Quit Picking on the Republicans


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
several were quoted later on as saying they would have voted differently had they known the truth - you may google that if you wish at your leisure

as for me, anybody who supported that imperialist war should have been impeached
And yet you save your ire for the Republiklans.

Funny part is you seem to actually believe that "I would have voted differently if I'd known the truth" buffalo sh*t. Are you really so naive you can't tell a politician backpedalling furiously?


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
No doubt that some are full of shît and are just covering their fat azzes. But let's give some of them the benefit of the doubt as it likely is true for some.

I was never fooled for one minute as it was only too clear that Bush was full of shît from Day One. Same with the NY Slimes and the Washîtton Post. Both published lies in order to sell more papers.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
No doubt that some are full of shît and are just covering their fat azzes. But let's give some of them the benefit of the doubt as it likely is true for some.

I was never fooled for one minute as it was only too clear that Bush was full of shît from Day One. Same with the NY Slimes and the Washîtton Post. Both published lies in order to sell more papers.

Wait. . . you just said we should give a politician the benefit of the doubt?

Yeah, let's do that.

I've no doubt you limit that to Dumbocrats only.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I'm getting good at this picture post sh*t, almost as good as the other side...it's fun...there's tons of these and no thought required...it's amazing.

not that I ever thought any thought was put into it but...what's good for the goose and all of that

You are getting good at it!

We always love when some goes through the paint so we can do this...

Wait. . . you just said we should give a politician the benefit of the doubt?

Yeah, let's do that.

I've no doubt you limit that to Dumbocrats only.

No doubt at all.

I think he forgot to mention the Tea Party and Congress as well.



Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Republican Senator Edward Brooke, RIP:

Edward W. Brooke, first African-American elected to the US Senate since Reconstruction, dies - Metro - The Boston Globe

Edward W. Brooke, the Massachusetts Republican who was the first African-American to be elected to the US Senate since Reconstruction, died today, according to Kirsten Hughes, chairwoman of the Massachusetts Republican Party. He was 95.

Mr. Brooke served in the Senate from 1967-1979. Elected attorney general in 1962 and reelected two years later, he was the first African-American to hold that office in any state.

“Massachusetts has a history of sending giants to the United States Senate, great statesmen like Quincy Adams, Webster, Cabot Lodge, and Kennedy. We count Ed Brooke among them,” said Governor Deval L. Patrick. “He carried the added honor and burden of being ‘the first’ and did so with distinction and grace. I have lost a friend and mentor. America has lost a superb example of selfless service. Diane and I extend our deepest condolences to the Brooke family.”

There have since been six subsequent African-American senators: three Illinois Democrats, Carol Moseley Braun, Barack Obama, and Roland W. Burris; Massachusetts Democrat Mo Cowan, appointed to fill the seat of John F. Kerry; South Carolina Republican Tim Scott, and New Jersey Democrat Cory Booker.

“I knew Ed Brooke way, way back. I guess there aren’t many of us left,” said Francis X. Bellotti, a former state attorney general and lieutenant governor. “I always liked him and I had a great deal of admiration for what he accomplished. He blazed a trail and became really one of a kind.”

Mr. Brooke’s electoral success carried enormous symbolic weight. He was a figure of national, even international, prominence. A few months after he went to Washington, a bumpersticker appeared, “The New Look — Romney and Brooke ’68” (“Romney” was Michigan Governor George Romney, the father of future Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney).

At various times, President Richard Nixon offered Mr. Brooke the posts of secretary of Housing and Urban Development, secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, and ambassador to the United Nations. Mr. Brooke, Reader’s Digest suggested in 1967, “is plainly on a path that goes beyond whatever personal summit he may reach.” His achievements “will be as much a standard of a whole society’s progress as they will be the measure of an individual who happens to be Negro.”

There was no clearer demonstration of this than the standing ovation Mr. Brooke received from his fellow senators at his swearing in. Many hoped his election heralded a new era in the civil rights movement. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People awarded him its highest honor, the Spingarn Medal, in 1967 — a dozen years before giving it to Rosa Parks.

