Ferguson grand jury makes decision; announcement tonight


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Also, what's with tear gas and bean bag bullets.. where's the water cannons???



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
'You are too much of a p***y to shoot me': Explosive US grand jury evidence reveals how 'aggressive' black teenager taunted white police officer before he was shot dead

The evidence, unveiled by St Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch, includes the testimony of 28-year-old officer Darren Wilson after he fatally shot Michael Brown, 18, August 9. It also features never-before seen photos of the white officer's injuries (top left and bottom left), clothing, car (top right) and weapon (inset), witness statements and more than 1,000 other legal documents. It comes just hours after McCulloch announced that the jury of seven men and five women found that 'no probable cause exists' to indict Wilson in the shooting in Ferguson, Missouri. Bottom right, shards of glass from Wilson's smashed window.

Grand jury evidence reveals how Michael Brown taunted Darren Wilson | Daily Mail Online


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
morning would have been the worst time

too many innocents in the street during the day

business people already in the shops preparing before hand to open for the day

it had to be night and after most "normal" people would be out of the area

Yeah, guess you're right.. they would have been in the shops and able to protect their property..


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
I hope this sends a strong message to those who are a few points short upstairs that when a cop stops you, do exactly whatEVER they tell you to do...if you have to fight it, live to do so later regardless of whether the cop is young, old, white, black, fat, smart or stupid.

choose the battle wisely

Yeah, guess you're right.. they would have been in the shops and able to protect their property..
yeah that's exactly the mentality you want, fearful people just shooting wildly into a crowd


don't think up a rational response...knee jerk keyboarding is great


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
For CCN, I'm Joel Inter, imbedded with the citizens of Ferguson, Missouri. The media has been reporting that they are rioters and trouble makers, but that is not the case. Let's see if I can correct some of the misinformation.

For organizers of this event, things went better than expected. Earlier in the day, some locals were concerned that the prosecutor might charge the officer. Of course, that announcement would have overshadowed the planned decoration of the main street of town. Apparently, some of the businesses were scheduled to be remodeled today - a makeover planned for Christmas. While the media claimed that there were rioters downtown, there was no one fitting that description where I was. In fact, many of the businesses here are black owned. I was asked if there was any damage. Putting a new face on the downtown can appear messy, but no one here acted maliciously. This was planned well before the prosecutor's announcement. As to why it was done at night, one organizer pointed out that it would minimize the impact on sales.

It was amazing what the commited citizens of Ferguson managed to accomplish - coincidentally starting with the the store where Brown was alleged to have stolen some cigars. It was a carnival-like atmosphere, as locals and construction workers carefully removed merchandise to prevent it from being damaged during the remodelling.

According to people I spoke with last night, it will take a few weeks to get the downtown spruced up and ready for Christmas. From what I saw, the citizens and invited guests from out of town really dove into their work.

I was scolded by some out-of-towners for suggesting that it looked vaguely like a riot near the police station. To be clear, this was not a mob and certainly not anti-social behaviour. This was a planned event.

There was a misunderstanding early in the evening - apparently started by the major news networks. Some television viewers misinterpreted the celebration as anger, purposely set fires, the use of tear gas and destruction of property. The media kept using words like 'looters', 'troublemakers' and even 'rioters'. One reporter used the n word, 'Nuckleheads', to mislead viewers. I reviewed some of the footage this morning and was appauled. The editors must have been working overtime to make things look like there was trouble in Ferguson.

More later. For CCN, I'm Joel Inter.
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Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
I don't watch or listen to him at all. You not only watch and listen to him but you agree with him.

And you say he is right wing? Again... do you even listen to yourself?

He calls himself "paleoconservative" - by any chance are you now accusing me of being a right winger?

For CCN, I'm Joel Inter, imbedded with the citizens of Ferguson, Missouri. The media has been reporting that they are rioters and trouble makers, but that is not the case. Let's see if I can correct some of the misinformation ....

It was amazing what the commited citizens of Ferguson managed to accomplish ...

According to people I spoke with last night, it will take a few weeks to get the downtown spruced up and ready for Christmas. From what I saw, the citizens and invited guests from out of town really dove into their work.


I was scolded by some out-of-towners for suggesting that it looked vaguely like a riot near the police station. To be clear, this was not a mob and certainly not anti-social behaviour. This was a planned event.

There was a misunderstanding early in the evening - apparently started by the major news networks. Some television viewers misinterpreted the celebration as anger, purposely set fires, the use of tear gas and destruction of property. The media kept using words like 'looters', 'troublemakers' and even 'rioters'. One reporter used the n word, 'Nuckleheads', to mislead viewers. I reviewed some of the footage this morning and was appauled. The editors must have been working overtime to make things look like there was trouble in Ferguson.

More later. For CCN, I'm Joel Inter.

I watched the Ustream channel (and others) that was listed on this thread last night. The broadcasters and the viewers agreed that much of the "riot" was caused by agent provocateurs as police refused to arrest people who caused trouble while arresting peaceful protesters. This is exactly what happened when COINTELPRO created havoc in the 1960s and it was there for all the world to see so that nobody here needs to pretend that I made it up.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
He calls himself "paleoconservative" - by any chance are you now accusing me of being a right winger?

You inadvertently accused yourself. That is what made it humorous.

I watched the Ustream channel (and others) that was listed on this thread last night. The broadcasters and the viewers agreed that much of the "riot" was caused by agent provocateurs as police refused to arrest people who caused trouble while arresting peaceful protesters. This is exactly what happened when COINTELPRO created havoc in the 1960s and it was there for all the world to see so that nobody here needs to pretend that I made it up.

Yup... you're the Alex Jones type for sure.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Hee, hee, hee - well now you won't be accusing me of being a librul any more. ;)

Oh you're a liberal for sure. Confused and being an Alex Jones fan you seem even more out there than I thought. I googled the guy... he's a 9/11 Truther as well!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Oh you're a liberal for sure. Confused and being an Alex Jones fan you seem even more out there than I thought. I googled the guy... he's a 9/11 Truther as well!

On my many trips to the Western U.S. years ago I found Americans to be a friendly, compassionate and law abiding people. Apparently much different from the modern day f**kers living to the east who seem to think that to protest one has to cause mayhem and break things. Not everything in the world is right but you don't correct it by being an A$$hole!:)


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
On my many trips to the Western U.S. years ago I found Americans to be a friendly, compassionate and law abiding people. Apparently much different from the modern day f**kers living to the east who seem to think that to protest one has to cause mayhem and break things. Not everything in the world is right but you don't correct it by being an A$$hole!:)

Let me get this straight... Americans in the western US don't riot and cause mayhem... it is just those on the East Coast US?