidding us with this right?
Did he get his gun from a legal source or an illegal one?
To a rhetorical question?
meh I'm just shakin' the can...Um. . . Sal? Blinkins or whatever his name was acquired his gun illegally in Maryland, which is number 1 or 2 of states with the strictest gun control laws. Specifically, he got it in Baltimore. I could take you to half a dozen places in Baltimore you can buy an illegal gun for $100, no questions asked, no background check required.
meh I'm just shakin' the can...
and it's workin' ;-)
Why would this be a bash on Republiklans, goph? Dumbocrats got us into most of our wars, and the Congressional Dumbocrats overwhelmingly supported D*ck and George's Excellent Adventures in Iraq and Afghanistan.
not really funny or the way it works for me.. And if I posted a pic that showed only Blacks at some form of rally with negative overtones; you'd call me racist.
Funny the way that works, eh?
That's because Dumbocrats did not get the Downing Street Memo which caused the down fall of Tony B_liar's regime in England.
yeah go figure eh...everything's perfect until it's notthe same guy who forced taxpayers to pay most of the Schiavo bill now opposes health care reform
go figure
the same guy who forced taxpayers to pay most of the Schiavo bill now opposes health care reform
go figure
So, you're saying a Congress full of experienced politicians were led along like that with nobody or damn few saying "Wait a minute. We need to check this out." That about it?
Yeah, those are the people I want running the country.