Mr. Brooke’s eminence had a paradoxical aspect. What made him such a figure of racial progress wasn’t his emphasizing race but transcending it. He had no choice: The year he was elected attorney general only 2 percent of Massachusetts voters were black. One of his most-publicized actions as attorney general was ruling illegal an NAACP-sponsored boycott of Boston public schools. “I am not a civil rights leader and I don’t profess to be one,” he once said. “I can’t serve just the Negro cause. I’ve got to serve all the people of Massachusetts.”

Although born below the Mason-Dixon Line, in Washington, D.C., Mr. Brooke had a manner more Brahmin than some Beacon Hill bluebloods. It seemed a natural succession when he assumed the Senate seat of a Yankee icon, Leverett Saltonstall. Socially, as well as politically, Mr. Brooke was the opposite of another Massachusetts politician not named Kennedy who garnered national attention in the 1960s, Louise Day Hicks, the racially intransigent Boston School Committee member, U.S. Representative and city councilor whose political base was white ethnics.

An Episcopalian, Mr. Brooke was chancellor of Old North Church and a member of Trinity Church. He dressed impeccably, spoke in richly cultivated tones, played a good game of tennis, and summered on Martha’s Vineyard (in the traditionally black enclave of Oak Bluffs). He loved opera and served as president and chairman of the Boston Opera Company. “Brooke found himself in a nebulous no-man’s-land between the white and Negro worlds,” Time magazine wrote in 1967. Less sympathetic, the novelist James Baldwin dismissed Mr. Brooke as “one of the innocents who are bringing about the ruination of the country.”

Just as Mr. Brooke seemed to represent a new era in race relations, so did he appear to betoken one in Republican politics. A self-described “creative moderate,” he entered the Senate with Charles Percy and Mark Hatfield. A year before, John Lindsay had been elected mayor of New York. All four men were vigorous, telegenic, forward looking. They seemed the cutting edge of a new, revived GOP, turning to the center after Barry Goldwater’s landslide defeat in 1964. Instead, the new, revived GOP belonged to Goldwater — and Ronald Reagan.

“I don’t know Mr. Reagan too well,” Mr. Brooke said of the California governor in 1967. He had conspicuously avoided a luncheon in Reagan’s honor two years before. That a new age in neither race relations nor politics happened was, of course, intimately related. The party of Lincoln was increasingly the party of Strom Thurmond. If Mr. Brooke’s race had helped put him center stage, his politics helped marginalize him.

His own actions helped remove him from the stage. Much of Mr. Brooke’s popularity stemmed from a reputation for dignity and rectitude. During the latter part of his second term, that reputation began to fray. He filed for divorce from his first wife, Remigia, in 1976 and was photographed disco dancing with the actress Elizabeth Taylor at an Iranian embassy party. In her 2008 memoir, “Audition,” the television journalist Barbara Walters revealed that she and Mr. Brooke had had an affair during this period.

Mr. Brooke admitted in 1978 to making a false financial statement in a deposition during his divorce. It was learned his mother-in-law had received $50,000 in Medicaid benefits she was ineligible for. “It was just a divorce case,” Mr. Brooke said in a 2000 Globe interview. “It was never about my work in the Senate. There was never a charge that I committed a crime, or even nearly committed a crime.”

Mr. Brooke eventually reimbursed the state Department of Public Welfare $40,000. The Senate Ethics Committee decided that there was “credible evidence” of wrongdoing by Mr. Brooke, though it took no action against him. The voters of Massachusetts already had. In 1978, US Representative Paul Tsongas defeated Mr. Brooke in his bid for a third term.

A few years earlier, the idea that a two-term congressman could have defeated Mr. Brooke would have been unthinkable. In 1972, he had easily beaten Middlesex County District Attorney John Droney, despite the fact Massachusetts had been the one state not to vote for Nixon, the Republican incumbent, in the presidential race. “I was sorely hurt when the people of Massachusetts voted against me and didn’t look beyond the allegations and didn’t remember what I had tried to do for them,” Mr. Brooke said in that 2000 interview. “Why did it happen? I don’t know.”

