yeah but he won't be will he?
won't he be a part of a hive?
As a civilization the West is suffering a crisis of confidence. Traditional Western beliefs have been discredited by some elements of the Western Left. This causes rootlessness and a search for meaning which should have been filled by the traditional belief systems of Western civilization.
Islam is a missionary faith that provides absolute certainty for some rootless people. We can expect to see more rootless people turn to Islam in a search for meaning in their lives. For many of these people the wheels will come off the bus and they will seek unity with their Brothers by acting out impromptu versions of jihad. What this fuzzy wuzzy convert did will be repeated.
At the same time Muslim societies in the middle east are coming apart at the seams. They have produced millions of young men for whom jihad will also provide an answer to the meaning of life. They will be an even greater danger than lone wolves.
Lone wolves kill for food, and survival.
Sorry, it's a spiritual thing.
This guy was a lone nut, who martyred himself.
I use "lone wolf" as a term of art to describe someone who is not acting in concert with anyone else.
If his hive is anything like him we dont have much to worry about. We are still far more likely to be killed in a random accident than one of these guys.
A more confident society would have little to fear. However, it would not take many lone wolves each acting alone to create crippling fear among Western publics.