Colbert blasts Fox imbecile, Hannity on corporal punishment


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
My children are not "mine",,as in "possessions". I've raised four "temporary gifts", and they never had to "fear' that a bully was going to get angry and hurt them. The last thing I will do if I see one of those "gifts" being physically abused,,,,would be to "refrain".


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
My children are not "mine",,as in "possessions". I've raised four "temporary gifts", and they never had to "fear' that a bully was going to get angry and hurt them. The last thing I will do if I see one of those "gifts" being physically abused,,,,would be to "refrain".

Holy crap can the cliches.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
When you're being f-cked hard up the @ss, comedy helps you accept the @ss f-cking. There is zero being exposed by either of those putzes that isn't already in the open.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
My children are not "mine",,as in "possessions". I've raised four "temporary gifts", and they never had to "fear' that a bully was going to get angry and hurt them. The last thing I will do if I see one of those "gifts" being physically abused,,,,would be to "refrain".

My youngest is 30.

I never struck them with anything other than an open hand, and then rarely.

But if I am reasonably disciplining my child, you had best refrain.


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
Stephen Colbert blasts Sean Hannity for defending Adrian Peterson, corporal punishment

Stephen Colbert discussed the NFL’s very troubling and unacceptable domestic abuse problem, on Thursday night. However, not everyone thinks that certain cases are problematic: Sean Hannity recently defended Minnesota Vikings player Adrian Peterson, who was arrested for whipping his 4-year-old with a tree branch.

“I got hit with a strap. Bam, bam, bam,” Hannity explained mimicking the beating with his belt. “And I’ve never been to a shrink — by my father. I will tell you I think I deserved it. I think [Peterson] went too far, but I don’t want to see this guy get a felony. I don’t want to see this guy lose his job.”

At the spanking display, Colbert exclaimed, “Pumpkin Patch! Pumpkin Patch!” then turned to the audience and explained, “I’m sorry, it’s just, ‘pumpkin patch’ was the safe word that Sean and I agreed on.”

Colbert agrees with Hannity that Peterson definitely went too far, and accepted Hannity’s assertion that being whipped with a belt has no negative effects: “After all, Sean’s dad whipped him with a belt and he never needed to go to a psychotherapist. He just has to have them on his show three times a week.” And by golly, there’s a strong case to be made that all those much-deserved thrashings helped Sean Hannity become the mature, sane, even-keeled person he is today:

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Stephen Colbert blasts Sean Hannity for defending Adrian Peterson, corporal punishment -

Do you have children? If so, how do you discipline them?


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Sometimes you need to spank your kid...

Tired of the PC Liberals trying to tell people how they should raise their kids.. and look at the outcome, lazy, drug addicted looking for a hand out Liberals


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
IMO different kids need different approaches to being disciplined. Sometimes a stern word is all you need, sometimes just being 'maybe' upset works (as with my niece) and sometimes more than that is required. There's a line, to me, between spanking a kid or slapping the back of their hand to abusing them. My mom was wicked with the plastic spoon she used when I was little, but she didn't use it often. In fact I remember the soap for saying bad things more than the spoon (which is why I will never touch ivory soap again).

Yeah things change and all but sometimes not for the better and I think this is one of those things.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Sometimes you need to spank your kid...

Tired of the PC Liberals trying to tell people how they should raise their kids.. and look at the outcome, lazy, drug addicted looking for a hand out Liberals

Well if you're tired of them PC liberals then you need to be smart enough to convince them of your philosophy or you will just have to deal with them the rest of your life.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Well if you're tired of them PC liberals then you need to be smart enough to convince them of your philosophy or you will just have to deal with them the rest of your life.

That is a problem. We are going to suffer with the problems they created for at least two generations.