Edward William Brooke III was born on Oct. 26, 1919. His father, Edward W. Brooke Jr., was a lawyer with the Veterans Administration. His mother was the former Helen Seldon. The Brookes were comfortably middle class. “It would make a better story if some white man had kicked me or yelled ‘******,’ ” Mr. Brooke once noted, “but it just never happened. I grew up segregated, but there was not much feeling of being shut out of anything.”

Mr. Brooke graduated from Howard University in 1941. During World War II, he served in the Army infantry. He rose to the rank of captain, saw combat in Italy, and was awarded a Bronze Star. While in Italy, he met Remigia Ferrari-Scacco. They married in 1947. Mr. Brooke had been stationed at Fort Devens prior to shipping overseas and liked what he’d seen of the area. In addition, two Army buddies from Boston urged him to relocate here. He enrolled at Boston University School of Law in 1946. “I never studied much at Howard,” he said in a 1966 interview, “but at Boston University I didn’t do much else but study.” He was editor of the law review and graduated in 1948. Mr. Brooke set up a one-man practice in Roxbury.

Interested in politics, he decided to run for state representative in 1950. He cross-registered in both party primaries (which was allowed at that time) and won the Republican nomination. He also won the Republican nomination in 1952. Both years, he lost but ran well ahead of the Republican ticket. For the next eight years, Mr. Brooke concentrated on his law practice. He became active in the American Veterans of World War II (now Amvets), where he demonstrated his ability to appeal across racial lines, becoming the organization’s state commander and national judge advocate.

Mr. Brooke returned to politics in 1960, winning the Republican nomination for secretary of state. In November, he lost to Kevin White, the future four-term mayor of Boston, by only 12,000 votes. With favorite-son John F. Kennedy heading the Democratic ticket, it was not the best year to be running as a Republican in Massachusetts. His near-victory having marked him as a political talent to watch, Mr. Brooke was appointed chairman of the Boston Finance Commission by Republican Governor John A. Volpe. Mr. Brooke made headlines, uncovering corruption in various city agencies.

Besting Elliot Richardson, a future US attorney general, Mr. Brooke won the GOP nomination for state attorney general in 1962 and went on to victory in November. “My God, that’s the biggest news in the country,” President Kennedy said when informed of Mr. Brooke’s victory.

Mr. Brooke gained a reputation as a political Mr. Clean with his pursuit of public corruption. He brought indictments against a former governor, two speakers of the House, and a public safety commissioner. He was reelected in 1964 with the largest plurality of any Republican running in the country that year. He attracted national attention for his coordination of the hunt for the serial killer known as the Boston Strangler.

In 1966, Mr. Brooke sailed into the Senate, easily defeating his Democratic opponent, former Governor Endicott Peabody, winning by more than 400,000 votes. Mr. Brooke’s most notable achievements in Washington came in the field of housing. He was instrumental in passing the Civil Rights Act of 1968, whose key component was an open-housing amendment sponsored by Mr. Brooke and US Senator Walter Mondale, a Minnesota Democrat.

A year later, he authored the so-called Brooke Amendment, which capped public housing rent at 25 percent of the resident’s income. Mr. Brooke proved a frequent thorn in the side of President Nixon. He successfully worked against two of Nixon’s Supreme Court nominees, Clement Haynsworth and G. Harrold Carswell. In 1973, he was the first Senate Republican to call for Nixon’s resignation.

“I loved working for him,” said Brian Lees, a former state Senate Republican leader who was an aide to Mr. Brooke at the end of his US Senate tenure. “He really believed in the art of compromise. One of the things he said to me always was, ‘Just remember that there are two sides to every issue.’ He was a very strong Republican, but believed you had to work together to get things done. He was disturbed by what is happening in Washington now, that people aren’t sitting down and working things out.”

After leaving office, Mr. Brooke joined a Washington law firm. He also served on several corporate boards and was chairman of the Boston Bank of Commerce. He was chairman of the Low-Income Housing Coalition. He served on President Reagan’s Commission on Housing and the Senate’s Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians, investigating treatment of Japanese Americans during World War II.

