Quit Picking on the Republicans


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Former U.S. President George W. Bush has claimed that the rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) militant group is his only regret about invading Iraq in 2003.

Bush, 68, who was speaking to U.S. network CBS News in a two-part interview, said that he believed he had taken “the right decision” to take over Iraq in 2003 and oust its longtime leader, Saddam Hussein.





Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
EagleSmack; said:
I'm sorry...you were saying?

As I said, quote:

Isn't it interesting that the majority of voters in that state are Democrat but Republicans are still in control (governor and legislature is headed by GOP).


By the way, did you see this one:

If his wish is complied with, some forum right wingers will now be able to quit picking on Harper.



Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
As I said, quote:

Isn't it interesting that the majority of voters in that state are Democrat but Republicans are still in control (governor and legislature is headed by GOP).

So clearly the Democrats in NC must be voting GOP or not voting at all. So much for that Ground Game!

By the way, did you see this one:

Oh there is all kinds of sour grapes and liberal temper tantrums being printed about.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Letters to the Editor from Canada's most socialist province does not mean fact.

Hell, getting admiration from British Columbia is kinda the kiss of death

My favorite part is "respected internationally."

They will tell themselves anything.

Gosh we should be happy with stagnant wages, 46 Million on food stamps, income inequality increasing, higher taxes, a health care system heading off the cliff.

Well, as folks have said on this forum enuff times, the Canadian conservatives are to the left of the DNC. So mebbe the writer does have a valid point ;)

That old myth? You out-left just about everyone in here Gopher!


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State

Question: Would you scrap, alter or leave the Canada Health Act as it is?

  • Conservatives: Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party strongly support the Canada Health Act and its objective of a universally accessible, publicly funded health-care system in Canada. That is why he has increased funding for health care to record levels and why we will continue to increase funding for health care at 6 per cent a year to ensure that all Canadians have access to high-quality health care regardless of ability to pay.

Health care: Parties set out their approaches - The Globe and Mail

Now quit picking on Harper!

As for Food Stamps, that is part of the Farm Aid law which is now embraced by Republicans:

These Millionaire Republican Congressmen Who Took Farm Aid Probably Really Needed The Money | Wonkette


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Because Canadians in general support their healthcare system means they are more left than US Liberals. That's funny.

Great unbiased source BTW.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Because Canadians in general support their healthcare system means they are more left than US Liberals. That's funny.

Canada can (kind of) afford the healthcare system, often accomplished by delisting services in order to make the budget fit the usage.

On a happier note, Canada is in elite company with Cuba and North Korea in terms of a 1 payer system that has zero tolerance for alternatives.

Yea Democracy!


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
long article but good read:

The Tragedy of the American Military - The Atlantic

The Tragedy of the American Military
The American public and its political leadership will do anything for the military except take it seriously. The result is a chickenhawk nation in which careless spending and strategic folly combine to lure America into endless wars it can’t win ... If I were writing such a history now, I would call it Chickenhawk Nation, based on the derisive term for those eager to go to war, as long as someone else is going.

If more members of Congress or the business and media elite had had children in uniform, the United States would probably not have gone to war in Iraq.
“It is no secret that in subtle ways, many of these top leaders begin positioning themselves for their second-career employment during their final military assignments,” Webb wrote in A Time to Fight. The result, he said, is a “seamless interplay” of corporate and military interests “that threatens the integrity of defense procurement, of controversial personnel issues such as the huge ‘quasi-military’ structure [of contractors, like Blackwater and Halliburton] that has evolved in Iraq and Afghanistan, and inevitably of the balance within our national security process itself.” I heard assessments like this from many of the men and women I spoke with. The harshest ones came not from people who mistrusted the military but from those who, like Webb, had devoted much of their lives to it.

A man who worked for decades overseeing Pentagon contracts told me this past summer, “The system is based on lies and self-interest, purely toward the end of keeping money moving.” What kept the system running, he said, was that “the services get their budgets, the contractors get their deals, the congressmen get jobs in their districts, and no one who’s not part of the deal bothers to find out what is going on.”


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Why would this be a bash on Republiklans, goph? Dumbocrats got us into most of our wars, and the Congressional Dumbocrats overwhelmingly supported D*ck and George's Excellent Adventures in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I don't recollect anybody named Gruber running for a major office, but I'm sure your quip was terribly clever and amusing.

As was this attempt by you to show you have no clue... not clever yet amusing.

Be seeing you as soon as we dispose of the Steelers.

See you in Foxboro then.

And regardless of the final score I will claim victory. I will say the Patriots won over and over even if the score shows me wrong.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
As was this attempt by you to show you have no clue... not clever yet amusing.

See you in Foxboro then.

And regardless of the final score I will claim victory. I will say the Patriots won over and over even if the score shows me wrong.

As any true believer would. Have you ever listened to Washington fans? Their team never loses because the other team played better. It's ALWAYS the refs, or the weather, or injuries, or. . . divine intervention, whatever.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
As any true believer would. Have you ever listened to Washington fans? Their team never loses because the other team played better. It's ALWAYS the refs, or the weather, or injuries, or. . . divine intervention, whatever.

Oh oh... that is the old way. Blaming the refs, weather, injuries etc... That is so 80's.

The new way is to totally deny the results if they are not in your favor.

Like yesterday... the Patriots absolutely destroyed the Buffalo Bills... and I don't care what you say or how much proof you give me to the contrary.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Oh oh... that is the old way. Blaming the refs, weather, injuries etc... That is so 80's.

The new way is to totally deny the results if they are not in your favor.

Like yesterday... the Patriots absolutely destroyed the Buffalo Bills... and I don't care what you say or how much proof you give me to the contrary.
Well, yeah! That right there probably warmed the globe two, three degrees!


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Well, yeah! That right there probably warmed the globe two, three degrees!

It was great this morning walking around in total bliss after the big Patriot win over the Bills. They swept them once again this year.

My reality is awesome. Wallow in yours.