Death knell for AGW


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
It's just a link from the results of a search that shows that all his posts except one are in this thread....thus the one trick pony.....

I've barely been on the board; how many tricks were you expecting... hoping for?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
if only you could be as forthcoming.
I have been. You're just an agenda troll, so you're blind to it.

It's why I knew you'd be entertaining.

For some reason you have a real difficulty in answering fairly basic questions/requests.
Not true, that's just you projecting.

I'm still waiting for you to show me a quote from the last 30 days that supports your claims about me. I asked quite a while ago.

I actually have no hope of you even trying, or conceding that you've made an error. You're an agenda troll, therefore completely incapable of honesty.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
and you still have not answered the question directly. The one question covered it quite nicely, it was only when you seemed unable to comprehend the question that I broke it down. Even then, you still have not directly answered the question, but instead, have chosen to continue your dance. All I can do is surmise that you really don't have a clue about AGW and are just mouthing what you have been indoctrinated with.
I'd go as far as saying he needs you to state your position and claims succinctly, so he can scoop a canned reply off site.

I'd stake a lot on that being the case actually.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
I actually have no hope of you even trying, or conceding that you've made an error. You're an agenda troll, therefore completely incapable of honesty.

point the error out; why keep up your sham... just state what error I made. If its legitimate I most certainly will correct it. Please show me you aren't a troll, you have no agenda and that you're completely honest... just state my error.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
point the error out; why keep up your sham... just state what error I made. If its legitimate I most certainly will correct it.
Oh good, a challenge.

You stated that I was denier. Please show me a quote of mine where I clearly state that in some way shape or form.

This should be entertaining, lol.

Please show me you aren't a troll, you have no agenda and that you're completely honest... just state my error.
I am a troll, a cannibal troll to be exact.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
and you still have not answered the question directly. The one question covered it quite nicely, it was only when you seemed unable to comprehend the question that I broke it down. Even then, you still have not directly answered the question, but instead, have chosen to continue your dance. All I can do is surmise that you really don't have a clue about AGW and are just mouthing what you have been indoctrinated with.

no - I answered your question; I stated I accept that AGW is occurring. I also stated your other 2 questions are not simple answers as they reflect upon varying scenarios inclusive of emission reduction strategies, policy directions, actions to adapt/mitigate/prevent, etc. Does your denier mind only think in absolutes?


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
no - I answered your question; I stated I accept that AGW is occurring. I also stated your other 2 questions are not simple answers as they reflect upon varying scenarios inclusive of emission reduction strategies, policy directions, actions to adapt/mitigate/prevent, etc. Does your denier mind only think in absolutes?

Fine then, the scenario is that we do limited mitigation.

also, show where I have stated I do not believe in Climate change. Just include me in the search you're doing with Bear.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
you were asked to substantiate your statement concerning ocean warming. Is this a problem... for you?

probably? Climate does not just "change" on its own. Please state what causal tie(s) you interpret as the attribution behind today's relatively recent warming/climate change.

that's called a cherry-pick... around the significant anomalous ENSO event of 97/98. It's also you isolating on surface temperature only.

notwithstanidng your global wealth redistribution nonsense, you seem to concentrate your named target focus on non-scientists - well done! Why do deniers couch their denial in strawmen?

I am not a scientist.

I sincerely doubt you are either.

What arouses my severe suspicion of the GW panic is a number of factors:

1. The 97% concensus. BS. Global Warming Alarmists Caught Doctoring '97-Percent Consensus' Claims - Forbes

2. The Al Gore phenom. Al Gore is a con artist, a liar of gargantuan proportions. Then he sold his broadcasting assets to QATAR. lol

3. The Celebrity pile-on. From people that, as I pointed out, each have the carbon footprint of a small town. DiCaprio attended the Brazil soccer matches on the fifth largest yacht in the world, and flew in 30 "friends" to keep him company. IMHO neither the yacht nor the aircraft were powered by solar panels. ANYTHING that encompasses this much hypocrisy needs to be approached with huge doses of suspicion.

4. "Scientists" claiming people that disagree with them should be jailed or worse. David Suzuki for example.

5. Dr. Michael Mann and his "hockey stick" hoax. Lousy data, massaged to fit preconceived ideas, produced by a serial liar that claims, among other things, that he is a Nobel laureate and his data has been verified by various scientific bodies. Nope.

6. The fact I was around in the late 1970s when the Chicken Little panic was the coming Ice Age....right.

7. The fact that so few of the predicted disasters of GW have happened. Where are the multitudinous massive storms?? Where is the ice free North Pole?? The vastly rising sea levels?? Quite simply, they aren't.

8. The fact that temperature readings are based on the last 150 years, which is 1/26666666 of the history of the earth.

9. The Pause.

10. The propaganda against resource development supported by outside oil producing areas like Qatar.

11. The fact that if the UN told me water was wet, I'd have to take a bath to be convinced.

12. The East Anglia e-mails.

13. The fact that the GW panic has meant nations and organizations have sunk hundreds of millions of dollars into climate research, collected by the very scientists that promote loop.

Considering the above, you have to be a fool NOT to be a skeptic.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
if you're genuine in your questioning... concerning forcings, per the IPCC:

So, whatever the graph/chart/table is suppose to represent, this is what has
been driving the global climate warming/cooling/change for ther last 4-6
billion years? Sorry, but I sort'a thought you'd answer in English.



House Member
Oct 19, 2009
You do realize you're embarrassing yourself, right?

There are several, #2400 was the quickest to find.

I look forward to further evasion.

if you want to play word games I could suggest that's a generalized statement about "know-nothing deniers". You've had little to offer other than claiming dishonesty, fabrication, emotion, etc.. Why not settle out your own very overt emotional stance and simply state what your position is on AGW, global warming, climate change. Simply step-up and state you're not the denier you believe I have labeled you. Waiting....

Well aren't you an optimist! Lol.

yet another drive-by? If you're going to spend time in the thread why not actually contribute to the thread topic/discussion?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
if you want to play word games I could suggest that's a generalized statement about "know-nothing deniers". You've had little to offer other than claiming dishonesty, fabrication, emotion, etc.. Why not settle out your own very overt emotional stance and simply state what your position is on AGW, global warming, climate change. Simply step-up and state you're not the denier you believe I have labeled you. Waiting....
This should be entertaining, lol.

I look forward to further evasion.
I wish I could predict lottery numbers as accurately.


Council Member
Jan 19, 2012
Van Isle
no - I answered your question; I stated I accept that AGW is occurring. I also stated your other 2 questions are not simple answers as they reflect upon varying scenarios inclusive of emission reduction strategies, policy directions, actions to adapt/mitigate/prevent, etc. Does your denier mind only think in absolutes?

What a load of hog chit.