Mr. Brooke led “the life of a country gentleman,” as one associate put it. He moved to a farm in northern Virginia, an hour’s commute from his law practice in Washington. In 1979, he married Anne Fleming, who survives him. For the most part, Mr. Brooke kept a low public profile. He was again in the news in 1989 when a government audit found he had made $183,000 in consulting fees from developers seeking rent subsidies from HUD. An audit nine years later cleared him of any wrongdoing. In 2000, the state courthouse at the corner of New Chardon and Merrimac streets was named after him.

In 2002, Mr. Brooke was diagnosed with breast cancer, which is rare in men, and underwent a double mastectomy. “When the doctor told me,” he said in a 2003 New York Times interview, “all I could say was, ‘Me? Come on.’ ” In 2004, Mr. Brooke was awarded the nation’s highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom. He published an autobiography, “Bridging the Divide,” in 2006. Three years later, two days after turning 90, he was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal. Mr. Brooke, President Obama said at the ceremony, “moved the arc of history.”

In addition to his wife and two daughters, from his first marriage, Remi and Edwina, he leaves a son from his second marriage, Edward IV. Mr. Brooke’s first wife died in 1994.

A true gentleman of decency, character, and of the highest integrity.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Curt Schilling says Hall of Fame snubbed him for being Republican
'I know that as a Republican, that there's some people who really don't like that,' Schilling said a day after getting denied entry into Cooperstown for a third straight year while suggesting that fellow pitcher John Smoltz was voted in for being a Democrat.

Curt Schilling says Hall snubbed him for being Republican - NY Daily News

but he overlooked this:

"Instead of challenging Schilling’s accusation, which ignores the fact that Smoltz donated money to Republican Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign in 2012, one of the hosts ran with it."

Afterwards, everything was straightened out ...


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State

The US has had 57 straight months of private sector job growth, adding nearly 11 million jobs. [White House, 12/5/14]
In the third quarter of 2014 the GDP rose an astonishing 5.0%. [Business Insider, 12/23/14]
Gas prices are headed to their lowest levels in 11 years which is expected to save the average American family $550 next year. [Syracuse.com, 12/16/14]
In November, we saw the highest single month of job creation in three years. [Business Insider, 12/5/14]
The unemployment rate is at its lowest level since 2008, before President Obama took office. [USA Today, 11/7/14]
Consumer confidence has reached a seven-year high. [Bloomberg, 12/18/14]

DNC to McConnell: Hahahahahahahahahahaha. | Factivists

jus' a thought ...


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
The US has had 57 straight months of private sector job growth, adding nearly 11 million jobs.
Job growth really started moving when the Rebubs took the gavel from Stretch Pelosi and with the sequester and the drop in oil prices; all things that BHO didn't want to have happen.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State

Huckabee Compares Accepting Gay Marriage To Asking A Jew To Eat Bacon | ThinkProgress

Presumptive presidential candidate Mike Huckabee (R) has a long history of opposing LGBT equality, and he proved Sunday morning that his basic understanding of what it means to be gay has not evolved. When Dana Bash asked him on CNN’s State of the Union if being gay is a choice, he deflected the question, but proceeded to compare that “lifestyle” to drinking alcohol, using profanity, and enjoying classical music or ballet.
Defending the claim in his new book that he has gay friends, Huckabee explained, “People can be my friends who have lifestyles that are not necessarily my lifestyle. I don’t shut people out of my circle or out of my life because they have a different point of view. I don’t drink alcohol, but gosh — a lot of my friends, maybe most of them, do. You know, I don’t use profanity, but believe me, I’ve got a lot of friends who do. Some people really like classical music and ballet and opera — it’s not my cup of tea.”
But then Huckabee shifted to the idea of Christians being forced to accept and recognize people who are gay, seeming to allude to the many wedding vendors who have lost discrimination complaints after refusing to serve same-sex couples. “I’d like to think that there’s room in America for people who have different points of view without screaming and shouting and wanting to shut their businesses down,” he said, suggesting that “they,” as in LGBT activists, want to put Christian businesses “really in an economic position of disenfranchisement.”
Later in the conversation, clarifying his opposition to same-sex marriage, Huckabee offered some bizarre comparisons for when Christians are asked to accept marriage equality. “It’s like asking someone who’s Jewish to start serving bacon-wrapped shrimp in their deli,” he said. “We don’t want to do that — I mean, we’re not going to do that. Or like asking a Muslim to serve up something that is offensive to him, or to have dogs in his backyard.”
These comparisons conflate the product served with the customer served. Jewish delis, per Huckabee’s example, are free to set their own menu; they can choose to sell pastrami but not bacon-wrapped shrimp, or umbrellas, or cat food. Nondiscrimination protections protect who the business serves; the Jewish deli cannot pick and choose who is allowed to buy that pastrami based on customers’ identities, like refusing to sell to Christians, for example. Same-sex couples have filed complaints against wedding vendors like bakeries, florists, photographers, and venues because they were refused the same product or service that is offered to different-sex couples. Unlike Huckabee’s claim, these complaints are playing out not because vendors are being asked to provide a product they don’t already offer, but because they’re refusing to serve gay customers equally.
Huckabee stopped short of suggesting that it should be okay to refuse service to people for drinking alcohol, swearing, or watching PBS.

Huck = not noted for his tolerance.


Jeb Bush:

Classmates Remember Jeb Bush As A Regular Pot-Smoker | ThinkProgress

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) jumped on the Boston Globe report this week to call Bush a hypocrite. “This is a guy who now admits he smoked marijuana but he wants to put people in jail who do,” Paul told the Hill. “You would think he’d have a little more understanding, then.”

These are two of the lesser lights considering running for the White House in 2016.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
quit picking on Scott Walker:

Scott Walker won't take questions from reporters during London trip following Chris Christie's disastrous performance last week | Daily Mail Online

Scott Walker won't take questions from reporters during London trip following Chris Christie's disastrous performance last week
Wisconsin governor plans no press conferences in the UK and his handlers aren't allowing reporters to interview him
He's in London on a trade mission representing his state government
Last week New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie crashed and burned as he tried to establish foreign policy bona fides
After starting a controversy over vaccines, Christie canceled his final press conferences rather than face questions from an aggressive British press

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker will carefully avoid the media during his trip to the United Kingdom, on the heels of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's disastrous London swing a week ago.

He is scheduled to have a private meeting with British Prime Minister David Cameron on Tuesday, but unlike Christie he will not take questions from the media while he's overseas.

Daily Mail Online asked his press secretary, Laurel Patrick, about interview opportunities and press conferences; she said neither would occur.

'Unfortunately, the Governor's schedule is extremely tight,' Patrick said, 'so we will not be able to accommodate (you).'

Too bad the news media in the USA are such puny pansies by comparison to the British media.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State

Jeb Bush’s advisers: Wolfowitz, Chertoff, Hadley, Porter Goss, Michael Hayden (What could go wrong?)

Bush is casting a wide net for advice on national security. An aide provided to Reuters a diverse list of 20 diplomatic and national security veterans who will be providing informal advice to Bush in the coming months.

Many of them are from past Republican administrations, including those of his father and brother as well as that of Ronald Reagan.

The list includes people representing a wide spectrum of ideological views in the Republican Party, from the pragmatic to the hawkish. It includes James Baker, known for his pragmatism in key roles during the Reagan and George H.W. Bush presidencies, and former World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz, a hawk as deputy defense secretary who was an architect of George W. Bush's Iraq policy.

Among others are two former secretaries of Homeland Security, Tom Ridge and Michael Chertoff, former national security adviser Stephen Hadley and a deputy national security adviser, Meghan O'Sullivan, as well as two former CIA directors, Porter Goss and Michael Hayden.

Jeb Bush addresses family legacy: 'I'm my own man' | Reuters

Scott Walker will be well advised to find a better group than this if he hopes to win the nomination as GOP candidate.